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Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration

Published on Feb 10, 2016

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Nomadic Empires & Eurasian Integration

By: Jonathan Goh

Question #1

  • Commerce was small scale
  • Nomads sought agricultural products and manufactured goods
  • Brisk trade linked nomadic and settled societies during the classical era
  • Nomads were ideally suited to organize and lead caravans

Question #2

  • During the mid-late 10th century many Saljuq Turks served with the Abbassid
  • In 1055 the caliph Tughril Beg became the sultan
  • They had very good calvary forces
  • They had very good ranged attacks as well
  • Turks displaced Byzantine authority and setup political/social institutions

Question #3

  • Genghis Khan created useful alliances by conquering rival groups
  • He brought all of the Mongol tribes under a single confederation
  • By 1206, Mongol Leaders recognized his supremacy
  • He created many great policies that strengthened the Mongol peoples
  • Genghis Khan led his army to many great victories

Question #4

  • Genghis Khan appointed people based on their abilities/talents
  • People were not appointed by kinship of relationships to power anymore
  • He broke many tribes apart and forced men of fighting age to join his army
  • The policies created made a much stronger confederation
  • Many conflicts were avoided between other clans and tribes

Question #5

  • Khubilai Khan ruled all of China through his relentless attacks on the Song
  • He eliminated resistance against him from, this started the Yuan Dynasty
  • Several invasions against Cambodia, Vietnam, Java, and Burma were launched
  • He later attempted invading Japan, but all of these attacks failed