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Professional singers

Published on Dec 04, 2015

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Professional singers

By Holli Selmon

Why I chose this career

I chose this career because I've always wanted to be a singer since I was little. It's always been my hobby and I've always wanted to be like the singers on TV. Also my cousin made a song called Precious Child and posted it on iTunes.

Photo by keunerr

What they do

One thing that a professional singer does is record music. They also perform at concerts and write their own music.

What you need

The things you need for this career are the ability to read music. You also need a Bachelor of Music degree. The last thing you need is the ability to sing with only looking at the sheet music without the music accompaniment.

Photo by bhagath makka

My goal

My goal for this career is that I would get to perform in a concert, auditorium, or performance at least once.

Photo by nosha

This was my presentation on a professional singer. I hope you enjoyed it!

Photo by theqspeaks