FB Video 1

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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The Art Of Facebook



This is a Primer-your basic guide or roadmap for those who are kinda new to FB, or the focus up to now has been only on close friends and family connections. Now you’d like to learn more. Find out what is possible.
Or you just don’t know where to go to learn about all the cool features available to play with on your FB profile-everything seems to be about FB Pages and targeted ADS and you’re not there yet-- AND for those small business people like me who were early adopters and have maxed out the 5000 friends, still building connections and influence through followers but with all the recent changes, you need a refresher... plus you know you’re scared to death of dropping into the Black Hole of the dreaded Time Wasting Vortex!
You also want to know how do you organize different sets/groups of friends into an organized, easy to see, easy to find out what’s going on with your favorite important people-in a seamless way-see what they post.
What we know for sure? Just when you feel comfortable with the most recent updates to Facebook, along comes a whole new round.
We’re going to show you how to do this.

Playground Rules

Photo by RLHyde

Basic Primer For Your Facebook Profile

Who is this for? Some just want to be a friend, know how to be oranized, change your cover - some want to meet new friends, some want to build a network of like-minded people.


Photo by tom cochrane


Problem - overwhelmed, confused, self-taught, better ways to set up FB profile
Because FB is always changing and new social media platforms are starting up every day it seems.


Problem - not enough time to figure it out and learn it all.
We are here to help you put things in an organized way and simplify - so you can spend your time having more fun with your friends.
Photo by flod

We have made many mistakes.

just for you!! Share this information to get out of overwhelm, gain focus, protect privacy, organize friends, be authentic

And we have seen lots of mistakes made by others.

Are you hesitant?

Even scared to post something on Facebook?

For fear that you may upset or offend someone?

Photo by a4gpa

Or even worse - look or feel like a fool?

Photo by sickmouthy

Afraid that your personal information will suddenly go viral?

Others who have lost jobs, spouses, credit card info, privacy
Photo by Tony Webster


Photo by moriza

Or maybe you have a business, club,charity function or event you want to promote...


Photo by rishibando

Great Aunt Sally keeps complaining that you keep posting stuff on her wall that she does not want to see?

Photo by roger4336

Pounce and Pitch Club

Shudder nobody wants to be the pounce and pitch kid AVOID
Photo by rick

Fear No More!

First of 4 videos in this Webinar series, this video is XX minutes long and if you listen and take action today you will be well on your way to meeting new FB friends.
Photo by stuant63

Superheros Are Here

Superpower facebook gals are here to help

And If You Want To Take It Up A Notch

Average N American woman has an average.of 250 friends on FB - To optimize your profile. You don’t want to be average - take it up to 500
Photo by FutUndBeidl

Why Facebook?

936 million daily active users on average for March 2015
798 million mobile daily active users on average for March 2015
1.44 billion monthly active users as of March 31, 2015
1.25 billion mobile monthly active users as of March 31, 2015
Approximately 82.8% of our daily active users are outside the US
and Canada

This is where the Party is...
936 million daily active users

Photo by Justin in SD

As of March 31, 2015

  • 798 million mobile daily active users
  • 1.44 billion monthly active users
  • 1.25 billion mobile monthly active
As of March 31, 2015

Approximately 82.8% of our daily active users are outside the US

and Canada

Canadians Are The Most Active Daily Users On Facebook

Photo by wisegie

Here Is What You Will Learn

The Art of Facebook Friendship - Simple Lessons learned on the Playground….

that work on Facebook.

2. Your ABOUT section.

How and why to fill it out.

3. How to organize your friends

Specific lists and send posts directly to each list.
Photo by *m22

Be Nice

1st playground RULE Just Be Nice the notes :No bullhorns or religion or politics Check your Other Messages - once a month - could be some good messages there.
Photo by David Reece


2nd Playground RULE Stop, Look Listen Listen more than you talk.

Be Polite

3rd Playground RULE (If you don’t know someone, then a good idea to FOLLOW them first ) So you can get to know them first and they can get to know you too (Building relationships). (DID you know that if you request a friend connection and the person says no, then FB will ask them if they know you-if they answer NO then FB can and will suspend you if you have a number of these-and no one knows how many of these are the magic number.
Photo by liquidnight

Share - Links, Photos, Videos

4th RULE - Content of value (in beginning share others links, and videos) As you grow more experienced share what you’re creating and other’s content too. Share topics you really like and you will get more on that topic. Make sure you like, comment, and share other people's items. That teaches Facebook what kinds of things you like to see in your feed
Photo by nhuisman

Show Up

5th Rule Don’t Be a creeper or a lurker If you have friends who never like, never share, never comment, and never post their own things, THEY HURT
Photo by prosto photos

Be A Good Friend

6th RULE - the Golden Rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be assertive Not Aggressive
All the RULES are tips for “being a Good Friend"
Photo by Ed Yourdon

"Like" Bomb

Do this on a daily basis-LIKE 3 posts on a person’s profile-do more than one person-make them happy

Photo by Bob Jagendorf

Be Thoughtful

Use your Birthday App and remember to wish each and every friend Happy Birthday (use images and video links when you really want to stand out) Tip: best times to stand out…. or even better do short video greetings-great opportunity to shake it up here and be original
Photo by Will Clayton

Be Generous

If you like something a friend has posted-then the ultimate compliment is to “share “ this with your friends. The more you share, the more people will like and appreciate you. Law of reciprocity

Speak Up

People also appreciate it when you leave positive comments. You’ll become known by this person. Leave positive comments-gain popularity-more people will want to be your friend too.
Remember to comment on your own.
Photo by Brendan Biele

No Rudeness

No Pouncing and Pitching allowed-ever

No Fighting

Never criticize, condemn or complain - Dale Carnegie’s - How to Win Friends and Influence People. Playground RULE - No Bullying

Be Happy

Quotes are heavily used and there is a reason-people love them so use them
Photo by Daniel Y. Go

About You Section

Up to date, check it once a month, public, most people don’t make it easy to find them - you want friends and co-workers to find you.
Photo by peteoshea



Show video

8 minutes
Photo by animaster

Begin It Now

Coming Next

Wrap it up Album organization, Designer Covers, Finding content - SAVE, Interest lists, Later moving into Business Pages, Engaging, Building Influence,
Photo by Great Beyond


Copy of Facebook Photos Video 2


Copy of How To Look Good On Your First Videos


Welcome Back


How To Look Good On Your First Videos


Facebook Photos Video 2