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westward expansion

Published on May 13, 2016

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westward expansion

by Kai h.
Photo by Scosanf

Back then, pioneers decided to head west to California or Oregon. It would be a long journey.

They would go along trails like these in long distances.

Photo by eoshea

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Photo by ShortShot

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  • They would stop at fort Laramie.
  • Fort Bridger
  • And Sutters fort.
Photo by Ken Lund

But they did not understand how painful the trip would be. People would die from the road.

Photo by _candid_

People were left to die. If some one fell out that would be big trouble.

Photo by skamalas

This is what can happen with no RESOURCES.

You will be left in the hot desert.
Photo by Vermin Inc

It was a long trip but they could stock up on supplies in forts. Stuff like food, rifles, ammo, and water.

There is a doll famous for being with patty reed, a survivor of the donner party.

Photo by lynnmanhart

Most of them died off. They usually would die of a big winter.

Photo by keeva999

Patty reeds doll was actually never forgotten by Patty.A desert like this would never have a doll in it.

Photo by Seryo

They would also stop at the Truckee river. Oxen could drink and rest up.

Photo by Ian Sane

These brave heroes survived the journey. It was tough. The few families that survived are super brave.

Photo by BLMOregon

That doll is a great example of the times the Donner party had went through.

And so here is Donner lake. Named after them. The Donners had stopped here.

Photo by buffdawgus