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Toward Emotional and Mental Balance

Published on Nov 18, 2015

All human characteristics, reactions, emotional responses that are habitual but seem unchangeable are DRIVEN by early life affect (emotional) learnings. These defy rational analysis and change because they are affect-based - no words. Af-x is the new way to reset preverbal drivers.


Everybody wants emotional contentment ... agree?


you too!

don't be a slave to infant conditioning

neuroscience 'says'

  • we all learn initial emotional reactions without word content
  • these 'preverbal' imprints become set very early - maybe "in the womb"
  • they automatically repeat (perseverate) into later childhood and adulthood
  • all this activity is unconscious and below and kept separate from awareness
  • we can't avoid 'the infant within' - but denied by our conscious ego
Photo by Keoni Cabral

talk therapy inadequate

  • preverbal imprints are 'state dependent'
  • state dependent means carried forward  in original learned mode
  • no verbal content; only pure primary affect or emotion
  • our adult selves are DRIVEN subconsciously by preverbal learnings
  • adult emotional reactions are influenced by 'the infant within'
Photo by Pulpolux !!!


Photo by marsmet535

driven by your preverbal emotional self - you can put a bag over that too 

Photo by marsmet481

your attitude to life can change

preverbal emotional imprints can be reset, but not through conscious will
Photo by wili_hybrid

there's a new kid on the block

  • a revolutionary subconscious 'reboot' program
  • operating 'against talk therapy'
  • respectful of who you already are
  • accepting you in the now
  • teaching you to 'feel you loving YOU'
Photo by Manu_H

and it's called ...

Af-x ... ... inner wealth without words
Photo by kevin dooley