Haiku Deck Superstar

3 Haiku Decks

mental wellness

mental wellness

11 Slides156 Views1 Haifive

Education, Inspiration

about emotional health and mental balance in a chaotic world. What about depression? What about anxiety? Perceptions skewed.

My Story

My Story

7 Slides127 Views

How To, Inspiration, Education

This Haiku Deck introduces Af-x, a revolutionary therapy program that is brief, successful and targets the core emotional aspect of us all - remnants of preverbal imprints still affecting us today

Toward Emotional and Mental Balance

Toward Emotional and Mental Balance

10 Slides267 Views2 Haifives

Science and Technology, How To, Inspiration

All human characteristics, reactions, emotional responses that are habitual but seem unchangeable are DRIVEN by early life affect (emotional) learnings. These defy rational analysis and change because they are affect-based - no words. Af-x is the new way to reset preverbal drivers.