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The Cold War

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Superpower: The name given to The United States and the Soviet Union because they were the few remaining powers able to dominate the world during the Cold War 2.

Photo by Dashu Pagla

United Nations: A global organization that promotes world wide cooperation.

Photo by isriya

Iron Curtain: A kind of "imaginary" barrier that divided Eastern and Western Europe during the Cold War.

Photo by AbhijeetRane

Containment: A policy issued by the U.S that tried to restrict Soviet power and influence around the world by stopping the spread of communism.

Marshall Plan: An American initiative, in which the U.S gifted Europe $13 billion for financial aid after World War 2.

NATO: The North American Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance that constitutes a collective defense for allied areas.

Warsaw Pact: The Soviet's response to NATO issuing an alliance and common defense policy into the Soviet bloc nations.

Arms Race: A competition between two political parties to make 'bigger' and better weapons.

Photo by AstroZombee23

Cultural Revolution: A period in China of revolutionary upheaval and political disagreements from 1966-1976.

Photo by Baron Reznik

Korean War: The Communist North Korea invaded South Korea leading to the involvement of the U.S, U.N, and other countries.

Viet Cong: The name given to the Vietnamese who supported communism during the Vietnam War.

Photo by h e r v e

Vietnam War: The war between the Communist North Vietnam and the U.S supported South Vietnam that began once the Viet Cong launched guerrilla warfare.

Domino Theory: A belief the speculates that if one country falls to communism, then other countries around it will fall to it also.

Covert Action: A foreign policy tool used by policy makers to increase national interest.

Photo by Ashitakka

Détente: A sort of break up for geo-political tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Deterrence: To refrain from acting upon something.

How did the Cold War change the World?
I believe that the Cold War had huge affects on who ended up as enemies or allies and how those nations are controlled. Even till this day Russia and the U.S still have political tensions but it would be far worse if it was not for the Cold War. The Cold War also helped people to retaliate against their communist controllers to create a stronger nation. This is evident to the end to the Berlin Wall, which was also the end for the Cold War. The Cold War basically made many countries reflect on their actions and power through their issues.

Photo by CassAnaya