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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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BY JUSTICe and hunter

a blizzard is a long intense snow storm with high winds and lots of snow.

how do they form

1. cold air is need to make snow. for the snow to fall it has to be cold up in the clouds and down on earth. if it is warm near ground the snowflakes will melt to rain/freezing rain

Photo by kevin dooley

if the air is too cold not much snow will form due to less water vapor...( cold air doesn't hold as much water vapor as cold air )

Photo by kevin dooley

2. warm rising air is needed to form clouds and precipitation. for a blizzard you need warm rising air to go over a cold air mass

- snow, cold temperatures, low to high wind,

severe blizzard time

Photo by MUTEvibe.

super bowl blizzard

Photo by JD Hancock

it was a record low pressure system, put tornadoes in the southeast, before heading to the midwest, where heavy snow and cold killed 100,00 farm animals.

Photo by simplerich

unlike many winter storms coming from canada it started inthe pacific, crossed the rockies and brewed up 45 tornadoes.

Total of 70 killed
377 people injured

Photo by Martinliao

the end

Photo by publicenergy