American Freedom
- Our dual allegiance
- Capitalism: freedom of choice
- Democracy: freedom of conscience
Today's education system centers capitalism's notion of freedom.
Teacher Freedom
- Teacher: Accountability
- Back in the day: An Art Form
- Today: Structure and Science
Student Freedom
- Student: Differentiation
- Back in the day: I adjust to school.
- Today: School adjusts to "me".
Challenge: Neither Pole
- Student and Teacher at extremes
- How do we get the pendulums centered?
How do we assure student freedom
isn't more choice in the capitalistic context?
"I do what I want."
How do we assure students are equipped with the deep understanding of their own unique conscience?
(ala Dewey)
"The purpose of public education is helping people understand what it means to be free."
Scientific Method
- Ask Questions
- Conduct Research
- Construct a Hypothesis
- Gather Information
- Analyze Data
Teaching & Learning
What it means to be free
Art & Science
Teaching & Learning:
Requires a different way of seeing
Life is best organized by principles of ecology not hierarchy.
Change is best understood by principles of relationship not force.
Freedom, for both teacher & student, is best unleashed through simple, shared structures, not unbounded prairies.
The Art & Science: Roadmap
*Individual Freedom and Group Structure