Exploring Types of Nonfiction p. 428
3 Types of nonfiction:
1. essays
2. articles
3. speechs
1. An essay examines and discusses a focused topic, often including the writer's personal viewpoint.
2. An article provides information about a topic, a person, or an event.
3. A speech presents a topic and may persuade, inform, explain, or entertain.
Essays, articles, and speeches are often used to inform or persuade an audience.
In general, articles present information more directly, while speeches and essays often blend information and opinion.
Essays can be short or long, formal or informal, and can cover a wide range of topics and purposes.
The writer contributes more than information to nonfiction.
1. style
2. tone
3. perspective
4. purpose
1. Style is the way a writer uses language.
2. Tone is the author's attitude toward both the subject and the reader.
3. Perspective is the viewpoint or opinion an author expresses about the subject.
4. Purpose is the author's reason for writing.
Types of Essays:
Essays can be categorized by the author's purpose.
1. narrative
2. descriptive
3. expository
4. persuasive
5. reflective
A writer might use more than one type of writing in a single essay.
A writer might include expository writing in a persuasive essay to explain he or she supports a viewpoint.