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Chapter 6:Section 1 BRAZIL: Geography Shapes a Nation

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Brazil: Geography Shapes a Nation

Photo by Rubem Jr


  • Learn about the geography of Brazil
  • Discover why the rain forests are important to Brazil and to the whole world
  • Find out what groups make up the people of Brazil and how they live.
Photo by simononly

Key Terms

  • canopy
  • Amazon rain forest
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Brasillia
  • savanna

What is the relative location of Brazil?
What is the capital of Brazil?
Facts about Brazil's geography?
* Brazil's rain forest covers 1/3 of the country.
*Brazil is the largest country in South America (it's about the size of the U.S.)
* Rio de Janeiro, the former capital is one of many cities that developed around Brazils coastal harbors
*Most of Brazil's population lives near the coast and away from the Rain forest

Why was Brasilia Built?
Built on a savanna to attract people to the interior of the country and the resources of the rain forest.

Photo by Lorenzoclick

Why is the rain forest important?

Photo by dotlizard

Important to life around the world.
* Produces 1/3 of the world's oxygen
*Has several million different species of plants, animals and insects
*Holds 1/5 of the world's fresh water
*Plants have many medicinal purposes

Photo by Miradortigre

What are the threats to the rain forest?

Trees absorb carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide traps heat, changing the climate.
certain plants and animals may perish.


Animals are captured or killed and taken out of the country.

Mercury, used in gold mining, polluted streams and made people sick.

Photo by SkyTruth

What are the threats to traditional ways of life?

Photo by pedrobiondi

Indigenous people of the rain forest
have been isolated.

Miners and farmers brought disease
and conflict to natives.

Photo by clee130

Who are the people of Modern Brazil?

Photo by Júlio Boaro

Native Americans of Brazil


Decsendants of African Slaves

Photo by cool-art

Many Brazilians are of European heritage. Others immigrated from Japan

Farms and Factories

  • Produce crops for export
  • Largest coffee producer in the world
  • Iron, steel, cars, and electrical equipment
Photo by angela7dreams

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