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Pentecostal Christianity

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by Bill Lollar


  • After 1850, there was a Holiness Revival in the US
  • Former Methodists, Prebyterians, and Baptists left their churches
  • They were unhappy with the lack of simplicity
  • London's Edward Irving in 1831 taught the importance of prophecy
  • Albert B. Simpson brought the English Keswick movement to the US


  • Pentecostalism was founded by Charles Fox Parham
  • Topeka, Kansas saw the first Pentecostals in 1901
  • Charles Fox Parham was a Methodist pastor who conducted bible classes
  • He taught that speaking in tongues was proof of God's presence
  • On Jan. 1, 1901, Agnes Ozman became the first to speak in tongues


  • In 1906, Pentecostalism gained attentiom
  • Azusa St. Revival in LA became famous
  • The leader was William J. Seymour, a black preacher
  • The church conducted 3 sevices every day and sent out pamphlets
  • The church was integrated and promoted speaking in tongues
Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Pentecostalism is Trinitatian
  • Man is a free moral agent and can go to hell
  • God clearly calls clergy to serve
  • Water baptism is needed for salvation
  • The baptism of the Holy Ghost (tongues)
Photo by Wonderlane


  • You cannot predict the second coming
  • Jesus will return to the earth
  • Evangelism is key
  • Hell is literally a lake of fire
  • It is the duty of the worshiper to pay tithes
Photo by CGP Grey

*Both Pentecostalism and Calvinism believe in Predestination for clergy.
*Like Catholicism, Pentecostalism believes in the Trinity

Photo by Connor Tarter

*There are vast internal differences between regional sects of Pentecostalism.
*More so than most sects of Christianity, Pentecostalism supports the idea that god can speak directly to everybody

Photo by failing_angel

California, Texas, and Florida (in that order) have the highest population percentage of Pentecostals in the US. It is growing abroad.

Photo by Marxchivist

As of 2010, China, Brazil, the US, and Nigeria have the most practicing Pentecostals. Pentecostalism is the fourth most populous religious denomination in the world

Photo by ToastyKen

*The international church leader is called "general superintendent".
*some women neither wear makeup nor do they cut their hair (they also usually only wear skirts)

*According to Pentecostalism, one can become "un-saved"
*There are also "good" and "bad" churches

Sources are on Google Doc