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Slide Notes

If you LOVE to accumulate items to have on hand just in case... you are likely a 'Saver' Organizing Personality!

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Saver Organizing Personality Style

http://bit.ly/flowformula Are you a #Saver Organizing personality? Does clutter bog you down? Learn about how you get and stay organized naturally! Take the #TSSI http://bit.ly/flowformula and finally master the dimensions of #time and #space! Get more #productive using your natural #flow formula!


A Saver...

feels that nearly everything is useful
If you LOVE to accumulate items to have on hand just in case... you are likely a 'Saver' Organizing Personality!

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Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by mbgrigby

Keeping items...

from Great Grandma?
Although a #Saver organizing personality loves their stuff... clutter can get the best of them and overwhelm their space.

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Photo by dog.happy.art


Are you a 'Saver' Organizing Style?
We all have natural behaviors regarding the use of time and how we organize the spaces we inhabit.

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Too Much to Read?

Feeling overwhelmed?
Saving reading material: books, papers, and magazines in hopes to 'find time' to read 'someday' can become a habit. But, when your stuff outgrows your space, you'll likely feel disorganized and overwhelmed! Try this simple tactic: Determine how long it takes you to read just one item, then do the math for the entire collection... It's likely time to get more realistic about your current time reality and priorities.
Photo by zoetnet

Holding On?

Technology rarely goes backward
Do you struggle to determine when an item has outlived its usefulness?

Technology rarely goes backward...

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Photo by dharder9475


Still holding on even after letting go?
If you're sentimental about everything, it may be difficult for a #Saver organizing personality to let go. When you keep more than you need or find useful, clutter results.

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Photo by hyacinth50

Do You Have Alot?

Will you ever use it?
We save certain things just because our parents did, and their parents, and their parents did, and that was because a long time ago, there were very few resources to go around... Have you kept up with a saving tradition just because your folks did?

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Photo by ahisgett

Do you feel like you have to?

What if someone needs it?
Savers often struggle with guilt and feeling overly responsible for others - and keep items just in case a friend needs something.

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Photo by Truthout.org

Too Much Storage?

(Yet not really used?)
Buying organizing products will NOT solve your clutter issues... Saver's typically need to pare down what they have so they:
1. Know what they have
2. Can store things without overwhelm
3. Have what they need
4. Know where to find items when they need them

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Photo by trilanes

Unmarked Containers?

Do you know what you have?
Savers tend to have lots of containers for their stuff - but leaving them umarked doesn't make you feel organized.
Labeling works well to help you categorize items and recognize what you have.

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Photo by wonder_al

Unidentified Cords? What do they belong to? Do I even have that anymore?

#Saver's believe that nearly 'everything is useful'! But, if you're simply keeping items beyond their usefulness, you'll become cluttered again quickly. When too many things are stacked up with no systems it can quickly feel disorganized!

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Photo by CGP Grey

Did You Pay 'Good Money' For It?

pssst: the money is already spent...
Just because it was costly to purchase... does not mean that it's valuable (to you) today! Items change in value. What's important is whether you are using what you have now, or if what you have is distracting from your lifestyle! If you are not loving, using and enjoying things, reconsider their 'value' to you.

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Photo by srgpicker

When was the last time...

you actually read any of those books?
Cluttered walls and shelves tend to blend into your decor. If you're looking to pare down, empty shelves and ask yourself: When was the last time I read or referred to this book? Your answer will dictate your decision to let it go.

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Photo by Saltygal

More Than You Need?

How many do you need, really?
Some #Savers keep things far beyond what is reasonable... If this is you, take a look around and ask yourself how many back ups you'll really need?

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Photo by davepatten

Is It Still Useful?

(Maybe it's time to move on...)
Usefulness is an important factor when deciding whether to keep things... Like those cassettes (albums and 8 tracks...) Ummm... it's time to move on!

Organized is defined as
1. knowing what you have
2. having what you need
3. knowing where to find items
4. finding things when you need them

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Overwhelmed with Supplies?

(Clearance Sale-itis?)
Do your backups have backups?

Sometimes #Savers keep many back up supplies on hand. If you do - take an inventory, and stop adding to your supply until it's used.

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Photo by Thomas Hawk



Saver's hold onto items because they believe it's 'still good'. But MANY items have expiration dates: food, makeup and other perishables should be checked and chucked after they expire.

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Photo by Nick Sherman

If you're a 'Saver'
Try these ideas...

There are prescriptive approaches that always help #Savers get organized.

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Photo by marfis75

Audit Your Collections

to determine what you have
Start with a deep audit of what you have and identify if you still love it, need it and use it! (And if you have too many to use, let things go)

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Pare down!

Find someone to adopt it!
If you know you'll never use it or need it - see if you can find other owners who will be willing to adopt items.

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Photo by djwtwo

Define Enough!

What is enough for you?
Then, take some time to answer this one important question: What is enough?

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Photo by justmakeit

Stop Shopping!

Instead, use what you have
If you're struggling with too much - you have to stop what is coming in... Stop shopping today.

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Photo by nathanmac87

Check Dates!

Most things expire... especially food
Check expiration dates on your perishable items!

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Photo by somegeekintn

Love It? Use It!

Don't wait for some day... 
If you love it, use it! Don't wait for someday... use it today!

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Photo by Elin B

Don't let the past

Control your future!
Don't let your past determine what your tomorrow will be...

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Photo by Arry_B

Choose Storage That Contains

Keep Only What Fits
Find see through containers so you know what you have - and keep only what fits inside!
Photo by Darlene Acero

Goals Light You Up!

Set goals to stay motivated
Write your goals for your future and keep them top of mind.

Enjoy The Moments!

Live it up!
Live for today and enjoy your moments!
Photo by carterse


If it will make someone happy
Purge your stuff! Savers are known for their huge hearts - so if it's time to let go, sort and purge collections then find organizations that will repurpose your items to pay it forward.

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Photo by Wonderlane

Let It Go!

If you don't love it, or haven't used it
It is okay to let it go if you no longer need it, love it or use it... Honest. (In fact it may go to someone else who could REALLY use it!)

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Photo by Teo

Use Labels Everywhere

Categorize by color, type, size or usefulness...
Label everything. This one simple technique always works to reveal what is inside and makes #Saver's happy!

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Embrace your style to create a more pleasing
life experience. #flow

Once you identify your space preference – are you an Everything Out™, Nothing Out™, Minimalist™, Saver™, Straightener™, or No Rules™ Style Preference, any change starts with self acceptance. Once there, you can begin to take steps to integrate more Flow Steps into your experience.

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Photo by rishibando

to resolve tension
and restore freedom
regardless of your personality preferenes

Flow Steps help you resolve your tension both in the dimensions of time and space. When you know what your natural preferences are, you can begin to take style-specific steps to integrate more Flow into your experience.

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Arrange Space
the way you like it

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preference and how you arrange space... So you can arrange, display or conceal items, as you like.

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Photo by Ian Sane

Understand what your clutter is saying...

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) provides a scored report for you unique style mix. It helps you understand your clutter and work with, instead of against yourself.

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Determine what items are most important to you

Your scored report gives you suggestions to help you work with preferences to help you evaluate and prioritize items. This helps you take steps to declutter.

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Photo by N-ino

Enhance Workflow & Manage Your Experience

By learning about your preferences, you can make the most of your style to increase flow in your life. Knowing more about yourself helps you successfully manage your inner experience.

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Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Embrace YOUR
Unique Style Personality (Your Flow Formula)

EMBRACE your natural personality style!
Make it work for you – take the Time & Space Style Inventory™

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Be Yourself!

Be organized, timely & productive!
When you know what makes you tick, you can free yourself from the chains of disorganization and inefficiency... and finally make time for your life!

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Photo by Daniel Y. Go

Enjoy Your Life!

Life is like a box of chocolates... Isn't it time you really started to enjoy it?

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Photo by ninacoco

For Professionals Too

If you're a pro... use it with clients
The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preferences to successfully manage your time and organize your space.

Find your flow formula with TSSI™

For Your Flow Formula Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Or contact me! info@sanespaces.com
Photo by SolomonVipe