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Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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  • Concluded earth and and other planets revolve around the sun.
  • Studied planetary movements for more than 25 years.
  • He feared ridicule or persecution so he didn't publish his findings
  • until 1543.


  • Concluded certain mathematical laws govern planetary motion.
  • One of these laws showed planets revolving around the sun in elliptical orbits.
  • He continued Brahe's work since he died 1601, Kepler was the assistant.


  • When he was 17 he watched a chandler swing on it's chain and he thought of
  • Aristotle's law saying pendulum swings at a slower rhythm which was
  • wrong to him.
  • He discovered each pendulum takes the same time.
  • He discovered the law of pendulum.


  • Believed in better understanding knowledge would improve peoples lives.
  • Attacked medieval scholars for relying on abstract ideas of ancient thinkers.
  • He was all for experimenting to get accurate answers.


  • Developed analytical geometry : math and logic explaining things.
  • He believed everything should be doubted until proven by reason.
  • He started " I think therefore I am" following strict reasons for truths.


  • Believed in people learning from experience to improve themselves.
  • Believed we were born to have natural rights life, liberty, and freedom.
  • Criticized absolute monarchy and favored self government .


  • Published 70 books of essays on philosphy, history, fiction and drama.
  • Frequently targeted the clergy, aristocracy, and government.
  • Never stopped fighting for reason, tolerance and freedom for belief and speech.


  • Devoted to political liberty.
  • Believed separation of powers was best governed.
  • Believed in the whole check and balance would serve
  • better for everyone than only one having the total control.


  • Believed reason, science, art would all improve life for people.
  • Argued civilization corrupted the natural goodness of people.
  • Stated only a good government was freely formed by people
  • and guided by General will which is a direct democracy.


  • Disagreed women should be secondary to men in education.
  • Argued Women needed education to be virtuous and useful.
  • Also agreed for women's rights to be able to participate in politics.


  • He was centered on social and political order;
  • on humans living together in peace to avoid danger.
  • Believes in individual freedom if there is direct law to stop you.
  • He even Wrote leviathan which explains these beliefs in life.

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