sustained Silent Reading

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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sustained Silent Reading

SSR MYP 1 (Grade 6) 
Photo by ep_jhu

A room without books is like a body without a soul.

During our in-class Sustained Silent Reading reading time, you may read any fiction book that you haven’t read before.

Photo by domesticat

I expect the books to be appropriate for your age and reading ability. If I question your choice of a book, I may ask for a note from your parents.

Get your book from any source – our library, the public library, your home, or borrowed from a friend. Some people actually go to bookstores and buy their books. No, really.

Photo by Garrett Gill

Talk to me about your e-reader (Kindles, Nooks, etc.) and we’ll come to an agreement. Other devices, such as iPods and cell phones, are not allowed to be used as your e-reader.

Photo by trustypics

Quarter book talks on your S.S.R. reading will count for the equivalent of a major test. To receive the full 100 points, you must successfully report on 250 pages per quarter.

Photo by albertogp123

It is the total number of pages you read that will determine your grade, not the number of books.

Photo by classic_film

Books with pictures will count less. Come see me to discuss a reasonable page count.

Photo by artnoose

Reading will take place regularly in class, but students will need to read outside of class time to meet the 250- page goal. You will earn points for in-class reading time.

Photo by kevin dooley

The book report is an informal “book talk” with me. Your job is to convince me that you read the book. Be prepared to answer specific, detailed questions about your book.

Photo by mariskar

Your book talk will be scheduled toward the end of the quarter. I will announce deadlines in class. To maintain fairness, the deadlines will rotate each quarter.

Photo by DafneCholet

Feel free to complete book talks early. As soon as you finish a book, come see me to get the report done. If you delay and wait until the deadline, you’ll likely forget details

Photo by paul bica

You are allowed to present only one book report to me per day. Again, report to me as soon as you finish a book.

Photo by andrechinn

Don’t allow your book talks to pile up and then try to do them all the day of your deadline. Every year, there’s at least one sad soul who brings two books to me on deadline day only to be crushed by this rule.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Don't be that kid.

If you try to report on a book and are not able to convince me that you read it, I will record this on your book log and you will not receive credit.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

You may “abandon” a book that you don’t like anywhere within the window of 25-to-50 pages. This means that you must read as least 25 pages before you ditch the book, but you won’t get credit for anything beyond 50 pages that you read. I don’t allow reports on books that you haven’t finished. See me to complete a report on the pages you read before you abandon a book.

Photo by Caucas'

You may take notes while you read and use those notes during the book report. Post-It notes work especially well. If it is your copy, annotate it.

Photo by 3oheme

You must have the book with you to do a book report. No book = no report.

Photo by ©athrine

I will keep track of your pages. You
may ask to look
at your book log anytime.

Photo by titanium22

You may report on ONE movie/TV- related book each SEMESTER,
to a maximum of
150 pages total.

John Bullock

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