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The Clash of Two Cities- Kuala Lumpur VS Ottawa

Published on Dec 04, 2015

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The Clash of Two Cities

Kuala Lumpur VS Ottawa
Photo by kenmainr

Brief Background on Kuala Lumpur

  • The capital of Malaysia & is a Federal territory
  • 49th largest urban area in the world
  • Most populous city in Malaysia
  • Largest metropolitan area in the nation
  • Standard of living varies
  • Measures 93.82mi2
Because Kuala Lumpur is a Federal territory, it cannot be the capital of the state in which it's located in , Selangor.

Standard of living, for those who do not know, is the degree of wealth and material comfort available to a person or community. The standard of living at the city center tends to be higher than the less urban parts of the city.
Photo by khedmati

Brief Background on Ottawa

  • Is the capital of Canada & still considered part of province
  • Not a large urban area
  • Fourth largest city in the nation
  • Among the most educated cities in Canada
  • High standard of living
  • Measures 1077.31mi2
Unlike Kuala Lumpur, Ottawa is not considered as a city that is not part of its province. However, it is not the capital of Ontario.

Ottawa, as you can see, has more land than Kuala Lumpur, however, it has a less population compared to KL. Even compared to other cities globally, Ottawa does not even make it into the list of the 490 largest cities in the world (in terms of population.)
Photo by Shawn M. Kent

The Age and Sex Composition of The Cities

Photo by ** RCB **

Population of Kuala Lumpur

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Kuala Lumpur's population pyramid is at an expanding stage 2, meaning that it is a developing city. In every age group there are more men in the city, except in the age range from 75-95+ (There are more older women than there are older men.)

The Age Distribution of The City

One is able to see from this chart that the amount of older people living in the city has grown, this could be due to medical improvements in the city and facilities made more available for them to live more comfortably. We can also see that the amount of younger people has decreased, from the ages of 0-39, this could mean that the city has become more developed. Lastly, we are able to see that there is an increase in the number of middle aged working people from the age of 40-59, this is probably due to the older generation having a higher fertility rate than the current generation.

Age and Sex Composition of Ottawa

Ottawa's population pyramid is at the contracting stage, meaning that it is a very much developed city. Like Kuala Lumpur, there are more older women than there are older men.

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One can tell that there are many younger working people living in Ottawa when looking at this bar graph

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This bar graph is just for you to see how Ottawa has grown over the years

The Cultural Groups of The Cities

Photo by mith17

Main Cultural Groups of KL

  • Malay
  • Chinese
  • Indian
The city is composed of many cultural groups. However, the main three groups are: Malay, Chinese, and Indian.
Photo by horngyih

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Main Cultural Groups of Ottawa

  • Canadian (born in Canada)
  • English
  • Irish
  • French
Ottawa, being the capital of Canada, also has many cultural groups. The main four groups are Canadians, English, Irish, and French people.
Photo by davejdoe

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Size, Distribution, Density


Population of Kuala Lumpur

Density & Distribution of Kuala Lumpur

  • Land area is 93.82mi2
  • 6,696 people per square kilometre (17,340/sq mi)”
  • More people living at city center
The highest population densities found in Malaysia are in Kuala Lumpur.
“… (Kuala Lumpur) has a population density of 6,696 inhabitants per square kilometre (17,340/sq mi)” 2010 (Wikipedia)

The distribution of Kuala Lumpur’s population is not so even, with more people living at the city’s center than in the rural parts of the city.
Photo by WarzauWynn

Size, Density, & Distribution of Ottawa

  • Land area is 2,790.22 square kilometres
  • Ottawa (City / Ville) had a population of 883,391
  • 316.6 persons per square kilometre
  • More people living at city center
In 2011, Ottawa (City / Ville) had a population of 883,391, representing a percentage change of 8.8% from 2006. This compares to the national average growth of 5.9%. Land area is 2,790.22 square kilometres with a population density of 316.6 persons per square kilometre.
Photo by BurgTender

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Most of the people, despite the fact that there is more land in the rural areas of Ottawa, live in the urban core of Ottawa. Therefore, Ottawa’s population not evenly spread out.

Why Are The Cities Located There?

What Factors Influenced Their Location?
Photo by Johan Larsson

Factors Influencing The Location of KL

  • Located near a sea port
  • Tin mines were opened there
One of the factors that contributed to the location of this popular city is the fact that it is located near a sea port. Since ancient times and till today, being located near a body of water, especially one that is connected to the ocean, is important for the development of a city. Trading, shipping, and many other transactions with other nations occur at ports. Also, one of the first tin mines in Malaysia was opened there. “Kuala Lumpur was the furthest point up the Klang River to which supplies could conveniently be brought by boat, it therefore became a collection and dispersal point serving the tin mines.”

Factors Influencing The Location of Ottawa

  • Located near Ottawa River and Rideau Canal network
  • Surrounded by a dense forest
• The city is located alongside the Ottawa River and close to the Rideau Canal network; meaning that the people who lived there at that time could receive and send out goods for trading without crossing over the dangerous United States-Canada border.
• Being surrounded by a dense forest near a water source is very useful for early settlements. The people could easily hunt for their food in the forest as well as receive all the wood they need from it.

Job Opportunities in The Cities

Photo by Cold Cut

Job Opportunities in KL

  • Jobs relating to finance
Finding jobs in Kuala Lumpur can be quite simple, but only if one has the education level required to secure the job. Most of the jobs available in this city relate to finance.
Photo by kenteegardin

The Jobs in highest demand in Ottawa

  • A registered nurse
  • A technologist
  • A laboratory technician
  • A physiotherapist
The job that is highly in demand currently in Ottawa is a registered nurse. Other jobs that are in demand in Ottawa at the moment are: a technologist, a laboratory technician, and a physiotherapist.

The Industries That Make Up the Economy


Industries That Make Up The Economy of KL

  • Finance
  • Insurance
  • The real estate industry
The three biggest industries that are in Kuala Lumpur are: finance, Insurance, and the real estate industry.
Photo by 401(K) 2013

Industries That Make Up The Economy of Ottawa

  • Health care
  • Professional services
  • Financial services.
Some of the industries that make up this successful economy are: health care, professional services, and financial services. Professional services are occupations that require one to have a special training in either arts or science, like doctors, architects, auditors, etc.
Photo by Dave Dugdale

Growing or Shrinking Cities?

KL Is a Growing City Because...

  • It is a prosperous region
  • Many people migrated there
  • Has the space to grow
Kuala Lumpur is still a growing city. It has grown remarkably since modernization of Malaysia. “In 1950, the region had only 900,000 residents. By 1980, the population had more than doubled to nearly 2.4 million and by 2010, the population had tripled from its 1980 level.” (Newgeography.com)
One of the reasons why Kuala Lumpur’s population is still growing is because the city has the space required for this growth. This warm city covers about seven hundred fifty square miles (1,940 square kilometres) of land, ranking it 42nd largest in the world.
Another reason why Kuala Lumpur’s population is still growing is because despite the fact that Malaysia is a developing nation, it is actually a prosperous region. There are many corporations, wealthy businesses, and other excellent opportunities for the population to secure good jobs in Kuala Lumpur. Many people have migrated to Kuala Lumpur to receive these job opportunities, whether they are foreigners or Malaysians from other cities.

Ottawa Is Also a Growing City Because...

  • Many educational centers are found there
  • Multitudes have migrated there
  • Has the space to grow
• Ottawa is a growing city. Not in terms of land size, but its population is rapidly growing.
• Because of the many educational centers in Ottawa, it has attracted many young people from all over the world to continue their education there.

“Ottawa’s growth rate is faster than Ontario's rate (6.2%) and Canada's rate as a whole (4.8%). Ottawa accounts for approximately two-thirds of the population of the greater Ottawa-Gatineau area… Immigration is a major reason Ottawa's population continues to grow faster than that of Ontario or Canada.” (Ottawa.ca)

History of Cities' Development

And How It Has Affected The Demographics
Photo by Woody H1

History of Kuala Lumpur

  • In 1857 a tin mine was opened
  • Locals called the town "Pengkalan Lumpur"
  • "Pengkalan Lumpur" = “bundle of mud.”
  • Town continued to grow
  • Now known as Kuala Lumpur
In 1857 a new tin mine was opened by a Malay Chief in a remote place and eventually the people who lived there begin to call this quiet town Pengkalan Lumpur. (Most of the workers at the tin mine were Chinese people, explaining why there are a number of Chinese people living there presently.) The town was positioned between two muddy rivers; thus, the name Pengkalan Lumpur seemed befitting for the town, it means “bundle of mud.” In time the name of the city changed to become Kuala Lumpur which now translates to “muddy confluence.” This small mining town soon became a profitable trading post and grew overtime. Although the city faced a great many challenges, it persevered and now is the capital of Malaysia.
Photo by Dr. RawheaD

History of Ottawa

  • Original name= Bytown, in 1826
  • Initially an Irish and French Christian settlement
  • In 1855 the town is officially incorporated as a city
  • Given a new name as a city, Ottawa
  • Ottawa=Odawa= "to trade"
Ottawa was officially founded as a settlement in 1826, though it was originally given the name Bytown. Bytown was initially an Irish and French Christian settlement, giving the reason why there are a number of Irish and French people in Ottawa presently. In 1855 the town Bytown is officially incorporated as a city and is given the name Ottawa. The name "Ottawa" is derived from the Algonquin word Odawa, meaning "to trade".


  • Indexmundi.com,. 'Canada Demographics Profile 2014'. N.p., 2015. Web. 3 Sept. 2015.
  • Indexmundi.com,. 'Canada Age Structure - Demographics'. N.p., 2015. Web. 3 Sept. 2015.
  • Wikipedia,. 'Demographics Of Ottawa'. N.p., 2015. Web. 3 Sept. 2015.
  • Wikipedia,. 'Ottawa'. N. p., 2015. Web. 6 Sept. 2015.



  • Staff, CB. 'Best Jobs 2014: The Most In-Demand Jobs In Ottawa-Hull'. Canadian Business - Your Source For Business News. N.p., 2014. Web. 7 Sept. 2015.
  • Ottawagraphy.ca,. 'Why Was Ottawa Chosen As The Federal Capital City? | Ottawagraphy'. N. p., 2015. Web. 7 Sept. 2015.
  • Spcottawa.on.ca,. N. p., 2015. Web. 6 Sept. 2015.


  • Newgeography.com,. 'The Evolving Urban Form: Kuala Lumpur | Newgeography.Com'. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Aug. 2015.
  • Wikipedia,. 'List Of Urban Areas By Population'. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Aug. 2015.
  • Wikipedia,. 'Kuala Lumpur'. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Aug. 2015.

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  • Internations.org,. 'Working In Kuala Lumpur'. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Aug. 2015.
  • Wonderfulmalaysia.com,. 'Living And Working In Malaysia | Wonderful Malaysia'. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Aug. 2015.
  • Indexmundi.com,. 'Malaysia Demographics Profile 2014'. N.p., 2015. Web. 1 Sept. 2015.


  • Theodora.com,. 'Malaysia PEOPLE 2015, CIA World Factbook'. N.p., 2015. Web. 1 Sept. 2015.
  • Data.un.org,. 'Undata | Record View | City Population By Sex, City And City Type'. N.p., 2015. Web. 1 Sept. 2015.
  • Civilization Wiki,. 'Kuala Lumpur'. N.p., 2015. Web. 2 Sept. 2015.


  • Dbkl.gov.my,. 'Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020 : Economic Base And Population'. N. p., 2015. Web. 6 Sept. 2015.
  • Google.com,. 'Google'. N. p., 2015. Web. 9 Sept. 2015.
  • profile, View. 'Sustainable Kuala Lumpur (ARMA): Population Pyramid'. Sustainkl.blogspot.my. N. p., 2012. Web. 12 Sept. 2015.