The first was the dogmatic constitution of the church or lumen gentium. This document said that the church is a sacrament and that the authority of the pope and bishops should be exercised as service.
The second was the constitution on the sacred liturgy also known as sacrosanctum concilium . This document lays out the principles for the reform of the Mass.
The third document is the constitution on Divine Revelation and its Latin name is dei verbum. That clarifies the scripture and tradition, and the importance of biblical interpretation for Catholics.
The fourth constitution, is the pastoral constitution on the church and the modern world, gaudium et spes, this document refocuses the mission of the Church to emphasize with cultural forces working for the common good. There were also 3 declarations and 9 decrees that came out of Vatican II.
One of the many lasting impacts that the second Vatican Council left on the world is that it renewed the meaning of church while returning it to its roots.