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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The form of altered consciousness in which people become highly suggestible to changes in behavior and thought.

Past Research:
Franz Anton Mesmer treated medical problems by placing his patients in a tub full of water and iron fillings. He would use a magnet to change the flow of blood, nerve activity and fluids. Some of his patients reported dramatic changes.

He switched from using a magnet to using his hand, claiming that his hand was the magnet. He told his patients what to expect prior to the treatment, and they responded as expected.

Mesmer's magnetic fluid was never proven to exist. He paved the way to studies for hypnosis.

Reasons for study:

  • Reduces pain
  • Can gain insight on a persons life
  • Helps patients overcome problems
  • Gets people to behave a certian way

Have someone experience hypnosis before a track meet and compare their results to their normal performance when not undergoing hypnosis.