Nadja Meta

Counseling Astrologer, Life Crisis & Spiritual Emergency Support, True Purpose Facilitator & Self-Empowerment Coach

3 Haiku Decks

Spiritual Emergency: Past to Present

Spiritual Emergency: Past to Present

49 Slides472 Views1 Haifive


Spiritual Emergence and Emergency, Crisis and Awakening, Psychosis and Bipolar States, Divine Madness, Agony and Ecstacy, Mystical Experiences, Shamanic Crisis, Kundalini, Self-Realization.

Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

14 Slides817 Views5 Haifives


Archetypal and transpersonal astrology, altered states of consciousness, NOSC, holotropic states, psychedelic therapy, sacred medicine, breathwork, mystical experience, death-rebirth.

Benefits of Astro-Psychology & Self-Empowerment Coaching

Benefits of Astro-Psychology & Self-Empowerment Coaching

14 Slides623 Views2 Haifives


Psychological astrology, life purpose, self-empowerment, overcoming inner obstacles, navigating life crisis, unblocking creativity.