Amaury Aubrée-Dauchez

4 Haiku Decks

The PMP Exam: How To Prepare and Pass

The PMP Exam: How To Prepare and Pass

8 Slides619 Views2 Haifives

Business, Education, How To

If you want to maximize your chances to pass the PMP exam, follow these 5 top advices

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EU Digital Future

EU Digital Future

7 Slides728 Views2 Haifives

Business, Education, Science and Technology

Toward a European tech giant

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Strategic Portfolio Management Manifesto

Strategic Portfolio Management Manifesto

9 Slides477 Views

Education, Science and Technology, Inspiration, Business, How To

The SPM Manifesto is a six-point call to action that outlines the objectives, principles and steps organisations, whether they are public or private, large or small, global or regional, need to embrace in order to outperform by aligning much better than before strategy with operations.

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Effective Communication in Strategic Portfolio Management

Effective Communication in Strategic Portfolio Management

23 Slides3335 Views6 Haifives

Business, Science and Technology, Education

Even in a Portfolio, Programme or Project Management context, communication is unique; as such it is not an option.

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