It hadn’t been planned and it had briefly risked breaking us up, but what grew out of it in the weeks that followed was a reinforced belief that we wanted to be together. It only served to increase the intensity in the way we fucked, communicated and explored each other’s turn ons, boundaries and fantasies.
Stacey was very much turned on by control and power shifts during sex, we talked openly and decided that she wouldn’t go out seeking sexual opportunities, as this would possibly compromise our family set up, in the small town we lived in. Instead we carried on our role play, we pleasured each other to extremes we didn’t reach as new lovebirds or newlyweds when we first married. We also trusted one another’s judgement and if the right opportunity arose, then one of us should take it under the proviso we kept no secrets from each other, even to create evidence if it was safe to do so.
Although not directly looking for it, the next opportunity turned out to be just around the corner. Two months later, Stacey asked if she was ok to go with Amy to watch the British Open, to which I was happy for her to do, she explained she would be away for 2 nights and that Amy’s dad would drive them the 3 hours each way. Off they went and other then a few texts to touch base, I didn’t hear from Stacey again until late on the first night, she was in her room when she rang, gave me the low down on the players they’d seen, she especially liked the seniors that had been playing as they were who she looked up to growing up. This wasn’t a sexual conversation, but after a while I asked her if there were any senior players that she fancies, which led us to question how old is too old for cock, she played along and said as long as its hard enough, she’s game enough. I asked were Amy was and whether we had time for some phone sex, Stacey said that sadly she was coming up to the room shortly after she and her dad finished their drinks. I then started teasing Stacey, that she’d have to settle for Amy’s dad (Alan), Stacey laughed saying he was a bit too old at 68, though he didn’t look his age and was a nice guy, which was the problem, he was probably too nice. At that point, Amy entered the room, Stacey said her goodnights to me and hung up.
The following day was similar, a couple of texts through the day, but when Stacey rang later on, she was drunk and very chatty. Stacey explained that after Amy, Alan and herself had finished eating in the hotel, they sat with some ex pros and all got drunk together. I was excited at where this was going but was disappointed to hear that Amy was so drunk, she was causing a scene, which wasn’t really acceptable at such a nice hotel, so Stacey and Alan had brought her back upstairs, where Alan kindly offered to have Amy in his room as he expected her to be sick before too long. So leaving Amy with Alan, Stacey had come back to her room to ring me and here we were. I asked Stacey if she was tired drunk or horny drunk, which she replied ‘what do you think’ before turning on the familiar buzz of her vibrator. She told me she was closing her eyes and she wanted me to imagine and describe to her what one of the ex pros had done to her. I know she has a thing for one of the older Irish guys (Darren Clark), so I played along saying that I bet she was his type and that her story about drunk Amy was bullshit, that I bet she has just come back from Darren Clark’s room in the hotel. Stacey just sighed, as I added that I bet she had cum running out of her, filling her panties as she walked back to her room. She quickly added ‘how do you know I didn’t leave my panties as a trophy?’
Our fledgling bit of role play was interrupted by a knock at Stacey’s hotel room door, frustrated she said she better get it as it might be Amy. Leaving me on the end of the phone, Stacey answered the door. I heard him (I quickly worked out it was Amy’s dad) explain that, Amy had been sick, he ‘d helped her shower and the put her to bed, he then became embarrassed and said she was so drunk, she didn’t know who he was and was trying to grope him. Alan asked if he could please swap rooms with Stacey and she go share with Amy. I heard Stacey laugh and say that Amy would be asleep by now, that Alan should just come and share with her in here. My heart started racing and my cock twitching, but I didn’t think it would come to anything, as Alan totally shut it down saying that was totally inappropriate as they were both married and he’d hate for anyone to think he wasn’t a gentleman. I thought ‘what a boring old bastard, you’ve got a stunning woman, half your age here flirting with you and you haven’t got the balls to take advantage’
Stacey snapped at him and said ‘Alan, your old enough to be my dad, I want to get some sleep, now hurry up and make your mind up’. There was a pause before the door closed, at first I thought Stacey was on her own again, but then I hear Alan say in a flustered voice, that he was sorry about Amy’s behaviour and could Stacey please not tell Amy’s mum about all this. He said he would remain clothed and sleep on the very edge of the bed, he must have got into bed and sat on Stacey’s vibrator, because at that point the familiar buzzing started up. Alan apologised, I heard muffled sounds and the vibrator turn off before Alan mumbled that he should go back to his room. Stacey shushed him and said that she needed Alan to keep a secret too, I heard him ask what, Stacey didn’t respond, just the vibrator started up and Alan said ‘oh’.
This had all been a bit of a comedy to this point, my hard on had gone, but suddenly it stirred again. Stacey told Alan that he’d interrupted her getting off and that she needed to finish, so he could sit and watch or he could help. One way or another she needed to cum. Alan said he’d never known a woman so forward and confident, he then added that his wife is a bit of a prude and wished she was more like Stacey. Stacey asked him if he liked her talking dirty, to which I presume he nodded as Stacey then said that’s good, as she liked being slutty. Stacey then told him to just go with it and that she liked to be controlled and used. I realised Stacey was saying all this for my benefit, as she spoke so clearly and slowly. I muted the phone at my end and heard her say have you never fantasied about using a younger pussy and this was his chance. Alan said he was obviously attracted to her, but he respected her as Amy’s friend. Stacey then said that there was nothing he could say that would offend her and if he didn’t use her ‘filthy, tight young cunt’ then he would regret it for ever.
‘Now last chance Alan, do you want me to suck your cock?’ She then said don’t just nod, tell me in words what you want and what your going to do to me. All the time, I could hear Stacey’s vibrator buzzing and her heavy breathing. Alan then started to come out of his shell ‘why don’t you take out my cock and suck it’ he said. A big sigh from whom I presumed to be Alan, was followed by Stacey saying that he had a nice cock for an old man and how wide it was. A brief pause was interrupted by a pleading Alan ‘please suck my dick Stacey’, Stacey snapped back saying that unless he took control and spoke to her like shit, she would roll over and go to sleep. The then alien words and tone came out of Alan’s mouth ‘suck my dick now, you dirty little bitch’, Stacey purred ‘that’s more like it’.
My cock was throbbing, I firmly pulled at it with slow, deliberate strokes, I had no intention of cumming till Alan had. I was treated to the slurping and slobbering of Stacey sucking this old man’s dick, interspaced with the moaning in pleasure. I could distinguish the different moans of Alan and Stacey, Alan’s were more of a groan, were as Stacey sounded as though she was humming on a mouthful of cock. I then heard a feint, wet slapping of what I instantly made out to be cock slapping on tongue or lips, Stacey knows I adore this and how slutty she looks when I slap her around her face with my cock. Alan must have liked it too, as he gasped followed by Stacey saying ‘mmmm, I thought you might like that, why don’t you try’. The slapping noise became louder, almost more violent, ‘oh you do like it, look how hard it’s made you. Do you like me being a slut? Why don’t you make me your slut? Go on tell me?’
Alan spoke with authority, he told her what a dirty little slut she was. He must have been taking control a little as I heard her gagging as he said ‘that’s it, I’m not stopping till I get it all down your throat . . . you bitch.’ Followed by more gagging and then Stacey gasping for air, ‘that’s a good girl, now slow down and lick my balls, I don’t’ want to cum too soon.’ I’d had to stop touching myself as I was fit to burst myself, more and more turned on at how my wife was being treated by this old fella. What I heard next nearly pushed me over the edge, between grunts he said ‘you mucky little slag, I’ve never had my arsehole licked before, get right in there you filthy bitch.’ Without touching my cock, I licked my finger and started rubbing it around my own arsehole, edging myself closer to cumming.
Alan then said he was close to cumming, that he didn’t want to waste the opportunity to make love to her, Stacey quickly responded saying ‘I’d prefer you to fuck me.’
‘My mistake’ Alan replied ‘now pass me a condom so I can fuck you.’
Stacey let out a dirty laugh, ‘ah ah, no condoms, you silly old man, I want to feel your dirty old spunk filling my young pussy.’
Stacey must have been laid on her back, because Alan said no, not missionary because all my wife will ever do, She just lays there until I’m done. ‘I want to fuck you from behind, get on your hand and knees.’
I strained to hear for a around a minute, I could just make out Stacey groaning and Alan taking deep breaths, before Stacey broke the relative silence with ‘will you just fuck me before . . . arrgh ohh.’ Her sentence was cut short and replaced by the pleasurable moan. Followed by Alan shouting ‘Yes. There you go, you inpatient bitch.’ Alan must have been teasing her, choosing to ram his full length into her to shut her up. I then heard several deliberate thrusts, with grunts (from who I couldn’t tell) coming from each thrust, presumably as he bottomed out in her pussy. ‘Who’s slut are you now?’ Alan asked, Stacey replied that he hadn’t done enough to make her his slut yet.
Smack, smack and an even louder smack was met with increasingly excited whimpers from Stacey. I then remembered she was putting on (and describing) a show for me. She clearly and slowly said ‘That’s more like it, I was starting to worry you didn’t have it in you. Now pull my hair and ruin my pussy.’ She hissed in pain as I envisaged Alan pulling her hair, then grunted or gasped each time he shafted her, I could hear him building his pace, there had been a constant slapping noise, that had been speeding up. As if reading my mind wondering what it was, Stacey panted ‘yes, that’s it, harder . . . I can feel you balls banging against my clit. Oh fuck yes, show me what your wife’s been missing.’ Alan interrupted her ‘leave her out of this you little bitch,’ but Stacey’s words must have angered him, which in turn made him fuck her harder. ‘Your just a worthless, dirty little whore,’ I strained to make out from Alan as he was clearly banging her for all he was worth. Stacey then cried out that she was cumming and pleaded with him not to stop, she was hyperventilating, gasping the words out ‘fuck me hhh, pleassshsh fu-fu-fuck meee, fill me with your arrggh spunk, yes.’
I totally lost the plot at this, I’d been so lost in the moment, I didn’t even realise that I was wanking with one hand and fingering my own arsehole with the other, it was a good thing I was muted as I let out a huge cry of ‘dirty, dirty slut’ as I spunked all over my chest, as I did my sphincter contracted around my finger and pulled it further into my arse.
I just lay there in a daze, catching broken bits of sentences from the other end of the phone, where my wife was cumming on the dick of some old man. She was repeatedly crying out, begging to be fucked and pleading for cum. Alan was shouting out himself, but not crying out as she was doing, no Alan was grunting angry words out as he fucked her calling her a slag and a slut and a whore. They were egging each other on and using each other as motivation.
‘Tell me who’s slut you are? And where you want my dirty old spunk, fucking tell me you little tramp?’ He was pumping her with such force that she could hardly get her words out, but I made out ‘Pleaase ah ohh don’t stop god hiss, I’m fff your pssh slut Alan, fill arrgh yes, fill my grrr cunt. Yeesss, I can fffffucking fffeeeel your cock throbbing whoh mmmp.’ Alan interrupted ‘slag, slag, slag you fucking slagggg, I’m still grunt cumming.’ The thrusting came to massive climax and stopped, as did the talk. No words, just panting from them both for 2 or 3 minutes, I was laid there rubbing my own cum all over myself.
Alan broke the silence, telling Stacey he was so sorry, he didn’t know what had come over him, that he respected Stacey and loved his wife. Stacey shushed him ‘Alan, listen, it’s ok. That was great for us both, you clearly loved it and I needed it. It’s ok, thank you for making me your slut, it doesn’t change anything we are both happily married, I know for a fact that I have someone waiting for me back home, that will love to hear about this and how much spunk you’ve emptied into me.’ Alan pleaded with Stacey not to tell me, she said that our relationship was built on trust and she would tell me, she did agree to leave Alan’s name out of the story and that she would tell me it was some other older guy, possibly one of the seniors on the tour as she knew that would excite me. At this point I realised that my soft, sticky cum covered cock was now rock hard again.
Alan said he best go back to his own room to check on Amy and sleep. I heard Stacey say to him ‘goodnight you dirty old man, things don’t have to be weird tomorrow, you can go back to just being my friends dad.’
‘Good night’ he replied ‘my little slut.’ The door then closed and the phone hung up. Which was a huge disappointment, but that didn’t last long as Stacey rang me straight back on a video call. We chatted about how fucking hot that had been, we both asked if each other was ok, which was obviously were. I told Stacey about my amazing wank and what I thought I heard, I explained that I’d fingered myself and cum all over whilst listening to them and how I was hard again.
Stacey confirmed what had happened and corrected me on a few bits, she told me to pull my cock and tell her what I would do right now if I was with her. I could see over the video call that she was covered in bruises and looked like she had been dragged through a hedge. This turned me on, I called her a slut and told her how hard I was. She then panned the video down her body, again covered in red blotchy marks, I asked if Alan had been too rough, she let out a pleasurable sigh and said never. Then I caught sight of the spunk running from her pussy, ‘wait’ I said, ‘show me how much he’s used your cunt and all the cum he’s left’. I was wanking myself and could sense myself getting closer. Her pussy looked battered, she described how he had hammered her from behind and made her his slut. I growled and told her if I was with her right now, I’d go down on her and clean her pussy and tidy her up before reclaiming her for my own.
Stacey put the phone on the sideboard, giving me a great view of her pussy, she then jammed 2 fingers as far up her pussy as she could. Saying to me that she wished they were my face and tongue, she added that she would hold my head into her cunt until I’d cleaned her up. I then spunked for a second time while shouting that she was my slut, she then added ‘and I always will be.’
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: