Haiku Deck Superstar

1 Haiku Deck

Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 11

Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 11

1 Slide

She was uncertain how much these strangers could be trusted. They were earth people, after all. They had a history of trying to kill off her kind. And each other.

‘I’m sorry, Dearest,’ Béla explained. ‘I should have explained it to you – these are my oldest and dearest friends in the whole world. They’ve kept my secret for hundreds of years. They can be trusted.’

‘Hundreds of years?’ Beth thought at her sister. ‘How is that possible? They’re not like us! They’re Earthers!’

‘I know, Sister,’ Béla thought back, ‘but they have my blood in their veins, like Geoffrey, the Bard.’

‘Does that mean Jeff is going to live hundreds of years, too?’ Beth asked.

Béla nodded.

‘Don’t mind me,’ Tanya interrupted, ‘I don’t want to interrupt your private conversation, but, can I get you two something, maybe to eat or drink? Something to wear, perhaps?’

Beth agreed. She didn’t like the one named Frank gawking at her like he’d never seen tits before.

‘Something to wear would be nice,’ Beth responded.

She thought of her red and orange striped sarong, lying somewhere on the forest floor, deep in the bowels of the great ship. Then it was in her hand. She stared at it for a moment, then looked at her sister.

‘I didn’t do that!’ Béla insisted. ‘You pulled it here yourself!’

Beth grinned and laughed, proud that she’d done something her sister hadn’t expected. She slid the sarong on over her head. Frank looked disappointed, then pretended he’d never been interested, anyway. He decided to watch Béla and his wife, instead. They were both still naked.

‘Well, that problem’s solved,’ Tanya said, somewhat relieved.

She really didn’t care if Frank ogled other girls, just so long as any girl he messed with was someone she was also intimate with, like Béla. Any casual humping Frank did, just for the sake of humping, Tanya wanted it to be her. She was always ready and willing, just in case.

‘You haven’t been here for awhile,’ Tanya mused. ‘I assume you’ve lost track of ‘you-know-who’ again?’

Béla nodded, feeling a little guilty about never visiting her friends except when she needed to locate Jake.

‘Yeah,’ piped Beth, ‘She lost her lifemate, again. She likes him because he makes holes in her…’

‘What?’ Tanya and Frank asked together.

Béla gave her sister a withering look. ‘That’s none of their business!’ Béla said in Beth’s mind, putting a heavy anger flow on her thought.

Frank and Tanya looked at Béla, obviously expecting an explanation.

‘Do you know where he is?’ Béla asked, ignoring their curious stares. ‘There is some old couple living in his apartment in Albuquerque, now. I can’t pick up any trace of him. Did something happen?’

‘No, Dear,’ Tanya told her, patting her on her bare knee. ‘He’s fine. He retired from his job, you know? Well, maybe you don’t. He has a cabin in the desert, near the mountains.’

‘Can you make an image of it for me?’ Béla asked, ‘in your mind, I mean, so I can see where it is.’

Tanya concentrated on Jake’s cabin. It was difficult for her, as she hadn’t actually seen it yet. She and Frank were planning on visiting in a few weeks, so she knew roughly where it was.

‘That’s really odd,’ Béla said. ‘You’d think I would have been able to find him easier than that…’

She dream-walked to where Tanya thought the cabin was. After a moment, she was able to match up the image in Tanya’s mind with the physical location. She started making corrections to Tanya’s image. Tanya, surprised, lost her concentration, causing her to lose the image for a moment.

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ Béla apologized, after the fact. ‘Is it all right if I make some changes?’

Tanya shrugged, not sure what to expect, but she trusted her old friend. She reconstructed the image in her mind and watched, not having believed it was possible, while Béla corrected Tanya’s idea of Jake’s cabin in her head.

‘There’s a thought dampener around it!’ Béla exclaimed. ‘No wonder I couldn’t find him! You people shouldn’t have technology like that! Can you explain what the function of this device is?’

She indicated the wall circuitry of Jake’s computer monitoring system.

‘Well,’ Tanya mused, ‘that’s a computer, that’s a scanning device.’

She indicated other electronic devices in the image, explaining the function of each. Béla watched and listened carefully. Each separate device had its own function. Some of them were interconnected. They all led to a central computer bank in Albuquerque, which was connected to just about everything that could process data.

‘Wow! Okay,’ Béla said.

These devices, together, created an electromagnetic thought-dampening field around the cabin, effectively sealing off anyone inside from being detected. Was it possible that it was completely accidental? Or was there someone here on Earth who actually had and could use that technology? How far along had Earth’s technology developed since she lived here?

Beth watched Béla work, learning her sister’s mind techniques as she employed them. That was what Béla had brought her along for, after all; to learn.

‘Are you going to go inside that place?’ she asked her sister. ‘Do you think it’s safe?’

Béla indicated she would, but wanted Beth to stay behind, but mind-linked with her. Béla didn’t know what she would find, and wanted to make sure she could be rescued if she found more trouble than she could handle. After all, once burned…

Beth was happy to be left behind, in this instance. The pretty blonde was really sexy, and she wanted to get to know her better. She felt nice in her mind.

Béla explained her need for a baby-sitter (in this case, a sister-sitter) to Frank and Tanya. They fell over themselves accepting the task of caring for Beth, completely unaware of how powerful a telepath she already was, or why she was really being left behind. They assumed Béla wanted some ‘alone-time’ with Jake. They were right, of course. But in addition, Béla wasn’t interested in

sharing Jake with her sister just yet, although she knew she probably would sometime in the future, when they were actually on earth.

Béla faded from view. Beth took over the creation of the bedroom image so she could stay on Earth, dream-walking independently from her sister, but staying mind-linked with her.

Frank and Tanya sat on the bed and looked at Beth, not really knowing what to do with her.

‘So, tell me about yourself,’ Tanya said.

Then, noticing Beth was still standing where she was when she had arrived, invited her to sit with them on the bed. Beth smiled, appearing shy, and timidly climbed onto the bed with the couple. ‘Well, I’m Beth,’ she said, sounding lame. ‘That’s short for Elizabeth – Elisabeta, actually – it’s Romanian. My sister, Elaine, asked me to accompany Béla during her journey to Earth.’

‘Elaine?’ Tanya said, recognizing the name. ‘Yes, I’ve met her. She’s the blond one. She’s very pretty.’

‘When did we meet Elaine?’ Frank asked, perplexed.

‘You didn’t,’ Tanya told him. ‘She came by in a dream, like this, a couple of years ago. She and Béla got separated, somehow, and I got to help them find each other, again.’

Frank gave his wife one of those ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ looks. Tanya shrugged. They’d been married long enough that they didn’t need to explain things to each other.

Beth grinned, watching the short, pleasantly grumpy exchange between the couple. She was starting to like them, after all. She relaxed a little and leaned against the wall.

‘So,’ Tanya began, ‘you’re actually on your way here? When will you get here? For real, I mean.’

‘Well, the ship will be traveling to the Deimos Station to pick up the Earth-fill Project crew,’ Beth explained, ‘then we’ll be traveling here. It’s about three months from Deimos to Earth; maybe four.’

‘Three months, hmm?’ Tanya asked. ‘Where are you now?’ ‘ Well,’ Beth said, half-laughing, ‘this is still the first day of our trip! It’ll be more than a year just getting from Jupiter to Deimos.’

‘That’s another thing,’ Tanya said. ‘I never got a chance to ask Elaine. Why Jupiter? That’s a long ways off! Is that where you go when you die?’

Beth sat and thought for a moment. Did she know about Earth’s impending demise? Would it upset her to tell her that her world was going to end? She lightly touched her mind to Tanya’s. She didn’t seem to notice. Tanya was completely clueless on the subject of the sun’s impending nova. Beth decided not to tell her – they were bonded to Béla, so that made them Béla’s responsibility.

‘It’s one of father’s projects,’ Beth explained. ‘A long time ago, my father’s people set up the Deimos Station, but they found that the sun’s radiation was too harsh for them. Now there’s a new station orbiting Jupiter.’

That should satisfy their curiosity.

‘So Deimos is an artificial moon?’ Tanya asked, incredulous. ‘And there’s another one around Jupiter?’

Beth nodded.

‘I kind-of get that,’ Tanya told her. ‘Now, how does this relate to all of you… princesses?… being on Jupiter? I mean, Béla was burned to death! I saw it happen with my own eyes. I was in the fire with her, trying to save Jake. That fire was so hot, there weren’t even ashes left! How did she, and all of you, get to Jupiter, for Christ’s sake? How is it that she’s even alive?’

Beth could feel that Tanya was upset. She was happy that her friend hadn’t really died after all, but she, understandably, wanted to know how her beloved friend had been so impossibly saved.

'Where to begin?' Beth wondered. She decided to check on her sister’s progress before getting involved in what was going to be a complicated explanation. Béla was inside the thought-dampening field. With some effort, Beth reestablished her mind-link with her sister. Béla and Jake were wrapped around each other radiating a really juicy sex flow. Tactfully, Beth withdrew, with apologies to her sister.

She took a deep breath, letting her own body recover a little from the sensual excitement it had suddenly experienced. She glanced at the couple watching her. They were wondering what was going on. Beth had accidentally broadcast the sex flow throughout the room. ‘Sorry,’ Beth explained. ‘I was just checking up on my sister.’

Tanya laughed, ‘They were doing what they do best, hmm?’

Beth nodded, clearly embarrassed.

‘Darling,’ Tanya began, ‘we can spend the whole day in bed if you want… But, I’d like to know how Béla managed to survive the fire. Is it all right to tell us?’

Beth nodded, again, ‘Yes, it’s not a secret. At least, not to us. It’s part of our history.

‘The last princess on earth didn’t survive,’ she quoted her history text. ‘She was burned to death, caught in a trap set by the evil Earthers. All that was left were ashes. The Regent of Deimos, using the ship’s tractor beam, collected everything, every part of her, including the evaporated, gaseous smoke from the fire and…’ she sighed, not really knowing how well she was telling this.

‘He rebuilt her, cell by cell,’ Beth concluded, not longer quoting as she shortened the story. ‘It took him almost a hundred years, but of all his daughters, he had a special love for her and didn’t want to lose her again.’

She carefully touched Tanya’s mind again. Tanya understood it completely as a labor of love. ‘Once her life-force was located again, her consciousness was kept in a crystal until her body was ready,’ Beth said. She didn’t think she needed to tell them about the Praetor.

‘By the time father put her back together and got her life-force back in her body, we were half-way to Jupiter Station with a load of dirt, cattle, sheep, trees and machinery from Earth.’

That was actually incorrect, but Beth didn’t remember that. It was Beth and her other sisters that had been reborn in their present forms on that ship. Béla’s body had been recreated on Deimos. ‘Well,’ Tanya mused. Frank agreed, with a grunt. What could you say to a story like that?

‘How is it that she can visit us like you’re doing right now?’ Frank asked, curious. Beth smiled. Some things were all right to tell them.

‘My father’s race is telepathic,’ she explained. ‘My sisters and I are all hybrids; half human and half…’

‘Half space girl!’ Tanya said, jumping in with one of the few things she actually knew about Béla. They both laughed.

‘Space girl, huh?’ Beth mused. ‘It works. The ‘Space Girl’ part of her, of us all, is telepathic, as well. Once she was away from Earth, the interference from the sun was negligible. She was able to improve her abilities. Béla is the most powerful telepath of us all. She’s had the most practice and she can out-power just about anyone.’

‘So, you’re actually still on the ship that’s coming here, then,’ Tanya asked.

Beth nodded, agreeing.

‘We’re both asleep, projecting out minds from there to here,’ Beth explained.

‘What happens if you wake up?’ Frank wanted to know.

In response, Beth faded from view. She actually just moved herself out of the bedroom image, still maintaining it with her mind. Then she reappeared.

She smiled to herself. She was getting pretty good at this…

‘If I had really waked up,’ Beth explained, ‘you would just go back to sleep. It would seem to you like it was a dream, only more real.’

‘Yeah, more real is right!’ Tanya stated. Beth looked at her, waiting for her to explain. ‘When Béla first appeared, we all had sex; the three of us.’

Frank looked uncomfortable. He wasn’t sure how Béla’s sister would feel about them talking about Béla’s sexual habits. Beth laughed out loud, plainly seeing the embarrassment he was broadcasting.

‘Anyway, go on,’ Frank said, further embarrassed by Beth’s laughing, apparently at him.

‘Afterward, there was a big, wet spot that she left on the bed,’ Tanya explained. ‘That’s how we knew it wasn’t just a dream. Part of her, at least, was really here!’

‘The best part!’ Frank thought to himself.

‘That’s my favorite part of her, too!’ Beth replied in his head.

Beth thought about what Tanya had said. There had been a physical manifestation to Béla’s dream-walking. She’d left some girl-cum behind. She had probably been so excited, she’d forgotten she wasn’t physically present. What would happen then?

Apparently deep in thought, Beth picked up a trinket of Tanya’s from her bed stand and played with it in her hands, turning it over and over. After a moment, Tanya took her attention off the object. The little frog statuette had set there for a long time, completely ignored. Beth closed her eyes and continued to ‘play’ with the object, then pretended to put it back. As she set it down, it quietly vanished. If Beth was right, it was now setting on the cooler in her quarters on the great ship, millions and millions of miles away. If not, then she was just dreaming, after all.

Tanya watched her strange visitor. She felt so attracted to her, almost as much as to Béla herself.

‘It must be the species,’ she thought to herself. ‘Their entire race must just ooze sexuality. That must be their compensation for being sterile! Some exotic human girls, like the Spanish American and Mayan mix, or the Native Americans, ooze vibrant sexuality when they’re fifteen, then turn into old women almost overnight. The Space Girls are an exotic mixture of races, with the whole sexuality bit going for them – but they’ll never grow old!’

Beth was looking at her. Tanya could feel their minds touching, almost by accident. Tanya knew she had accidentally initiated the contact and she wasn’t certain how to proceed. She could plainly see that Beth felt her desire. Tanya began to feel embarrassed. Then she was angry with herself for feeling that way.

‘That’s normal,’ Beth said, quieting her new friend’s anxiety. ‘Do you want to kiss me? I’d like that, if you want…’

Tanya reached forward, timidly touching her lips to this exotic young female space girl sitting next to her on her own bed.

This reserve is so totally ‘not me!’ Tanya thought, chastising herself for acting so shy. She thought she saw Beth smile and wondered if she picked up the thought. She did.

'So? Be ‘you', then!’ Beth thought back at her. ‘Don’t hold back on my account…’

Then Tanya was pulling her down beside her, hugging her tightly. Both girls giggled nervously. Frank sat, ignored, and raptly watched the two girls explore each other.

Beth and Tanya lay on the bed, their bodies touching from head to toe. They quietly caressed each other, radiating simple contentment for being together at each other. Beth decided she’d better check on her sister again, before she forgot about her completely. Béla and Jake were simply lying together, now. Béla was feeling content, too, for the moment. Beth withdrew again.

Tanya was moving down to kiss Beth’s neck and shoulders. Beth raised her arms above her head, permitting Tanya to take off the confining sarong that had wrapped itself around Beth’s upper torso. Frank’s eyes lit up. He was once again able to admire Beth’s pretty breasts. Beth was unable to prevent a mild annoyance at Frank radiate into Tanya before she was able to control it.

‘You don’t like men!’ Tanya laughed, surprised at Beth’s reaction to being looked at. They were still mind-linked. Tanya was mildly amused, but willing to allow Beth her own individuality on the subject. ‘Well, so long as I can touch you, I don’t care! Let him watch!’

Beth smiled as a reply, then moaned as Tanya began sucking on a nipple. She tried to suppress the desire to be punctured.

‘This is just simple sex between us girls!’ Beth thought to herself. ‘I don’t need to be perforated to enjoy it! I didn’t need it before Béla, and I don’t need it now!’

But she did. Beth knew she was lying to herself. She looked helplessly at Tanya, who had stopped, stunned by the images she was receiving.

‘What is it, darling?’ Tanya insisted on knowing. ‘This is something to do with Jake and his treatment of Béla, isn’t it?’

Beth nodded, helpless in her desire. ‘He shoots her! He stabs her! He sticks knives into her! He makes holes in her! And she loves it! It makes her come harder!

‘Béla and I tried it earlier, today, Beth confessed. ‘I like it. I want more of it. Can you understand that?’

Tanya nodded, hesitantly. She understood the vampiric need to be hurt during sex. After all, her youngest daughter had similar cravings, and Béla had demonstrated her complete willingness to be seriously injured on more than one occasion. It made sense to Tanya that this could be a sexual need for a species that couldn’t be easily killed. It was worth a shot; please pardon the pun.

‘Frank, go get my gun,’ Tanya suggested.

Tanya had a light, twenty caliber automatic pistol she kept in the dresser.

‘What?’ Frank exclaimed, not understanding what game the ‘girls’ wanted to play now.

‘We need the gun,’ Tanya said, not explaining. ‘Just get it and bring it here.’

Beth was getting butterflies in her insides from the building excitement. Not only did Tanya understand her needs, she was going to help her experience them! She touched Tanya’s mind briefly, trying to see what she was planning. Disappointed, she realized that Tanya was, herself, uncertain of what to do next. She was just, (what was that phrase she used?) ‘Playing it by ear.’ She anxiously waited to see what would happen next.

Frank returned to the bed and handed the cold metal gun to Tanya. Tanya and Beth both held it, feeling its cool, machined surface.

‘This is the same as the little rifle that Béla’s lifemate uses on her,’ Beth informed them.

‘Little rifle?’ Tanya asked. ‘Don’t they have guns where you come from?’

‘Well, I’ve seen rifles,’ Beth admitted. ‘Sometimes the farmers shoot deer in the winter for extra food. There aren’t any little ones like this.’

‘That’s called a ‘pistol’. It’s used for killing people,’ Frank explained. ‘If your people don’t kill each other, then there wouldn’t be any need for something like this to exist.’

‘It makes holes in people,’ Beth said, letting them know she knew what it was for. ‘Béla showed me. Her lifemate fucked her with one, and then he shot her between her legs with it. It hurt her the first time, then she took him into the mountains and he made lots of holes in her. I want you to do that to me!’

Frank was fuming! ‘Béla used to try and talk me into doing sick stuff like that to her! So she finally found some pervert who was willing to hurt her as much as she wanted to be hurt!’ He was ready to explode with fury.

‘Surely that’s not the total basis of their relationship!’ Tanya insisted. ‘They love each other! Jake has been grieving over her for nearly a hundred years!’

Frank snorted in derision. ‘If he’s grieving, it’s because of what he did to her, or what he wasn’t able to do to her anymore!’

He knew how stupid that sounded, but he had to maintain that stance. His stubborn pride insisted on it. He had lost Béla to a perverted pain and control freak!

‘Shot her between her legs? Christ!’

Tanya didn’t argue. After eighty-five years of marriage, she knew Frank well enough to know when she was wasting her breath. The sexual tension between she and Beth was gone. There wouldn’t be any more sex play for awhile. She looked around for the gun.

‘Believe it fell on the floor and bounced under the bed,’ Beth suggested in Tanya’s mind. ‘You can find it, later, or even better, just forget about it. Let Frank worry about it…’

Beth hoped it was on the cooler next to the little ceramic frog. If it was, she and Béla could have fun with it, later.

‘What’s all the shouting?’ Béla wanted to know.

She had suddenly reappeared in Frank and Tanya’s bedroom. She smelled like she’d just been fucked, which she had.

‘Whew!’ Beth exclaimed, pretending to cough and fanning her hand in Béla’s direction. ‘Who let the whore in?’ she laughed, letting her sister know she was joking. She hoped her sister hadn’t noticed her pilfering the gun, if it had even happened.

‘Well, I see Jake’s all right,’ Frank said, noting Béla’s familiar, well-fucked look. Béla smiled at him and walked over to stand in front of him.

‘Want a feel?’ Béla asked, coyly. ‘It’s nice and slippery in there.’

Her face was only an inch from Frank’s. He could smell cum on her breath. In fact, she stank with it. Suddenly grabbing Béla by her shoulders, he turned her around, examining her quickly.

‘See? No holes!’ he exclaimed triumphantly to the other girls. ‘Just good old-fashioned fucking!’

Béla, confused, scanned around the room, picking up vague images of what had been being discussed. Tanya projected what Beth had almost talked her into. Béla stared at sweet, innocent Beth and laughed out loud.

‘Way to go, girl!’ Béla exclaimed. ‘Maybe next time! The sun’s almost up. We have to leave.’

She could feel the regret that Frank and Tanya broadcast at her announcement.

‘Don’t wait so long next time, Space Girl,’ Tanya said. ‘We love you! We need to see you more often!’

The room faded. Beth and Béla were back in the arborium in the great ship.

Beth sat up. "That was amazing! I learned so much! And a lot more about your life when you were on Earth. They love you, you know…"

Beth relaxed her mind. She was getting good enough to actually not think of something when it was necessary to keep a secret. She left enough ‘naturalness’ there so that her sister wouldn’t suspect.

"We’d better get back, I guess," Béla told her. "It doesn’t really matter what we do for the next year. We don’t even need to keep a schedule. On the trip out, I would lose myself in the ship for weeks at a time and nobody even noticed I was gone. I was just a loose cog that nobody knew what to do with."

Béla was already missing her lifemate enough that she didn’t notice anything unusual about Beth. As the two sisters arrived back at their quarters, Béla still seemed preoccupied thinking about her lifemate and the sex they’d had. Beth went in first, mentally dialing up the thought dampeners to full power. Almost afraid to find out, she looked toward the cooler.

The little ceramic frog was there! The cold metal gun was there!

Carefully keeping her excitement contained, she walked to the cooler, keeping her body between the cooler and her sister so Béla wouldn’t see. Béla climbed up on the bed table and looked around, seeming confused about something.

"It’s stuffy in here!" she exclaimed, finally. "The thought dampeners are on too high!"

She got up to adjust them to a more comfortable level. Beth picked up the cold metal gun. It felt heavy and awkward in her hands. She turned around toward her sister, radiating intense excitement, holding the gun in her hands. Béla stared, not believing what she was seeing. Beth pointed the gun at her sister and pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened.

"Ahhhh!" Beth cried, completely distraught. She had wanted to surprise her sister so badly with the little perforating device. And it didn’t work!

‘There are no bullets in it, Darling,’ Béla told her in her mind. ‘But that was sweet of you to think of me…’

"How did you get that here?" Béla asked, curious.

Earth was millions and millions of miles away. Teleportation across a distance like that simply wasn’t possible. Beth looked at her sister and projected an image.

Beth dreaming and walking between two images. In reality, they are millions of miles apart. In her mind, they are right next to each other. She simply carries it out of one image and into the other.

"And when I came in here," Beth concluded, excitedly, "they were actually there! I almost couldn’t believe it!"

Béla found it hard to believe, too. What bothered her most, although she would never admit it, was that she hadn’t thought of it first!

‘You’re slipping, girl!’ she chastised herself. ‘She's better, brighter and faster than you are… and she always knew how to fly…’

End Part 3.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:




