Fran, a classroom Spanish teacher for over 20 years, earned her M.Ed. in Educational Technology in 2012. She managed a 1:1 middle school iPad program as an early adopter while teaching, speaking, and professionally writing for educational magazines and blogs. Currently, as the co-founder of Calliope Global, she loves to support educational teams in meeting the diverse needs of today’s students who will be well-equipped players in the global and creative workforce of the future. Her passions are student-centered learning, global projects, digital literacy, learning space design and World Language study. She has presented most recently at K12 Online Conference, FFLA, ECG, SCOLT, FETC, FLENEF, ISTE, ACTFL, FCIS, EdSurge Summit and GEC. Fran happily promotes educational excellence by serving as the co-founder of EdCamp Tampa Bay, the co-founder of Conquistadors Connect, an Edutopia guest blogger, a Kahoot! founding ambassador, an organizer for EdCamp Global Classrooms, and an educator voice for Makkajai. Haiku Deck is one of her FAVORITE APPS OF ALL TIME too!
Amazing sharing and learning took place at edcamp Tampa Bay on October 10, 2015. Keep the conversation going on Twitter: #edcampTB.
Feel free to embed in blog or website, post to social media channels, email to attendees, sponsors, and anyone else who is curious!
Thanks and shout out to the person who created the EdCamp Template on Haiku Deck!