Haiku Deck Superstar

23 Haiku Decks

Our Firm Can Represent You Anywhere

Our Firm Can Represent You Anywhere

6 Slides402 Views


We’re glad that you came to us to let us review your case and see if you have a chance of winning. That’s our job. We're not here to help you plead guilty; you can usually do that by yourself. We’re here to look into your case and try to tell you if you have legal issues that can let you walk away from this case without a DUI on your record or even go to trial and win or pre-trial motion and win. Our job is to look for ways out of this.

We give you a free interview for that purpose and if you watch this tape, you’re going to realize that there's a lot more to a DUI case than you ever thought possible. So bear with us and we'll walk through this and try to make you more comfortable with the process.

Minimum Penalties for a FIRST DUI Offense

Minimum Penalties for a FIRST DUI Offense

7 Slides613 Views


We’re glad that you came to us to let us review your case and see if you have a chance of winning. That’s our job. We're not here to help you plead guilty; you can usually do that by yourself. We’re here to look into your case and try to tell you if you have legal issues that can let you walk away from this case without a DUI on your record or even go to trial and win or pre-trial motion and win. Our job is to look for ways out of this.

We give you a free interview for that purpose and if you watch this tape, you’re going to realize that there's a lot more to a DUI case than you ever thought possible. So bear with us and we'll walk through this and try to make you more comfortable with the process.

The Administrative License Suspension Form (Form 1205)

The Administrative License Suspension Form (Form 1205)

5 Slides220 Views


We’re glad that you came to us to let us review your case and see if you have a chance of winning. That’s our job. We're not here to help you plead guilty; you can usually do that by yourself. We’re here to look into your case and try to tell you if you have legal issues that can let you walk away from this case without a DUI on your record or even go to trial and win or pre-trial motion and win. Our job is to look for ways out of this.

We give you a free interview for that purpose and if you watch this tape, you’re going to realize that there's a lot more to a DUI case than you ever thought possible. So bear with us and we'll walk through this and try to make you more comfortable with the process.