Haiku Deck Superstar

1 Haiku Deck

Blind Date_(8)

Blind Date_(8)

1 Slide

"Wow, you uh, got a bigger place than I do." he said with a bit of a chuckle, surprised, looking around then back at her, raising an eyebrow as he shut the door behind him, "How’d you get a place like this on our salary?"

She had stepped ahead of him towards the kitchen but paused at the entrance, leaning on the doorframe, a smirk on her lips as she held her hands together and stretched her arms out down in front of her, the effect pushing her sizable breasts up and together, accentuating their size, "Ooh I don't know… I think the owner took a liking to me, you know?" she giggled as she stepped into the kitchen, leaving him blushing by the door.

He stepped further in and cleared his throat, hearing her in the kitchen, the tinkling of glasses. He caught sight of himself in a mirror and tilted his head a little, reaching up to run his fingertips through his hair, doing his best to neaten it. He looked back towards the kitchen and saw Claire standing again in the doorway, this time two glasses and a bottle of wine held in her hands, a grin on her face as she caught him blushing.

"Don't worry so much!" she said, sauntering over to a couch, "You look fine, great, actually." she winked, "Joining me?" she sat herself down and reclined comfortably, looking across to Anthony expectantly.

He smiled and nodded, moving to sit beside her as she poured out two measures of white wine, handing him a glass which he sipped from gratefully.

"How about you pick what we watch?" she asked, handing him a remote, her tone soft and airy.

He took the remote with reverence and eyed it then the TV, switching it on and easily navigating the menus to Netflix. He knew this was some sort of a test, what movie would he put on? Would he put on a romance to try and woo her? Would he put on an action film because he loved it? Would he put on a comedy because all women just want a man that could make them laugh? He flicked through the selection of TV shows, movies and comedy nights and she watched with interest until he finally came to the conclusion, the only conclusion there could be.

"Ooh good choice." she purred, settling back into the seat, "But there's no way we’re going to make it all the way through this film on just one bottle of wine…"

He looked at her and met her eye, unable to help himself, smiling, "Nonsense. You’re only saying that because no one ever has."

As the movie progressed they did move onto the second bottle of wine. After she had gotten up to retrieve it, as she sat down she sat closer, nestling into the crook of his arm as he draped it over her shoulders.

She was far more intoxicating than the wine was, her slender body warm and soft against his, snuggled up against him as she was it afforded him a view down her top that, with his inhibitions lowered courtesy of the wine, he found himself glancing at more than once. She smelled sweet and he found himself thinking about her more than the film.

He had said he would accept her no matter what and even knowing what he did now his opinion hadn’t been swayed in the least. He’d never thought of himself as anything other as heterosexual, but the thought of Claire having a manhood didn’t phase him, which confused him a little. He’d never thought about it before, or fantasized about it, but it just didn’t matter to him.

It was then he realised just how taken he was with Claire. She was way above anything he had ever expected to get for himself and on top of that, they had a lot in common, a chemistry even. His sexuality wasn’t important, she was.

"Whatcha thinking about?" she asked curiously, a sing-song tone to her voice.

He looked down at her, blinking as his train of thought was derailed, smiling a little, "Just… Enjoying the film."

"Uhhuh… You’ve been staring at the credits with dreamy eyes for like three minutes." she smirked, playful.

He looked back towards the screen, the last of the credits rolling as he stared.

"Sooo, what were you really thinking about?" she pressed, urging her body tighter to his, a hand tracing in circles on his chest through his shirt.

"Just, about your…" he said, honestly, leaving the last word unsaid, knowing it didn’t need to be spoken aloud.

"My cock?~" she grinned broadly, giggling a little.

Anthony blushed brightly, realising she had had the same amount to drink that he had and that, combined with her smaller size, probably meant she was quite buzzing.

"Y-yeah, that." he confessed.

She pursed her lips a little, "And?... What's the verdict now you’ve actually given yourself time to think about it?"

He bit his lip some, picking his next words carefully, "I… Really don't mind that it’s a there."

She smirked some, "Mm… You’re sure know how to compliment a lady hm?"

"Ah, sorry, I mean-"

"I know what you mean, and it’s amazing, you’re perfect. If you were in love with it that would be less fun." she nodded.

"Less fun?" he asked.

"Well, then I wouldn’t be able to teach you how to love it…" she said, her voice low and sultry, her eyes full of promises.

He bit his lip and their eyes met, his heart pounding in his chest as she stared up at him, biting her lip, a hungry expression on her beautiful, kind features.

"I want you, Anthony…" she whispered softly.

He didn’t answer, all his life he’d let chances pass him by, girls he might’ve had a shot with ignored, promotions overlooked, opportunities, possibilities, all passing by.

She looked hopeful.

No more missed chances. He didn’t reply, he didn’t need to, he kissed her.

She arched her back, pressing herself desperately to him as they met in their first kiss, her hand moving up his arm to grip his shoulder, the other bunching his shirt in her fist.

He slid his arms eagerly around her and pulled her tight, the warmth of her body exciting him in ways he hadn’t felt in years, he raised a hand to run his fingertips through her hair, caressing her as they kissed, soft and passionate but with underlying currents of lust.

It was a whirlwind romance and they both knew it, but sparks were flying and they were releasing what felt like years of pent up energy, neither of them had had much luck with the opposite sex and in each other they had found someone they each found incredibly attractive and who, seemingly, understood.

With their blossoming connection and their wine weakened inhibitions, their thinly veiled pretence of not wanting to just leap at each other had fallen away quickly.

She rose to stand and as she did she dragged him by the shirt collar to stand too, all the while kissing as his hands glided down her body, tracing the lines of her body, her slender waist, her curves, resting his hands on her hips as she started to step towards the bedroom, towing him, both her hands at his collar to start unbuttoning his shirt revealing the smooth skin of his chest.

Backing towards her room she accidentally, too distracted with him backed herself against a wall and he loomed to stand over her, the kiss deepening as their tongues met, nimble and eager as they sought each other out, his hands moving down and around, cupping her ass cheeks and squeezing.

She moaned into the kiss and as he lifted her from the floor, raising she snaked her arms around his neck, his shirt now unbuttoned as she too laced her legs around his waist, holding onto him as they made out, her back pressed against the wall and her swelling gift pressing to his stomach, not that he noticed or cared.

She ran her fingers through his hair, lavishing in the sensations of such a gorgeous man paying her the attention she had so desperately craved for so long.

He pulled her away from the wall and she clung to him, the two of them breaking the kiss so they could stare at each other, open mouthed, panting softly as they stared with half lidded eyes into each other's souls.

Without a word he carried her into her bedroom, tossing her onto the bed where she bounced with a gasp, laying lounged out on the soft sheets watching him as he removed his shirt, leaving him bare chested. He was so gorgeous, so perfect as he stood over her.

He moved onto the bed, noting a definite bulge, but ignoring it for now. He slid his fingers under her top to caress his tips across her flat stomach, starting to glide them up her skin, raising her shirt as he moved, leaving soft kisses on her body as he moved.

Blushing she raised her arms above her head, resting them on the bed as he continued to move her shirt up and off her body, kissing as he moved, even pressing a few soft kisses into the fabric cups of her substantial bra.

Eagerness meeting with impatience he pressed his fingers under her back and, arching her back she raised herself, giving room for his questing fingers to find and, a little clumsily, unhook her bra.

He leaned up, straddling her waist as she looped her arms through the straps of her bra, looking up at him with a lustful gaze, the only thing holding her bra to her breasts was gravity.

"H-hey… When you saw me in the office this morning… Did you think you’d end up seeing me on my back without my bra on?" she asked, smirking ever so softly.

"Given my luck, I’m still not convinced I will." he smirked too.

She giggled a little, her breasts bouncing to her mirth just behind the loose cover of her bra, which she removed, tossing it aside and letting her heavy full breasts spill free into his sight, "How about n-mm…"

She was interrupted as he again leaned in to kiss her, her full breasts squishing against his chest, their warmth magic against him. He reached a hand between them to cup and squeeze one of the soft mounds, eliciting a groan of pleasure for the girl as she squirmed against him wanting more.

He delivered, kissing down over her jaw to her slender neck, continuing his conquest back down her body until his lips were pressing into the full softness of her breasts, finding one of her nipples and drawing it between his lips, his hand massaging the wonderful flesh as he sucked and flicked his tongue across her sensitive nipple.

By now the bulge that he had been ignoring was all but pleading for attention, an unmistakable firmness pressing into his body, he looked up at her and saw the mutual pleading in her eyes. She wanted more, so much more and he knew in her expression that this wouldn’t be the sort of relationship where her lusts would go unchecked as he sated his, if anything he suspected he might have to fight for it not to be the opposite.

"Please…" she begged, shamelessly.

Hesitating just for a moment he hooked his thumbs under the band of her skirt and the thin fabric of her panties and began to work both downwards.

He admired her perfect porcelain skin, flawless from her nose to her toes in both its look and how it felt under his fingers, but as he discarded the last of her clothes he finally let his eyes rest on the tool that he had known about, but could still hardly believe.

Typically, the first thing he noticed was how much bigger than him she was. Not that he was small, in fact he proudly considered himself above average in that department, but she was simply huge, at least nine inches and as thick as a can of red bull, her massive and very hard cock, pointed straight up, red tip glistening where drops of pre had been rubbed into it by her panties as she had shifted and squirmed, a pair of heavy balls hung below, the whole affair smooth and hairless.

"You’ve liked kissing up until now, right?" she urged, keeping still.

Laying between her thighs he looked up, past the thick cock that slightly pulsed and bobbed before his eyes, past the heavy swell of her breasts as they rose and fell in tandem with her breaths into that familiar face, so well known to him but now so foreign in its lust for him, her green eyes staring at him, needing him, something he hadn’t seen in another woman for it felt like forever.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to the underside her cock where it met her balls and she let her head fall back against the bed, her curled red hair splaying out as she moaned in pleasure and the sudden relief of ‘will he, won't he’ tension that she hadn’t even realised had been building up inside of her was washed away in an instant.

He closed his eyes, fully aware of what he was doing, pleasuring a beautiful woman who wanted him, nothing else on the subject mattered to him, it didn’t need to.

Finding his confidence he let his tongue draw slowly up the length of her cock until it teased at the underside of her ruby red tip, his lips closing around it as he pressed down, taking it into the enticing wet warmth of his mouth.

She writhed against the bed as her cock leaked pre between his lips, she was proving to be a vocal partner, with each tiny action from him drawing forth a new and distinct moan of pleasure from her lips.

"A-ah! Ooh gods, Anthony, you’re, ah! Really treating me here…" she moaned, eyes shut as she lived in the moment.

He didn’t slow or stop, focusing more on the lushness of her voice and the melodic pleasure within it than any of the other sensations currently washing over him.

"You’re so good…" she purred, writhing against him as her hands trailed down, one resting on the back of his head, urging him on, the other gripping and squeezing her own full breast, plucking at her full nipple with thumb and finger, adding to her pleasure.

He rolled his lips steadily up and down over her hard shaft, suckling as his tongue rolled around her sensitive ruby tip, not knowing what to do, but knowing what he enjoyed, simply trying his best to emulate that and using her guidance to help. As his tongue flicked the underside of her tip she gripped his head a little tighter, spurring him on to repeat the action, her legs shifting as she moved, lost in the pleasure.

"F-fuck Anthony… I don’t want it to stop, a-ah! Mm…" she whimpered cutely, sounding torn, "Ah, take your pants off, stand up…"

He paused, drawing one last time on her thick cock before letting it pop free of his warm wet mouth, panting softly as he looked up at her, nodding a little, rising to his feet and fumbling at his belt, looking down to take in the sight that was Claire.

She lounged on the bed, a hand wrapped around her thick cock, pumping it slowly as she watched, a predatory glint in her eyes as he stripped for her.

"...That's kinda sexy." She teased with a grin and he couldn’t help but smirk back, feeling more than a little playful himself.

He was hard as steel in his own boxers, which was obvious as he slid his trousers down his legs, and even more so when his shorts followed and it sprang out. It wasn’t nearly as big as hers was, not that she seemed to mind as he stood there, trying not to feel self-conscious about his inferior length.

"That's definitely sexy…" she purred, patting the bed beside her, urging him back to her side.

He was keen to follow her direction and laid down on the bed beside her, her lips again finding his as they cuddled and kissed, their hands caressing and exploring one another's skin as they crossed swords, their cocks bumping and rubbing against each other, tiny moans escaping Claire’s lips between hot kisses.

"Are you ready for more?" she asked softly, her eyes half lidded, her hand snaking across his hip to squeeze his ass, feeling it’s softness under her questing fingertips.

He nodded some, "What do-Mmm.."

She kissed him again and rolled him onto his back, moving to lay on top of him, her lighter body comfortable on his, her breasts pressed warmly to his chest.

Their tongues mingled as she slowly gyrated her hips, grinding her cock gently into his stomach, her hands reaching down, gliding down his sides to the inside of his thighs, urging them apart.

"Mmf…" he murmured a little, breaking the kiss and looking up at her, "You… Want to?..."

"Can I, please?" she said, voice soft, every aspect of her being radiating desire, a need for him.

He swallowed, some, just an hour ago he would’ve hesitated, even just to think about it, but he trusted her explicitly and he wanted to make this red haired goddess feel every sensation he could provide her. He just nodded.

She beamed happily and kissed him softly before leaning up, kneeling between his parted thighs, her cock resting atop of his, eclipsing it as she worked her hips back and forth slowly.

After biting one full lip at the sight of him for a moment she raised her hand and spat on her fingers, urging them down between their bodies, Anthony feeling the alien sensation of a pair of wet fingers gently probing at him, lubricating him, preparing him.

"You’re so beautiful Anthony…" she said in a low, loving voice, her words contrasting lewdly with her actions as she continued to prepare his virgin hole and rub spit into her thick cock.

"Is, is that going to be enough lubricant?..." he asked, not wanting to back out, but concerned for her size and his inexperience.

"It’ll be fine, trust me.?" She urged as she moved to rest one hand on the bed sheets beside his chest, her other hand gripping the base of her cock and lining it up to his butt.

He nodded again, blushing as he reached his arms out above him on the bed, not sure what else to do with his arms as she looked down into his eyes, her lips parted slightly as she started to exert just the tiniest bit of pressure.

He breathed hard and tried to relax, but found it difficult as the pressure built and built.

She pushed then pulled back, letting him get used to her attempts and just enjoying the sensation of heat and pressure against her sensitive cock head even if she wasn’t yet inside him, his cheeks hugging her sensitive member felt amazing.

Again she pushed forward, the pressure once again building against him as he gasped and whimpered adorably, but again did his best not to tense or panic.

This time as the pressure mounted, the building sensations almost becoming unbearable there was a sudden give and she lurched forward a couple of inches, the ruby tip of her cock and the top inch of her pale shaft sinking into his now spread hole.

He arched his back and cried out in pain, gritting his teeth as she bit her lip to withhold a deep moan.

Instead she lay down, pressing her breasts into his chest as her hands moved up to caress his hair, leaving her cock inside him, allowing his tight ring to adjust to her impressive girth.

"Shh, it’s okay… It's okay, the first time always hurts, like any virgin… The pain will go away soon I promise, I promise…" she whispered softly into his ear, reassuring and calming him from the sudden influx.

She held him and spoke to him like that for a couple long minutes before pulling back a little and looking at him, hopeful.

He bit his lip, but nodded, closing his eyes and gripping the sheets in preparation.

She smiled and moved back up onto her knees, looking down and seeing for the first time where they were joined, the very tip of her thick cock vanished inside his tightness, it looked so good, so tempting, more than ever she knew he was the one, that he would spend a lot of time in his current place, not as a toy, or just a friend with benefits, but as her life partner.

Slowly she began to build the pressure back up, moving easier this time, her cock dominating him inch after inch as at a minuscule pace she fed herself into him, filling him, claiming him.

He gasped, whimpered and writhed, struggling to come to terms with just how tight the fit was and just how much cock she was urging into him, but he never told her to stop, never thought he couldn’t or wouldn’t do it, he could and he would, for her.

Claire chewed her lip watching him, gorgeous and wonderful, taking her cock like a star, letting her push forward until, to their mutual surprise, she had buried her entire python inside of him in one single, albeit slow push.

She didn’t afford him as much of an acclimation period this time, instead pulling out, only to push back in, her movements solely orchestrated by the gyrating of her hips, her eyes locked on his expression, though he had his eyes closed, she revelled in the look of determination. She knew it wouldn’t feel good for him, yet, but his sheer willpower in going through this minor ordeal for her pleasure was such a turn on for her that she found herself admiring and lusting after him more and more with each passing second, even as she finally sated those needs.

Their breaths joined in tempo, matching one another to the slow driving thrusts of her cock as it slid in and out of him, making slow love to him, her noises again picking up.

While she had quieted herself after his short, but magical, period of going down on her, she again found herself unable to resist the lure of her bodies rolling waves of pleasure, her throaty moans filling the space between them as they joined.

His hands moved to her waist, holding her gently and neither urging her to go faster or to slow, just needing to feel her under his fingers as she entered him.

As her pace quickened he too found himself making soft lewd noises in time with her cocks movements, each push seemingly to work its way so deep into him as to push the air out of his lungs in a deep gasping moan, there was no pleasure yet, but the pain was certainly outweighed by the insanity of the situation, here he was, on his back, the office beauty between his thighs making slow passionate love to him in a way he’d never even considered possible. And he was enjoying it, enjoying the intimacy, enjoying the feeling of a woman in his arms and most of all, enjoying the noises she was making, especially when her moans and gasps started to evolve, each one becoming a lewd mimic of his name which she repeated, again and again, her mind swimming with thoughts of him as she took him.

Her pace quickened still, their love making becoming more heated and impassioned as his body started to rock with the mounting force of each thrust, her breasts bouncing as the distinctive noise of bodies slapping against each other rose to mix with the already melodic tune of their two pleasured voices.

The pleasure coursing through her body became so intense as she fucked his tight ass that her own body seemingly became too heavy to support as she leaned forward, embracing him as he wrapped his arms around her, thighs spread wide as she became less focused, more wild and needy, her thoughts for his well being fading away just a little as she was taken by the animalistic need to for pleasure brought on by a familiar rising sensation in her balls, one she felt often whenever she ‘saw to herself’, but never at this strength.

They didn’t need words now, nothing they could’ve said would’ve stopped the inevitable as they both felt her cock become steely hard inside him, pulsing and throbbing in tune with her heartbeat.

She felt herself crest the peak and she forced her lips tight to his, her tongue driving between his lips to meet his own, equally as excited and keen as her own to make out as fireworks exploded in her head, a surging sensation running down her cock as she began to drain her heavy, smooth balls inside of him, each pulse sending another pool of white deep into him, filling him with even more foreign sensations which were, he couldn’t deny, starting to feel good.

This first time, his first ever, may have been a more difficult experience for him, but with how he felt in this very instant, he wanted to feel it again, to see how it would feel now he knew what to expect, now he was more prepared. He had no doubt it would feel better and better as time went on and he was excited to find that out for himself.

She collapsed on top him, spent, her cock still hard, spitting out the last few creamy drops of her thick cum into his seeded ass, his arms gently caressing her body sending shivers down her spine. She was falling so madly in love with him, more so with each passing second and she could only hope and pray he felt the same.

His voice came out soft, worn out and heady with satisfaction even though it had been her who had cum, "W-wow…"

"That… That was amazing… Anthony…" she panted, hugging herself to him, possessively.

"W-we… Didn’t go too far on the first date, did we?" he asked and she smiled, he, like her, was looking to their future together, already trying to safeguard it.

"We went the perfect distance…" she reassured him, kissing his chest as she slowly pulled out and snuggled in beside him, "We should plan our second date…"

He bit his lip a little then nodded, "Maybe, coffee and danishes? I know a couple of good spots we could go?"

She smiled at that looking up at him with a twinkle in her eyes, "I mean, we could… But I’ve got perfectly good coffee and danishes at mine… Tomorrow morning, after a second round…"

"Then maybe we can go for a few rounds of tennis?" he suggested, smiling to himself.

"Then we can have a third round in the changing room…" she said in a quiet but excited tone.

He found himself smiling, he was, he knew, going to be on the receiving end of her bonus package an awful lot, but if the price of heaven was doing something he was sure he would learn to love, there wasn’t really any questioning to it.

"Sure, then we can have a round three…" he said softly and felt her nestle up against him, warm and ever so perfect.

"So." Harry said, leaning on his desk as the Monday morning rolled around, "Let me get this straight." he continued, John nodding along, standing with arms folded, "You went on a blind date on Friday."

"Yup." Anthony nodded.

"And you spent the night at hers." John continued, disbelief filling his voice.


"And then you spent the next day together, playing tennis. Going to the cinema. That sort of thing." Harry again.

"Mmhm." Anthony nodded some, smirking.

"And then she spent the night at yours."

"That’s pretty much what happened yes." Anthony agreed.

"And on Sunday you?..."

"Spent the day with her again, yes."

Harry glanced at John who shook his head, "Nah, you’re having us on Anthony! Come on, I mean, no offence but Charlene’s mentioned your track record with women."

Anthony grinned and shrugged, "I don't need to validate myself with you two, you know."

"Then why won't you tell us her name?" John said, arms folded still as he raised his eyebrows.

Anthony simply shrugged.

"Because she doesn’t exist." Harry said, convincing himself.

Across the room, Claire sighed deeply. They had agreed, her and Anthony to keep this their little secret, just for a little while, at least from everyone who wasn’t Anne. But Anthony had come in with such a dopey grin that the office immediately knew something was up and had been prying him for information all morning. She pushed herself away from her desk and stood, stalking over towards the three men.

"Claire!" Harry called out as she approached, "Get this, Anthony’s as happy as a cloud but he won't say why. He’s making up a story that he got a girl but, come on, what do you think’s going on with him, really?"

Claire walked up and eyed the trio, pursing her lips and looking Anthony over, as if judging him, "Hmm… I bet he’s telling the truth."

"Pff you think?" Harry said, dismissive.

"I’d put money on it." Claire said, smirking and Anthony suppressed one of his own.

"Oh yeah?" John said, perking up, "How much?"

"Ten dollars each?" She said, voice soft and innocent.

"Done deal." they both nodded, pulling out a note each and the three of them turned on Anthony. "Go on then Anthony, if you can prove you’ve got a girl, you’ll win Claire here twenty bucks."

He looked at Claire, "Well…"

"Oh!" Claire said, mocking sudden surprise, as if just remembering something, "I’m such an airhead some days… It’s me, I’m the girl." She grinned and leaned in, kissing Anthony on the lips.

The sudden silence was broken by the sound of the HR representative choking on her coffee.

"...Bullshit you’re just saying that for the money." Harry said, taken aback, uncertain as his eyes flickered between the two.

She took out her phone and held it up, the lock screen photo a picture of the two of them together, smiling and hugging. "Read it and weep boys." she said, casually plucking the notes from their outstretched fingers.

The two men looked completely baffled, unable to comprehend the truth as Charlene recovered from the sudden shock of what she had overheard and approached, "You two! We need to have a talk about office romances!!"

As Anthony and Claire looked at each other, smiling softly, Anthony could swear he heard Anne in her office, laughing softly.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:




