"Because of the transcendent act of the Atonement, it is possible for every soul to obtain forgiveness of sins, to have them washed away and be forgotten" -James E. Faust
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“Resolutions are quickly made and quickly forgotten. But, in a year from now, if we are doing better than we have done in the past, then the efforts of these days will not have been in vain.” -President Gordon B. Hinckley
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We must go on and accept the adventure that awaits us
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“We can only find individual identity and happiness as children of light, possessing the light of life as found through following the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth” -Elder Victor L. Brown
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"Recognize that enduring happiness comes from what you are, not from what you have."
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"Recognize that enduring happiness comes from what you are, not from what you have." -Elder
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Seek Learning By Faith
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"The holy scriptures declare eternal values; they are the firm foundation on which we can build a successful mortal experience" -L. Tom Perry
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"Let us face head-on where we are and where we want to be, and not dwell on the 'what ifs' of yesterday." -Hugh W. Pinnock
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"That sure foundation is Jesus Christ. He is the 'Rock of Heaven'. When we build our house upon Him, the rains...may descend, the floods may come, the winds may blow, but we will not fall." -Elder Robert D. Hales
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