Maria Paola Napoleone

1 Haiku Deck

Copia di Holistic Fundraising: Creating a Plan for a Healthy and Sustainable Development Program

Copia di Holistic Fundraising: Creating a Plan for a Healthy and Sustainable Development Program

41 Slides34 Views

How To, Education, Business

Take care of this, STAT! In fundraising, there are many “acute” issues that seem to arise every day—a donor needs immediate attention, or a proposal is due today, or a mailing needs to be approved right now. Unfortunately, this can lead to a high level of stress and lack of health for the development program and you, the practitioner! How can we change the paradigm and create a healthy, sustainable fundraising program that leads to a less stressed out fundraiser? In this workshop, we'll work on a comprehensive development plan that includes sustainable fundraising strategies, discuss ways to improve the health of your organization's culture of philanthropy, and examine what it takes to create a “wellness plan” for your development efforts.