Haiku Deck Superstar

1 Haiku Deck



1 Slide

A pink, frilly little thing, and kinda transparent. My parents wont usually let me wear it outside, but today, they’re dropping me off at the water park! That means I can wear it as a little swim skirt. It looks like I have panties that are poking out to say hi. I’m in line for a waterslide now, ugh, people kept bumping into me! Maybe my ass sticks out too much, it’s so crowded here. At the top of the slide now, they have me on my back as the jets keep shooting down my butt. I hope I tied my bikini tight enough! Wow, ok. It’s time to go! Wee! God it’s cold! Ugh, this ride is so bumpy! The jets keep spraying down my backside. Wow, the end of this slide has a five foot drop, I can feel my skirt fly up. Good thing I’m wearing my- Oh no! My bikini! I lost it! Don’t tell me, all I have is this three inch skirt?

Life guard: Girl! Get out of the pool! The next one’s coming.

Ugh, I tug my skirt down. It just barely covers my pussy. I have to be careful when I walk. I have so much of my ass showing, I hope they think I'm wearing a thong! I cover my pussy with my hands. God, what am I gonna do? I know! I can put my towel back on. Great idea, Alice! Just one quick trip and I’ll be safe. Wait, where is it? Don’t tell me, it got stolen! I’m stuck like this? My phone, purse, towel, everything! Who would do such a thing? I’m stuck like this until five o’clock. What am I gonna do? All the spots are taken, I can't even sit down! God, can I hide in the bathroom? I make a quick dash. There's a huge long line for the women's bathroom, but what choice do I have? This is torture. I hide my ass against the wall and hold my skirt in place over my pussy. Tears are forming in my eyes, but I'm trying not to cry. People are everywhere. This is so embarrassing! I finally make it to the bathroom stall and get in. Ugh, why is there such a huge gap between the doors? People can look right in!

Some Lady: Hurry up I have to pee!

Oh, I can't stay here, people are gonna be upset! Still, I am just so horny, I can't help but give myself a quick finger. Agh! People are looking in my stall! This is so embarrassing! I can't do this here. I flush and get out of there, maybe there's somewhere else I can hide. No one says anything about my outfit, but people keep looking at me! Some are disgusted, others are smiling; oh, why won't they just leave me alone? Maybe I can submerge myself in the wave pool. I quickly get in. God it's cold! But I have to do it anyway. My skirt starts to float, I keep it pinned down with my hands, but what's this? The waves are starting! Oh, I'm much too deep, the waves are making me float, I have to use my hands to swim but my skirt is left to fly up and down on it's own! I have to get out of here! People are gonna see! Or I'm gonna drown! Fuck! I make my way towards the beach slowly, trying to keep my three inch skirt down and not drown. I'm almost out, but the tiles are so slippery! Agh! I slipped and fell forwards, people can see my ass! Oh, and my tiny little pussy must be on display for everyone! I scramble to stand up, but I slip again. This time on my back, I just flashed everyone. Oh, this is torture. Please let me stand up! I slip again, landing on my belly, my skirt floats up above my waist. I must be dripping wet. They're gonna arrest me, and throw me in jail for being a sexual deviant. I just hope the water from the pool hides my horniness. I'm forced to crawl, I'm so sorry everyone. Just let me get out of here so I can go hide. There's a tunnel ride, maybe I can have a minute of privacy in the tube. I get in the back of the line, but it goes on forever! God, that's a lot of stairs! Wait, will people be able to see up my skirt? Oh no! I hide my ass against the railing as best I can, but all people have to do is look up! I tug my skirt tighter. I doubt it did anything. I keep my legs closed as best I can, but I have a thigh gap. I'm afraid people below me can see my pussy! Oh, why is this making me wet? This is so embarrassing! I hate this! My fingers brushed my clitoris, god that feels good! Maybe I can do it discreetly. Oh it feels so good, but now I'm dripping juices! People are gonna think I wet myself, I have to stop. I'm finally at the top of the slide. I quickly go in. I use my feet to slow me down, just for a few more seconds of privacy. I can't keep this up forever. Oh no! This slide is making my skirt ride up, I have to fix it quickly before I make it all the way down! I scramble to get it down but I can see the light approaching, quickly! Oh no! My skirt ripped! Good thing, I'm holding on to it still, maybe I can tie it down. Splash! I just landed in the little pool. Swimming slowly because my hand is holding my skirt together.

Lifeguard: Get out! Get out! Quickly!

Oh, ok. I get out and try to figure out where I'm gonna hide, maybe the lazy river? I see a free inner tube, maybe I can hide my indecency there. Ok, I'm in. I quickly tie my skirt back together, but now I feel like it's gonna rip again. Not to mention this pool is just a little too deep. My waist is totally visible to people with goggles. What am I gonna do? I guess I have to hide in this inner tube for as long as I can. Wait, this part is deeper, I can't feel the bottom with my feet, I have to hold on to the inner tube, I have no choice. Agh! I just crossed a huge jet of water, I hope my skirt is ok. Wait, oh no! My skirt! It got swept away! All I have is my top and this inner tube. I'm trapped like this! What am I gonna do? Tears are running down my face. This is so embarrassing! Wait, there's this small dark area under the bridge, maybe I can hide in there. I quickly get out, god I hope it's dark enough so no one sees! I'm hiding behind a small storage area, out of line of sight from the crowd. Though, I can see cars in the street through the fence. I hope they don't see me. God, I'm so horny, I can't help but try and masturbate. Oh, if they catch me like this, I'll go to jail for sure! Oh no! Someone's coming. Quick! Hide! I crouch down as low as I can and pray. Some guy is coming over, he pulled his dick out! I masturbate even harder, wait, he's peeing? Ugh, disgusting! Wait, his draw string! Maybe I can steal it. I have to wait for the right time. He's finished peeing, I grab his draw string as he turns around and it comes free! Yes! Maybe I can fashion myself a g-string or something. I tie it around my waist, but why is this string so short? It's just two inches left over, dangling in front of my clitoris. What the fuck! Oh god, that piss is starting to come over, I have to move. This is disgusting! Wait, my inner tube! There are none left now! This sucks so much, what am I gonna do? I get back in the lazy river, having the water come up to my chin. God, this skirt is even worse than the one I had before! If you could even call it a skirt, more like half a micro loin cloth. This isn't covering anything! What do I do? Do I turn it around and cover my ass with the string and use my hands over my pussy? Maybe if I jam the string in my ass people will think it's a thong. This is so stupid. I need the string to cover my pussy and my ass, but there's no way to tie it! Wait, I could tie it to my top! Then it can run between my legs. I have to untie it, leaving myself even more exposed than before. Quickly, I tie it between my breasts, and, oh no! It's too short to reach the back! Should I just tie it to the back and hold it in the front? Wait, my top has a string. If I retie it, Maybe I can have it reach down a little farther. Ok, I'll undo my top, but wait, oh no! Not again! This is the part where it gets deeper! I'm not a very strong swimmer, I scramble to stay afloat, but now my entire outfit got ripped out, I'm clutching it with my hand, but I'm completely naked! This is the worst day of my life! I try my best to tie it back on, but I'm about to drown! I have to start over. I grab a quick breath and try to tie the whole thing under water. Ugh, people are kicking my head, this sucks! Ok, I tied it to the front and back of my top. It's tugging my top down, my nipples are exposed! I have to bend in a fetal position. I have to tread water again, but the string is so tight against my clit! It feels good, but it makes the itching even worse! I tug on the string, I can't help it. God it feels good. I tug again and I feel something come undone. My top! My outfit is floating away! Fuck! What am I gonna do?! I can see it. It's floating towards the skimmer. Please let me get to it in time! I have to reach it or I will be stuck like this completely naked! The skimmer sucks up my outfit. I start crying again. Should I go back to where that guy took a piss? Oh my god this is bad. This is really bad. Wait, that's a free inner tube! At least I can cover half my body. If I find another one I can have a top and bottom. Yes! Ok, I stacked them, now I can get out. But where am I gonna go? I start walking out of the lazy river.

Lifeguard: Leave those tubes in the lazy river!

Oh no! What am I gonna do? I can't be naked in public and I can't take the inner tubes out of here! Fuck!

Lifeguard: Lady, drop the tubes!

I make a run for it. He would have to leave his post, and I know if he does that, he could get fired. Ok, no one is chasing me. But what now? There's a big pile of mats for the slide. Maybe I can hide in there. Quickly! I ditch the tubes and bury myself to the bottom of the pile. Finally no one can see me. But what am I gonna do now? I start crying again. I hope no one takes those tubes away.

Some guy: Oh boy, inner tubes!

Fuck! I'm stuck like this. Why am I still so horny? I start fingering myself, what else is there to do? God, that's good. Finally some privacy. Wait, I hear something. They're taking some of the mats! It's a big pile right? I continue to masturbate. Maybe I can think clearly once I cum. God it feels good, I can't stop! They're taking more and more of the mats, please just let me finish! Oh, the daylight is coming through. They're gonna find me! There must be just ten mats left! Oh god, I'm gonna cum soon! I can't help it! More of the mats are going! They're gonna find me! I'm sobbing madly but I can't stop fingering myself! I'm gonna cum! Fuck! Oh no! The last mat! A crowd is staring at me! Right when I'm, I'm cumming! I bury my fingers into myself and squirt all over the cement in front of everyone. I can see them through my tears, but I can't stop. My pussy wont let my fingers go! I'm writhing on the hard cement, people won't stop staring at me.

Some guy: That girl is naked! What's she doing?

Life guard: You there! Stop! Security? We found a deviant, come get her, quick!

This is it, I'm gonna be arrested. I'm going to jail.

Security: We've called the police, we don't tolerate sexual misconduct at this establishment.

I'm crying uncontrollably.

Security: Crying because you got caught, huh? They're gonna lock you up for a long time!

They zip tie my hands behind my back and parade me through the water park. They didn't even give me a towel. The police show up.

Police: Look what we have here, another pervert.

Alice: No, I'm not! It was an accident.

Police: Speak up!

Alice: I can explain!

Police: You're just another criminal, we're taking you to jail.

Alice: Can I at least have a towel or something?

Police: Oh, now you want a towel? You're going in there naked!

Alice: Oh no! Please!

Police: And don't think you'll be in a cell all by yourself, you're going straight to horny jail! Have fun being stuck naked with all the other perverts!

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