Fifty years ago, when Tom Lehrer’s hilarious topical humor was being set to music, the notion of World War III was imagined as one consisting of nuclear warheads that could attack any target in about 30 minutes.
After that, it was anybody’s guess. As a guide told my family during a tour of an old missile silo in the Arizona desert, once the command was given to launch, the men in charge of a silo were to subsist on available food storage for a month or so. Then, if they had heard nothing, they were to venture above ground to see what was left of the world.
Debra Hass & Associates ligger bara minuter från O'Hare Airport och Chicagos norra förorter. Även inom minuter är stora sjukhus som serverar norra och nordvästra Chicagoland områden, samt följande stora högkvarteret: Allstate försäkringsbolag, HSBS, Underwriters Labratories, Baxter Labratories, Abbott, Takeda läkemedel, AON, Walgreens och Kraft Foods.