Rohan Sethiya

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The Hinterland Huts

The Hinterland Huts

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Travel and Lifestyle

The Hinterland Huts is a venture of Travacanza Private Limited that addresses the need of eco-friendly tourism in the vicinity of Indore, MP. India is developing very rapidly and so is the disposable income. The Indian middle class is large with a great deal of disposable income. The upward mobility in all strata of the society is evident especially in the last 10 years. This has created a significant demand for leisure, travel and entertainment sector. Indian society is equally getting conscious of the environmental challenges and is rapidly adopting the ways to avail the services that are eco-friendly and contribute towards more sustained ecologically promoting and conserving nature. Write few lines about MP and traditional living based out of village. Indore is at the heart of such transformation……write few lines about Indore and its pride…. Write lines about MP govt. initiative related to local tourism promotions and objectives…. The government strategy to encourage the travel and tourism across MP has boosted several opportunities in this area. Unfortunately, at this time there are hardly good options available for people in the Indore and adjoining cities to enjoy family vacations in the most eco-friendly manner. Hinterland understood this need and conceptualized attractive option to Indorites and the people around, to come and enjoy the healthy mix of fun, relaxation, and adventure in the village setting.