Haiku Deck Superstar

1 Haiku Deck

Miss Jacobs in jeopardy

Miss Jacobs in jeopardy

1 Slide

The nobility were assembled in the yard at the Fox public house ready for the Fox hunt to commence. The Lord Cartlebury and his ilk in their red jackets on fine steeds, the lower orders in black on ordinary steeds, and the lower orders afoot.

Into this situation rode our heroes. Miss Jacobs, the body of an angel, beautiful blue eyes, long blonde hair, a heart of stone and the object of if not affection, then certainly lust from every warm blooded male who met her.

Alan Allenbridge was perhaps the exception, Miss Jacobs’ perfection struck fear into him, he wheeled his horse away rather that wish her good day. She watched with amusement, plotting how to humilliate him. Bunty Bagthorpe roused her from her day dream.

"Ah Miss Jacobs, are you well," Bunty enquired as he found himself and his horse beside Miss Jacobs and her steed.

Poor Bunty had the wit of a half dead Orangutan and the stature of a Pot bellied Pig but was an amiable cove for all that.

"A bit sore, my Dildo is chafing," she said disarmingly, "A girl has to do something to enliven these proceedings you know!"

She turned away and suddenly there was an almighty crumping noise, like a hay stack collapsing or similar.

Bunty had fallen of his steed, awkwardly, he had seemingly fainted and now lay motionless upon his back.

"Good lord Bunty," Lord Cartlebury challenged, "Surely your not pissed before we even set off." and seeing the cove immobile he ordered, "Young Allenbridge, give a hand lad, I’ll never get back on if I dismount, touch of gout."

Alan reluctantly approached Bunty as Miss Jacobs hovered near, "She said her Dildo was chafing!" Bunty explained as he regained some of his senses.

"You mis heard," Alan said, "Miss Jacobs said her girdle was chafing, clearly you mis heard."

Miss Jacobs was not pleased, she did not want Allenbridge’s interference, she wanted to humiliate Bunty.

"I said Dildo you slimy oik," she hissed as Alan raised Bunty up beside her horse.

"I know," Alan answered, "Bunty has one up his ass hole."

There was an astonished gasp and a crump, Miss Jacobs lost her footing as she rode side saddle and she too crashed to the ground. Her voluminous skirts blew up and Alan saw for himself that she had lied about the dildo as her loose fitting underwear afforded Alan a perfect view of her woman’s parts.

"Idiot!" she snapped pushing Alan away as he proffered a hand.

He recoiled and went to re mount his steed as every hot blooded male made a bee line for Miss Jacobs.

Willing hands restored Miss Jacobs to her mount but Alan’s rapid departure displeased her, for she wished at all times to be the centre of attention, as if it were her right.

Miss Jacobs was annoyed, how dare Allenbridge seek to ignore her, she suddenly desired him to make advances no matter how trivial, in order that she might put him in his place firmly and with as much humiliation as she could contrive.

There wasn a blare of hunting horns and the hunt moved off. Every fox posessed of more than three legs had long since departed for pastures new until the humans and their dogs had sated themselves with pointless attempts to find foxes which were ong gone, at which point the foxes inevitably returned to a rich diet of his lordship’s hens and pheasants.

Alan accompanied Bunty, Bunty was good company, fat lazy but irrepressibly jovial, and Alan laughed at Bunty’s jokes which pleased Bunty greatly for, truth to tell, his jokes were not of the finest quality.

Miss Jacobs joined them and Bunty turned on all his charm, that which there was of it, and the three trailed the field as the hounds led their masters astray time and again.

"This exercise always leaves me desiring a good riddling," Miss Jacobs informed our heroes, "Not just a poke a good energetic riddle, like when a fire is choked with ash, that is how I feel."

"I say old gal," Bunty replied, "It get’s my juices flowing as well."

"It’s the Porter," Alan sighed, "It runs right through him."

"And your juices Allenbridge?" Miss Jacobs enquired, "You had a very good look up my skirts earlier, did my peach arouse you."

Alan went bright red with embarrassment, "I merely offered assistance when you fell."

"Assistance, I do believe you would have cocked me there and than had not dear sweet Bunty been there to protect my honour." she replied.

"Honour," Alan stuttered, "You said and I quote, Your Dildo was chafing, what honour can you have left?"

"I said my corset, it is merely your filthy mind," she replied enjoying his discomfort to the full, "Your filthy diseased mind, why if sweet Bunty were not my guardian and protector I do believe you would have upended me and rammed your rampant member deep in my defenceless womanly softness against all the defense I could muster."

"Then you very lucky to have Bunty as your protector," Alan informed her.

"Hold hard, I am no protector," Bunty protested, "The first chance I get I shall have you down from your horse and give you a good cocking myself."

"Oh Bunty that’s so sweet," Miss Jacobs simpered, "If only your cock were longer and your belly slighter you might just conceivably cock some poor lass but for the present I think the notion is all in your mind."

Alan started to struggle. He dressed to the right that is to say his cock was down the right leg of his breeches, but the breeches were tight and talk of cocking was rousing him such that the leg of his breeches was now swollen noticeably.

Miss Jacobs saw his discomfort, "Oh Alan so you do love me." she simpered.

"If you will excuse me," he replied and he reined in his steed and galloped off towards Longacre barn. He tethered his horse. He eased the Barn door open and slipped inside where he dropped his breeches. He struggled to adjust his dress to accommodate his hugely swollen member.

Miss Jacobs was delighted with Alan’s discomfiture, she decided to deliver the coup de gras and with Bunty’s connivance dismounted and crept to the Barn door.

Alan was sitting on a straw bale with his breeches down looking at his swollen member, wondering what to do when Miss Jacobs burst in.

"You disgusting pervert, exposing yourself in front of a lady!" she laughed.

"It’s your fault for taunting me!" he protested.

"And now you are all confused," she laughed as she approached.

Her eyes were glued to Alan’s member. The nicely streamlined shape, stout girth and considerable length were most impressive. She closed the door behind her and approached Alan.

She took his member in her hands and twisted it cruelly. He screamed. She smiled.

"Worm, how dare you expose yourself to me," she snapped cruelly. "Surely you cannot think I would have any regard for you, any desire to conjoin would you."

"No, of course not." he explained, as she continued to hold his member.

It was a strange feeling for her to hold a live member, he was so completely in her control that he made no attempt to escape.

She squeezed and he winced, her fingers cupped his balls and then on an impulse she dipped her head and moistened the tip with her saliva.

She did not know what to do, it seemed so intimate, she coud make him scream in agony, but she wanted to make him feel nice so she could torture him again.

"That’s nice," he whispered.

"It is totally disgusting," she replied as she continued to stroke it, "How you could possibly imagine putting such a disgusting thing in me," she taunted.

His member twitched in her hand, "What?" she demanded. It twitched again, the eye in the end opened and as she stared it erupted. Creamy silvery white cum erupted from his cock and shot through the air in a graceful arc just missing Miss Jacob’s cheek. Then it pulsed again.

"Oh, Oh my lord," Miss Jacobs gasped as the flow now ran down his shaft and over her hands.

"Thank you," Alan sighed, "I must apologise."

"Oh my lord," Miss Jacobs gasped, "So much."

"You seem surprised," Alan queried, "Is mine your first cock?"

"Don’t be ridiculous," she snapped.

"I believe it is," Alan replied, "You’re a tease, one day someone will upend you and that flow will be deep inside you."

"Yes," she agreed. She was in some discomfort herself now, her nipples were throbbing yet tightly constrained within her bodice, and she was becoming very damp between her legs, "You are making me all hot, I don’t like you," she clarified, "But." and she undid a few buttons and popped her breasts from their constriction. "That’s better."

Alan leaned forward and kissed her left nipple, "No don’t," she said with no attempt to pull away. The kiss turned to a complete enclosure of her teat with his mouth and he tenderly licked then sucked upon it.

Fire and ice shot through Miss Jacobs veins, she needed cock but her senses returned, "No!" she cried pulling away,"No!" she rushed away grasping her bodice to her, she forced open the barn door despite Bunty’s desperate efforts to keep it closed.

She emerged bare breasted into the sunlight just as the whole body of the hunt was passing, Alan chased after her desperately trying to force his member back into his breeches as he rushed.

"Emily!" a voice rang out. Miss Jacobs father was heading towards her on his steed in quite an agitated state, "What the blue blazes?"

"He, ah." she blustered.

"I can see that," Jacobs snapped, "But right here with the whole hunt looking on," "And you sir?" he queried looking at Alan, "I presume you have made my daughter an offer?"

"Oh no sir, you misunderstand," Alan replied, "I was merely."

"With your breeches down?" he asked, "And who the devil are you?"

"Alan Allenbridge," Alan replied.

"Toby’s boy?" Jacobs enquired. Alan nodded, "Well make your selves decent and we shall discuss this later." He then spurred his horse and the whole throng moved away from the barn.

"Now look what you have done you idiot," Miss Jacobs complained.

"Hardly my fault," he protested, "I suppose we shall have to marry now."

"Oh lord, what if we are not compatible," Miss Jacobs queried, "I fear you member is too big for me."

"I suppose there is only one way to find out?" Alan suggested.

"Yes, when I’m safely wed to someone with prospects," she replied, "How about it Bunty?"

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:




