Haiku Deck Superstar

1 Haiku Deck

Sharing Mother's Milk

Sharing Mother's Milk

1 Slide

The feeding spigots of those life-giving mammary mounds of delectable flesh are very sensitive. The breasts are even more sensitive on some women during this time than at any other time in their lives. So much so, that some even are aroused to the point of orgasm when feeding.

Elly was in this lucky group of women, well, mostly. She became outrageously aroused almost every time she fed Jen. Unfortunately, she didn’t often climax as a result. More often than not it nearly pushed her to the very edge and left her hanging there, tingling, burning with desire and frustrated to the point of nearly screaming. Usually, by the time she had fed Jen, burped her, and got her to go to sleep and could put her down, the urgency had faded and she was simply left agitated and frustrated. With no relief, or at least human company for that, in sight. Yes, Elly could and would take matters into her own hands from time to time, using her... hands... or a toy, but it was just lacking somehow.

Then, much to Elly’s relief and sanity, there were the occasional interactions with various friends. Close friends, both male and female. Elly was not shy or bashful with her affections for friends she trusted and felt comfortable with. Those occasions were truly incidences of interactions with "friends with benefits". Elly was not romantically involved with any of these friends, myself included. But she did love all of us to some degree or another. I for one, know that the feelings were reciprocated tenfold.

During this week, the week that is now ending with me taking a spin in this rocking chair, tending to this beautiful little girl in my arms, had been a busy and frustrating week for Elly. Her ex’s alimony and child support payments had been late, again, and she had had a hard week at work. Elly had been working all dayshifts since returning to work after the baby was born. That way she didn’t have to find someone to sit for her to the wee hours of the morning while she worked night shift. No, dayshift was much more beneficial for all involved. Little Jen’s grandparents shared sitting duties for the most parts and occasionally one of Elly’s friends would sub in a day so that the grand parents could do other things.

On this night I had stopped by after I got off work earlier in the evening to catch up a bit. I had brought Elly Chinese take out that I knew she had been craving. I had overheard a phone conversation between Elly and another friends I was working alongside of at the time. So, I surprised her this night with some Chinese food. Elly was delighted. I was gratified to see her smiling and enjoying something for a little while anyway.

Elly had confided in me more than once that she had been frustrated for some time. Of course, she didn’t have to tell me that, I knew it already. But since I was only a friend, even with benefits, it was not my place to make suggestions. Elly had also told me on another occasion that she got aroused when she breast-fed Jen, and exceedingly frustrated when she couldn’t do anything about it because of caring for the baby. And so, now we are at the point in the evening, on this night that this story really begins....

Little Jen looked up into Elly’s eyes with that soulful heart-rending open honesty and adoration and... unconditional love that only a baby can offer to their mother. Her pudgy little pink cheeks puffing and hollowing as her tiny little jaw worked like a machine. Her little lips latched on securely to one of Elly’s oh so sensitive nipples as the life-giving mother’s milk flowed from her breast into her hungry baby. The suckling sounds and contented cooing were music to the soul, even to someone who wasn’t the child’s mother... me.

I sat on the arm of an easy chair just a couple of feet away from Elly who was in the rocking chair with Jen. It was not the first time by any means that I had born witness to a breast-feeding and certainly not the first time I’d seen Elly’s bare breasts. Did I mention already that Elly was not shy or bashful? I know that Elly also liked to tease a bit and considering that little Jen’s impersonation of a hoover vacuum cleaner on Elly’s sensitive nipples were driving her up the wall... I sensed that Elly was thinking about more than just nourishing her sprout. The look in Elly’s eyes were enough to make me shiver with anticipation.

Arousal... a precarious and potentially embarrassing situation that our bodies put us in when we get sexually excited. It can be enervating if one is not able to address the condition in some way or another. Tonight however, I was on hand. While Jen’s little feeding lips and suckling amped up Elly’s nerve endings and had her libido racing like a drag racer’s engine, Elly was considering the situation. Considering me and how I might help her.

When baby Jen stopped suckling and closed her little eyes to begin to drift off to sleep, Elly decided what she was going to do. Elly stood up from the rocker and asked me to take Jen, she asked me if I would burp her while she... took care of something. I didn’t need to ask what, I could see it in her eyes, so of course, I said yes. That’s how I ended up with a soft towel over my shoulder and an infant in my arms as I rocked slowly back and forth while gently tapping little Jen’s back to burp her.

Elly quite nearly ran down the hall from the living room to her bedroom. She didn’t bother to close the door when she entered. It was only a couple of minutes later when the first quiet and soft moans began filtering up the hallway to my ears. The bedroom was too far away to hear the imagined buzzing of a battery powered helper or it’s sloshing in and out and around Elly’s very wet and aroused sex.

I might not have heard the vibrator working or the sloshing, but my god I could still smell her erotically intense feminine aroma. I have a very good sense of smell and on top of that, I am both familiar with Elly’s particular scent, and very much enjoy the smell of a woman... any woman. The tantalizing emanations my nose was detecting had me getting aroused myself. An awkward juxtaposition to be in... an infant in my arms as I gently tended to her after feeding gastronomical maintenance... and my easily aroused manhood steadily growing fuller and preparing for other duties.

Elly had taken nearly all of five minutes to take the edge off of her supercharged and demanding neglected fur flower. She only worked herself to one quick orgasm before collecting herself and coming back out to the living room to check on me and Jen. As she emerged out of the hallway into the living room, her face and neck were still flushed with her excitement and she was nearly panting as she hadn’t caught her breath yet. The smile she gave me when she saw that I had burped and rocked little Jen to sleep was more akin to that motherly smile than one of lustful intentions, but her eyes held another story all together.

I asked her if everything had come out alright, Elly actually blushed a little bit. Oh. I forgot one other observation of Elly’s return to the living room. Silly me. But then, I was an admirer and not one to pass up a look when offered... Dear Elly had neglected (or maybe it was intentional) to lower her top back down to cover her bare breasts. Those delectable teats were still in full view and they too were flushed with her excitement. One other thing... they were leaking a little of mother’s milk still. Just one or two drops that oozed out of those all too familiar nipples and gently, silently trickled and ran down the underside of Elly’s breasts to her abdomen or to drip off onto the floor. Such a waste. Such a terrible waste.

While I was ogling Elly’s milky breasts, she was checking out me. Or rather, Elly was checking out the growing bulge in my sweat pants. As she walked... no... stalked closer to me and the rocking chair, she licked her lips before locking her gaze back up onto my eyes. I felt a jolt of excitement course through my body when I saw the look in her eyes. I had seen it before a few times, when we, helped one another with personal physical needs. Still, I didn’t suspect what she had in mind, I mean come on. I was sitting there holding her infant.

When Elly stopped in front of me and the rocking chair, I stopped rocking and thought that she was going to take Jen from my arms so that she could go lay her down in the bassinet. That’s what I got for thinking. Elly had something else entirely in mind. Instead of bending over to receive her daughter from me, she placed her hands on the arms of the chair and lowered herself to her knees in front of me. Now kneeling, between my legs, she reached her hands over to run them over the bulge in my sweats.

My cock jumped. It literally jumped, like a slumbering soldier suddenly alert and ready for action, standing at attention. It was still confined, however loosely, inside my sweats and boxer shorts. Elly considered this... for oh... maybe three seconds before she let her fingers slip under the waistbands of my sweats and shorts and tug them down... or tried. I was still sitting after all. A pleading look from those lust filled brown eyes of hers had me lifting my bottom to assist in the removal of my lower extremity clothing. Well... to pull them down and out of Elly’s way anyway.

When Elly pushed my sweats and shorts down below my knees, her arms brushed against her breasts and her wet leaking nipples. Some of her milk wetted the skin of her arms drawing her attention to the fact. She ran the fingers of her righthand up under and over her right nipple and looked at it before looking up into my eyes and smiling impishly. Elly brought her milky fingers to her lips and licked at them before putting them in her mouth to suck them clean. I groaned.

Elly giggled at hearing me groan and then she grinned even more impishly as she repeated that move with her left hand and fingers... only this time instead of bringing her hand and fingers to her own mouth... she raised it to mine as an offering. I groaned again... and my cock bobbed of its own volition, bouncing in time with my pulse that was accelerating faster with each passing moment. I noticed the smell first. It had a tangy sweet scent, so different from the stronger headier smell coming from Elly’s sex.

The smell was enticing, but the taste... oh my god! The taste! I stuck out my tongue to lick at Elly’s fingers as she had done to her own a moment before. And as she had earlier, she pushed her wetted fingers into my willing open mouth for me to suck them clean. The sweet warm tangy milk... mother’s milk... something that I had not tasted since I was perhaps Jen’s age. Intoxicating.

As I nursed at Elly’s fingers, I looked in Elly’s eyes and watched her face. She licked her lips and I heard her groan softly before she drew her bottom lip into her teeth and grinned mischievously at me as she withdrew her hand from my mouth. She looked at my dancing and swaying cock and used both hands to gather her breasts and bring them closer to my little soldier. She squeezed her teats firmly causing them to squirt and spray some more milk out of her nipples... across my thighs, my abdomen and most importantly, for her I would realize, on my erect cock.

Elly didn’t exactly soak my cock with her milk but she was generous with it all the same. But that action was only in preparation for what she had in mind. Something that nearly blew my mind. Elly leaned closer over her breasts causing them to press into the flesh of my inner thighs as she brought her face closer to my cock. Close enough to stick out her tongue and lick me from bottom to the tip of my engorged and flaring mushroom head. God! I was nearly purple with excitement. And the white milk showed in stark contrast, what little time I saw of it anyway. Elly opened her mouth and engulfed me and suckled not unlike what baby Jen had done to her own nipple less than half an hour earlier.

Truly, I had never, for a single moment in my wildest dreams ever imagined my sitting in a rocking chair holding a sleeping infant in my arms while a sex starved young mother sucked voraciously on my cock. Wow! Just... Wow! I was breathless and trying my damnedest not to groan so loud as to wake little Jen. Elly was on a mission though. I just happened to be helping facilitate that imperative, and receiving more than apt payment for my involvement... as if I would ever ask to be paid for such a wild adventure.

Sucking and bobbing slowly up and down on my meager man meat, Elly kept her eyes on my own except when her eyes closed as jolts of sexual pleasure raced through her body. I noticed that she had one hand buried in her own crotch, moving in time with her head on my cock. In and out, squelching wetly in time, in and out as she went up and down. I’m not sure when she thought to add to that but at one point, she brought her other hand away from her death grip on the base of my cock and gathered more milk on her fingers and raised them once again to my mouth... I hungrily accepted the offering and licked and sucked them clean... several times. Well... between soft moans and groans that we were both making by this point.

The sounds of our aroused enjoyment were getting louder and more insistent as we got closer and closer to climax. I was afraid that I... we... were going to wake little Jen. I think Elly was too though. The lust fueled fire in her eyes became tempered with motherly concern and anyone who knows anything knows that maternal instincts trump EVERYTHING. But at that moment Elly was so tantalizingly close. It turned out to be a... well... a turning point. Not that she had changed her mind or her mission, but that I had inadvertently pushed her over the edge.

As Elly and I had both been having nagging thoughts and concerns about our noise levels I had brought my right hand from Jen’s back where I had been patting her, to Elly’s face to cup her cheek and stroke my thumb gently across her left eye and eyebrow. It wasn’t a conscious move, not something that I had thought of doing... I just did it instinctively perhaps... but it was enough. Elly closed her eyes and groaned and even gave a little muffled scream around my cock that was still buried in her mouth.

Her face was beet red, her breathing had her nostrils flaring with each inhale and exhale as she refused to remove her mouth from my now throbbing cock. She thought I was about to cum too, but I wasn’t. She didn’t or couldn’t remember that I was almost never able to finish from a blow job. No matter how good the oral attention was from my lover, I just had some sort of mental block that wouldn’t let me complete the sexual transaction in that manner. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy it. Oh, hell no! I loved it anytime a girl would grace me with such loving attention.

Elly had indeed momentarily forgotten this in her hast and race to meet her own desperate need. I couldn’t blame her though. Far from it. I felt honored to have been able to assist in whatever manner it might have been. This... this was certainly no chore on my part. Far from it! Holy Mother of God! It felt good! Elly was reeling with her own climax at that moment though. I think part of the reason she didn’t release her vacuum seal on me was because her legs were shaking and she was trembling all over her body from the intensity of her orgasm. I knew it was subsiding when she finally reopened her eyes to gaze up at me with eyes that were almost saddened and full of silent apology.

I stroked her cheek again, this time knowingly and expressed my understanding and pleasure all in one simple gesture... that and smiled, a lot. She cocked her head (no pun intended) slightly to one side and let her eyes dart from my own to my crotch and then back to my eyes as if to ask me if I was even close. I understood the unspoken question and pursed my lips slightly and shook my head slowly in the negative. Elly’s brows softened as if saddened and she slid her mouth off of me to take in a huge sighing breath as she sat back on her heels.

I told her it was alright, she was not the first to be disappointed by my lack of finally from even amazing oral ministrations. I enjoyed everything she had done to and for me and wouldn’t have changed a thing. With a sad smile that belied the words of understanding she spoke, Elly stood up and pulled her top down before leaning over me and collecting that warm little bundle, her child. Elly turned and walked with that little bouncing gated walk that mothers in time in memorial have all done while carrying their infants, to quiet them or to keep them from waking up. I sat there breathless, my sweats and shorts still around my ankles and my cock still standing at attention... but feeling a loss. The warmth that I had grown used to from Jen, wrapped in her little swaddling blanket as she lay on my chest and shoulder was now gone... replaced with a slight chill of the airconditioned coolness of the room.

Weird indeed. But this night wasn’t over yet... even if it was actually in the early morning now. Elly had put Jen down in her bassinet and tucked her in to sleep, then returned to the living room looking to make it up to me. For not having been able to get me off just minutes earlier. The look in her eyes and on her face might have sent some running for cover. It should have worried me more than it did but then, I had some limited experience with this woman already. But even that didn’t prepare me for what was about to unfold.

As she walked... no... stalked towards me, still seated in the big rocking chair, Elly thumbed the waistband of her terry cloth shorts that she generally slept in. Thumbed and pushed down, down over her hips till she had to stop walking just long enough for them to drop to her ankles. Smiling, she stepped out of them, now naked from the toes up to her soft cotton tee crop top. The top swayed temptingly as she stepped ever closer her braless breasts rolling with each exaggerated gate.

Elly was a natural kind of girl. Although I knew that she had from time to time shaved her pussy for either someone else’s request or just to be different for a while for herself, she generally let it grow naturally Not that she was terribly hirsute or bushy, but it was dark and soft and mesmerizing. That little vee of feminine fur glistened in my sight. When Elly stood in front of me at the edge of the chair, she brought her hands up to grasp her breasts, one in each hand and lift them as if to test their weight or fullness perhaps. She smiled and continued up with her hands bringing her top along with them so that she could pull it off.

The little crop top went sailing and I was torn... torn between looking into her eyes, and looking at those weeping nipples at eye level and letting my eyes travel further down to that dark triangle of her garden of Eden. Torn indeed. I shouldn’t have been bothered though. Elly had it all under control she had me under control or at least under her spell. She told me that she really, really appreciated my stopping by with dinner, and then even more so for tending to Jen while she worked things out in haste. She told me she felt bad for teasing me so much when she came back and then came again while doing so. She now remembered that I had shared with her about my inability to finish that way... usually anyway. But she thought she knew how to thank me all the same.

I asked her what she had in mind... thinking I already knew...hoping I was right. I was not disappointed. Elly smiled at me and again bent over to bring her deliciously tempting breasts near my still ardent third leg. My cock was almost dancing with pent up excitement by this point. Elly again squeezed her breasts squirting milk all over my cock and abdomen. She released her breasts and reached one hand to grasp my cock and rub the milk up and down the shaft to thoroughly wet it with the warm milk. I thought she was just going to give me a hand job... to get me off like she had intended earlier. I was wrong.

Elly stood back up and stepped back a pace so that she could grab my knees and pull my legs together... then she stepped back closer and straddled my legs, climbing into my lap. Her dark hairy little vee and more importantly her hot wet vaginal lips pressed my cock towards my abdomen, as she settled into a semi kneeling position. Elly leaned down and took my face in both hands and brought her lips to mine and took my breath away with one of the sexiest most sensual kisses I had ever gotten from any woman before or since. The heat and passion and... and... gratitude, literally stole my breath away. She knew it too. The smile of utter satisfaction on her face as she broke the kiss and drew back to look at me could not have been identified as anything else.

We sat there in that big rocking chair... or rather, I sat there and Elly was perched in my lap facing me, as it rocked gently to and fro. Elly smiled that smile and reached both hands for one of her breasts and lifted it in offering to my face. My lips puckered in anticipation of their own accord. It must have been primal instinct because my mind was a useless mess at this point and it wasn’t a conscious thought.

But purse they did... and suckle too. My lips hungrily wrapped around that yielding rubbery erect nipple and the sweet tangy taste of hot mother’s milk filled my senses. The first drops hitting my tongue that eagerly lapped at and swirled around and around it as if to coax more of that life-giving nourishment from Elly’s breast. I groaned... I couldn’t help myself. This act and the sensations were visceral. It must have been the same for Elly as she moaned as well and her hips rocked forward and back as if she had twitched.

The teat that Elly had offered me first, must have been the same one that little Jen had suckled earlier, because the milk stopped flowing from that delicious nipple. Without skipping a single heartbeat, however, Elly swapped it out for the other breast and again my mouth was flooded with that sweet tangy milky goodness. Again, I moaned and shivered as Elly too moaned and she rocked a little more forcefully and urgently against my raging hardon trapped between us.

That all changed however, when Elly pulled that exquisite feast from my lips as she rose up slightly and leaned back a bit. One of her hands on the back of the rocking chair beside my head, the other went between her legs to grasp my cock and bring it to where she really wanted it to be. Once, twice... agonizingly three times Elly rubbed my fevered bulbous head along her heated wet pouting lips and that furry little oasis between her legs, before placing it at her fiery entrance. Her lips parted eagerly as she lowered herself down on me. We both groaned and moaned and gasped in unison as she slid down my proud rigidity. It was a relatively short trip as this position coupled with my rather average length didn’t really allow for much depth. But it was plenty deep enough for me, and apparently it was just right for Elly too.

The head of my cock, now completely enrobed in my sexy wanton friend, was right in contact with her magic spot... her g spot. That rough little patch of billions of nerve endings that if treated nicely can cause the body to respond in such magnificent and mind-blowing ways... Oh my! Right... there! Elly froze momentarily, her eyes going huge and then narrowing as she gave me that impish grin again. She told me that this time she was not going to stop until I popped. She wanted to feel me cum inside her she wanted to feel my milk in her. And with that demand, she began...

Slowly at first, rising up causing her hot pussy to clasp at my cock and the bulbous mushroom head as she tried to squeeze it and pull it up with her. Then... she lowered herself down, again slowly, but softly, welcoming my intruder into her furnace, ending the stroke with a downward rocking motion that rubbed her excited clit against my abdomen. Inside the head of my cock was rubbing against that bundle of nerves. She repeated this several times, each time picking up the speed a little. Before long Elly was fairly bouncing up and down and rocking her hips and gasping each time that special spot was rubbed or her clit brushed against me.

Bouncing has an enticing affect on bare unfettered breasts. Especially so if they are lactating, even if they aren’t full of milk at that particular moment. Swaying with the rocking motions... bouncing and jiggling with the bouncing up and down. I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had been holding Elly’s sides, her hips to steady her as she gyrated and bounced, but now I brought both hand up to capture those acrobatic beauties bouncing so enticingly in front of my face. Of course, I brought my lips to a nipple... or tried. It was more of a hit or miss proposition as they were continually in motion despite my fervent grasping. Still though... I was rewarded with an occasional taste of that sweet mother’s milk and an even sweeter sound coming from Elly’s lips.

I would love to say that this went on forever or for a long time... neither would be true or even possible of course. We were both so very excited already and the sensations were just too much... the ride was a short one. But damn! Was it a hot one and I have no regrets whatsoever. Well... save that it was so brief.

This bouncing and rocking and gyrating marathon lasted for maybe all of three or four minutes. Elly was the first to cum. She plunged as far down on me as this position would allow and buried her face in my shoulder to silence further her quiet little scream of ecstasy. Her vaginal walls quivering and gripping my cock with waves of intense little convulsions. I couldn’t take it anymore. I just couldn’t. Those sensations triggered my own release sending me rocketing to the moon and stars as my balls sent forth several steams of my love offering in as many pulsing explosions. That must have amplified Elly’s own climax because she seemed to get even higher and she squealed into my neck, ending with a muffled... what... laugh... sob? I’m not sure what it was but she certainly didn’t seem the least bit distraught when she finally lifted her head up to look me in the face before locking her lips on mine again.

Another, briefer, breath taking kiss and we had to break away to regain our oxygen intake. I could still feel Elly twitching inside, her walls trying to milk my cock or maybe just giving it a thankful massage. That’s a nice thought. But it was done. A barely audible gurgle from the bassinet in the other room drew both of our attention and Elly was off of me in a heartbeat. She had to pause standing up in front of me, her hands holding the arms of the chair to steady herself for a moment. She smiled at me and shook her head before standing up straight and turning to go to the other room. Just before she went through the doorway, she turned to look back at me, and smiled again.

Now that the excitement was over, my cock deflated, slowly but surely. When I had caught my own breath, I stood up shakily and reached to pull my sweats and shorts back up. I picked up Elly’s top and then her shorts and carried them down the hall to where she was with Jen. I walked into the middle of a diaper change. I was no stranger to these things and helped her out... first by stooping to her feet and letting her step into her shorts and while I was down there, I kissed her ass cheek just for fun. Elly giggled and wiggled it as I pulled her shorts up.

Elly had her hands full after putting the fresh diaper on Jen so I couldn’t put her top back on for her. Instead, I offered to hold Jen while she slipped it on herself. She did so then took the dirty diaper and dropped it in the dirty diaper bin and closed the top securely. She turned back to me and smiled as I was holding Jen and cooing in her ear and bouncing her. Her little eyes already closed again as she was on the fast track back to the land of nod. Instead of relieving me of Jen, Elly wrapped her arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck giving me a kiss and whispering a thank you into my ear as she squeezed me gently.

That was about as close as I’ve ever been to being fatherly. I could have imagined myself as Jen’s daddy and Elly my wife. Easily... but as much as we did love one another, it wasn’t that kind of love. We were just caring friend... special friends for sure, but just friends. We were then and we still are to this day. Elly did meet someone else a year or so later. She did fall in love and she married him. The guy is a really great guy. I like him and I’m happy beyond words for Elly. I was there the day that the official adoption confirmation came in. Little Jen now had a real dad. Someone who loved her as much as he did her mother.

It wasn’t long before Jen got pregnant again. It was the first of what would be three more children by her new husband. She quit working at the pizza chain after her second child was born but I kept in touch when I could. I would be a regular whenever there were cookouts or movie parties or game nights. Elly and I never did anything else sexually after she met her new husband. Sure, I missed our times together but I’m happier about her being happy than I am sad for my loss. Besides, I know other friends and I’m always as happy to help them out when they need a little assistance now and then.

Yet... there are times when I think back and remember that night. I smile and then wonder if Elly’s new husband is as fond of mother’s milk as I was that night. Sweet, sweet memories.

Thank you for this walk down memory lane Kristi. I hope you enjoyed my retelling of this adventure. Sharing is caring... isn’t it?


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