Haiku Deck Superstar

1 Haiku Deck



1 Slide

How long ago had the last person left? A minute ago? Thirty minutes? Hell, she could have been laying on the bed for a few hours and not even realized.

Liz had gone to her best friend’s house for a party earlier that day. Well, not exactly a party; More a bunch of teens and young adults smoking weed, eating mushrooms, and drinking. She hadn’t known many of the people there besides her friend, his girlfriend, and younger brother. A bunch of other guys had also shown up and her friend’s dad.

His dad had been the one to supply them with the mushrooms and some of the weed. Nicer strands that they could never have gotten in town. She had never met Micah’s dad before; The large biker and Micah’s mom had divorced back when their sons were young, and she had remarried around the time Liz and Micah met in school.

Jedidiah, ‘Jed’, was a large man; Standing nearly two heads taller than Liz and easily a couple of hundred pounds heavier. He had a long chin beard and close trimmed grey hair. A couple of his thick fingers bore silver rings etched with flames and dragons, which she liked a lot. She had always taken an interest in the biker aesthetic, and Jed’s tight jeans, scuffed leather boots, and worn out, patched vest had easily captured her attention.

He was also a jovial character who took a liking to her the moment Micah introduced them. She was surprised to learn that Micah had told him a lot about her- less surprised when the bear of a man pulled her into a tight hug and lifted her off her feet. Most people enjoyed doing that with her since she didn’t even weigh a hundred pounds, much to her dismay.

When the drugs were being passed around, Jed asked each person to fork over some amount of payment. But accepted no money from her, "Since you’ve been such a friend to my boy, you can have this gram for free." He gave her a wink, making her blush, and tossed her the baggie.

Micah squeezed her around the shoulder and smiled reassuringly. Seeing there was no other choice, Liz had smiled and one by one each person took their dose. Drinks were had, several pipes and joints were passed around until the effects of each substance began to take its hold.

The night went on in a colorful blur. People laughed, time oozed by or skipped entirely, food had been conjured at some point and Liz remembered partaking in part of a grapefruit. Which was odd considering how much she hated those- but at the time it had been the most amazing thing she had ever tasted.

She also remembered music and dancing. More girls had shown up at some point, and people were making out with random partners. Being one of the few single people in the crowd, Liz had been laying in a bean bag one moment then dancing with Jed the next. Then resting with her head on his lap as they watched a movie. She remembered laying perfectly still under the blanket as his calloused fingers traced along her spine and belly. The touch felt so amazing; Her skin was alight with sensation at the same time she was hypnotized by the lights of the movie.

His other hand had been petting her hair as she rolled to her side, opening more of her stomach up for him to touch. Electric shocks of pleasure ran through her as his hand moved up her shirt to cup her breast. She barely recognized what had been going on; Registering only the feeling of him teasing her nipple and caressing her skin.

Now she was here in the dark somewhere unfamiliar; Everyone else had gone home or found a room to crash in. She should have been in Micah’s basement but this place… Liz blinked at the dark room and tried to remember when the movie ended and when she had arrived at the strange place. Her mind was still melting, still under siege from the drugs and trying to focus on something in the dark.

At some point she had removed her jeans; More than likely so she could sleep. She hated trying to sleep in jeans and it didn’t matter to her if she was at someone’s house, she wasn’t sleeping in the heavy material. She still had the soft blanket on top of her and she could feel the cool sheets beneath her.

Cigarette smoke caught her attention. Her eyes flicked to the doorway of the room where a large silhouetted figure was coming toward her. Normally this would have terrified her, but for some reason, her drug addled mind was able to recognize Jed even in the dark.

He reached down and ran a thumb over her lips. The feeling made her gasp and she tilted her chin up for more. "Still awake?"

"Kin’a…" she managed to murmur.

"How you feeling?"

Liz arched her neck as his hand traced along her throat. "Tired… Heavy. Everything’s heavy."

"Yeah, I bet." His hands moved down to push her shirt up- where had her bra gone? She didn’t offer much resistance as her shirt was pulled over her head. Liz also hadn’t realized her arms had been resting above her head the whole time. Parts of her still felt very disconnected. Now she lay in only her underwear as Jed’s large hand smoothed over her stomach and small breasts. "Bet this feels real nice, huh sweet pea."

Liz bit her lip and nodded. Part of her wasn’t sure if this was really happening; Everything was still hazy and she was so tired. But where he touched her felt more real than anything else around her. The sensation of his finger tracing circles around her nipple set off sparks in her mind.

"You know where you are?"

Liz shook her head.

"We’re in the trailer in Micah’s backyard. He’s letting me stay here while I’m in town."

Liz nodded and looked around the room. That made sense, she was starting to recognize the familiar layout of the trailer master bedroom. Why was she here though?

The blanket was removed and the next thing Liz knew she was naked on the bed. This only bothered her a little as she had begun to feel hot in the muggy trailer. Without her underwear, she could enjoy the cool air on her whole body. At least until her legs were opened and a heavy weight settled between them.

When she blinked, Jed was suddenly above her with a hand on either side of her. She blinked again, confused. His large belly pressed her into the bed as he stooped down to hiss her. Alarms were going off in her mind as more of her brain started to rouse from their stupor. However, the rest of her was still under the effect of the drugs and reacted to the pleasing sensation of being kissed.

Her arms were too heavy to move. All she could do was kiss the older man back against the screams of her more rational side. Everything still felt so amazing; The hair on his chest tickled her overactive nerves, his weight activated her sense of security and a warmth that went against the side of her warning her of danger.

There was also an awareness of his very large, very hard cock pressing against her. Her body responded in kind and she whimpered as her clit throbbed. The air filled with the sounds of their labored breathing as they kissed. His hands massaged along her sides and up her arms making her arch as he pressed into the sensitive skin of her inner arms. Then he scooted closer and pressed the large head of his cock to her entrance.

"I never realized Micah had such a pretty friend," he gasped as he took her hips in a gentle hold. "Disappointed that my boy didn’t claim you when he had the chance."

There was a sensation that was a mix between pain and sheer bliss as he pushed inside her. It sent Liz’s mind into an explosion of indescribable reactions that rendered her incapable of anything more than a quiet gasp. While she hadn’t seen it, she was sure this was the biggest dick she had taken in her life. It felt as though he were pushing into her stomach, and it hurt for only a brief second before the remnants of the mushrooms quickly turned it to euphoria.

"Shit you’re tight," Jed whispered. The bed squeaked as he started to pump, and he settled on his elbows above her. "But I suppose if you were his girlfriend it would have been him you had been flirting with all night and not his old man."

Unable to respond, Liz gripped the sheets beneath her and moaned as he drove into her. Had she been flirting? She tried to think back to the events of the night and recalled more in small pieces; Grinding against him while they danced, sitting in his lap while he and some of the other guys played a rather pathetic game of cards. There was a vague memory of riding in his truck as he went to get more drinks. She had been impressed with his ability to drive high and even more impressed when he could drive while she gave him head.

They had sat in the dark lot of the liquor store, steaming up the windows making out while she ground against him. When they returned, the movie had been turned on and that was when she skillfully removed her bra without taking off her shirt or alerting anyone else so he could touch her. After the movie ended and everyone was heading their own ways, Jed had helped her up the stairs and to the trailer.

‘Even so,’ said a sane part of her brain, ‘this is wrong! He’s taking advantage of you-’

‘Shut up, nerd!’ responded the part of her that was fully enjoying the experience. Liz had been attracted to Jed from the moment she saw him. High as a kite or not, now that she remembered, she planned on taking pleasure in the heightened state.

Gaining control of her arms, Liz wrapped them around his broad shoulders and pulled him closer. "Harder," she moaned into his mouth.

He was the kind of guy who sought to make the bed slam into the wall. Each thrust punctuated by the squeaking of old springs and small gasps. It was nearly impossible for Liz to wrap her legs around his wide frame. She was simply pinned and forced to take his heavy thrusts as they came.

His hand tangled in her hair, moving her head to the side to bite and suck at her skin, tattooing her with teeth marks and bruises. He adjusted his position, offering her a moment of relief as he lifted himself from her. Taking her hips in his hands, Jed sat on his knees and drove into her. The new angle made her back arch as he stroked along her inner walls. Her throat clenched as she cried out.

Her own hands weakly clutched at the sheets to give her some kind of leverage to push into him. She wanted him as deep inside her as she could manage. Her whole body felt like an explosion of wonderful feelings- nothing had ever felt this good in her life.

She yelped when his thumb rubbed her clit. "Don’t hold back, babe," he groaned when she covered her mouth. "Let those boys hear. Let them know what it sounds like when a real man fucks."

Liz didn’t know how long they went at it. She wasn’t sure how many times she came before he did. All she knew was by the time he had his first release she had been reduced to a quivering mess. When she felt him cum, it was the most intense, intimate feeling she had ever experienced during sex. She felt every drop of him fill and settle in her womb; It was warm and she immediately wanted more.

He had her on her side, on her stomach, she rode him as the sun rose and streams of early morning light leaked in through the dingy curtains. They were a mess of sweat and she had dried, or drying streaks of cum all over her face and chest from when he had pulled out.

They had rested long enough to get a couple of hours of sleep before waking up again for him to take her from behind. Then they moved to the shower where they washed off the mess from the night before and she sucked him off again. He finished on her face; Hot water and cum streaming down her body.

Liz moaned as he pressed her to the cabinets in the small trailer kitchen, grinding a new erection into her rear as he prepared coffee and microwave breakfast sandwiches. He was completely insatiable and she was living for it.

There was a banging on the door that made them both jump. "Dad what the fuck?! Is Liz in there with you? Dad!" They looked up to see Micah trying to look in through the kitchen window. He looked tired and furious. "You fucking cocksucker what do you fucking think you’re doing with my-- Hey!"

Jed reached out and lowered the blinds. "Rotten kid. Doesn’t he know it’s rude to interrupt a man when he’s with a woman?"

Liz closed her eyes and moaned with a grin as Jed’s cock slid back inside her. "Some people’s children."

Jed laughed and thrust into her making her gasp. "Oh, you’ll pay for that, sweet pea."

"I’ve got all day," she whispered and pushed into him. Both completely blocking out the sounds of Micah banging on the door and raging outside.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:




