Then her defiance ceased, and Janet had no trouble placing her in the thing.
There were rings to attach to her bracelets, and a series of straps to hold her in place. In a short time, Andrea was quite helpless. Janet then removed her blindfold and ballgag.
"Better now?" asked Janet.
"Yes, Mistress," answered Andrea.
"Now then," said Janet, "I think that the riding crop will do for a start."
"Yes, Mistress," said Andrea.
Janet selected the same crop that Andrea had used on her the previous evening. It had a broad leather pad, one that would strike with a satisfying sound, yet distribute the force of the impact over a wide area. It was a good thing to start with.
Janet flexed the riding crop in her gloved hands. She knew full well that Andrea was responsible for it's upkeep, but she had to demonstrate that she knew how to handle it.
"Kiss the crop," ordered Janet.
When it was offered, Andrea did so without hesitation. Her cheeks still bore the imprint of the heavy penis gag that she had worn for quite some time.
"You may count the strokes, Andrea," ordered Janet.
"One!" cried Andrea.
Janet had started on the same nipple that she had just pinched, knowing full well that it was already sensitive. The crop left a large and satisfying red mark on Andrea's aureole.
Janet struck Andrea inside her underarm, since the skin there was sensitive since girls had to shave there.
"Five!" cried Andrea.
The fifth stroke landed on the flat of her stomach.
"Ten!" cried Andrea, panting from the crop.
"There now, I see that you're finally in the mood," said Janet, "what do you have to say?"
"Thank you, Mistress," replied Andrea.
"Good. Now we'll proceed."
With the crop's pad, Janet began to strike the inside of Andrea's thighs.
Before, Janet had struck many parts of Andrea's figure. Now she was limiting herself to Andrea's sex and her thighs. Andrea squirmed and tried to pull away, but she was held fast by the bracelets and straps.
"Eighteen!" cried Andrea, tears streaming down her cheeks.
The strokes weren't very hard, but they did produce an excellent sound. Rather by striking Andrea in the same places time after time, she was causing her slave girl real distress.
"Twenty! Mistress, please, no more between my legs," cried Andrea.
"Kiss the crop," ordered Janet.
Once Andrea did as she was ordered, Janet began again. This time by striking at Andrea's breasts her underarms, and stomach. Andrea counted each one, panting and on the verge of tears.
"That's enough for now," said Janet. "Let's see just how good a slave girl you really are."
Janet fingered Andrea's sex and found that she was wet. Since Janet had been between her legs last night, she knew that Andrea was insatiable.
Unlocking the X frame, she slowly turned the bound girl in a complete 360 degree turn. The bracelets held her fast to the frame, and the straps also held her in place.
After two turns, she again locked Andrea in the upright position. Andrea seemed no worse for wear after having been turned upside down twice, but Janet didn't want to take any chances. She decided that the X frame was a good thing for show, but not very practical to use.
"Thank you, Mistress," cried Andrea.
Janet then selected the same cat that Andrea had also used on her, but she suddenly decided that there had to be a better way of confining her charge.
She unlocked Andrea from the X frame, and decided that simplest was best. So Andrea was soon bound with her hands hanging together from the ceiling chain, and a spreader bar to keep her legs apart. Andrea was much more accessible that way.
"Do you enjoy being a slave, Andrea?" asked Janet.
"Yes, Mistress," answered Andrea.
"Good, then I shall try my absolute best to make you feel uncomfortable tonight. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Yes, Mistress."
Janet circled her bound captive, and chose Andrea's bottom. She lashed out, and the cat struck with deadly effect. Each leather tipped strand left a thin red welt when it sliced though Andrea's flesh.
"Owwww!" cried Andrea.
Janet had told Andrea that she was freed from counting each stroke, and her charge moaned and cried with every impact. While Andrea had been restrained in the use of punishment the previous night, Janet had decided that since she had been so nice today by not interfering with Andrea's work she was now free to place her in as much distress as possible.
Janet steadily increased the severity of each stroke until she matched that of Erica's. She could see that Andrea was steadily heating up, as droplets of her sweat began to trickle down her reddened flesh.
The cat was a vicious instrument of torment. No wonder the flogger, with softer strands was the preferred instrument. However, Janet wanted to make her impression on Andrea. It was highly likely that one day Janet would feel Andrea's lash again. But Janet knew that it would be a long time, if ever before she would get the chance to discipline Andrea again!
Once Janet was satisfied that Andrea was in real pain again, she offered the handle to her lips. Andrea, without having to be told, quickly began to kiss the handle.
"What do you have to say?" asked Janet.
"Thank you, Mistress," cried Andrea.
"You have a nice situation here. Living with Mistress Erica, preparing all of her girls for use, occasionally having the use of a girl. I think that it's right for a change for you to be on the business end of the whip. Don't you agree?"
"Yes, Mistress," cried Andrea.
Satisfying as the cat had been, it was now time for something else. In a cabinet, she found the same clamps that Stephanie had introduced her to. She displayed them to Andrea.
"Perhaps we should make this more interesting," said Janet.
"No!" cried Andrea, "not on my nipples!"
"Where else?" asked Janet.
It took no time for the hated clips to adorn Andrea's nipples and pussy lips. Janet wondered just why Andrea, who was Erica's maid, didn't wear a medallion like Tiffany? After all, since she was her Maid and presumably her number one slave, it would have seemed only natural. Instead there was no mark or medallion, and Janet placed the clips on her pussy lips. Andrea thrashed and moaned, and Janet pulled at a few of her pussy hairs.
Under the PVC outfit that she wore, and under her panties, she remembered that her sex was totally bare. Just before she would leave the next morning, Janet would again be shaved to prevent her pubic hair from growing back. She hoped that when Andrea shaved her, she would not try to exact revenge for her current ordeal.
Once the clips were, Janet decided that it was time to caress and fondle Andrea. She pulled at her breasts and behind, and felt her ribs through her stretched skin. The respite from being whipped seemed to fortify Andrea, as her body ceased quivering from the punishment that Janet had delivered.
Janet removed a coiled leather whip. She had always wanted to see the whip wrap itself around Andrea's figure.
"No, Mistress," cried Andrea, "not the whip, too!"
"You're here to please your Mistress, aren't you? Well, you can please me by taking the whip."
Hanging by her chains, Andrea dejectedly waited the whip to fall. When it began to strike her naked and exposed body, she shrieked at Janet's continued punishment.
"Mistress, please," cried Andrea, "no more. I'm yours, please!"
"Good, good. Just a little more now," soothed Janet.
After a few more strokes, Andrea began to sob. Janet reached between her legs and found that Andrea was sopping wet and ready to climax.
"Mercy, Mistress!" cried Andrea. "Mercy!"
Janet stopped and offered the whip's handle to Andrea. She kissed it like a passionate lover, not like an instrument of torment.
"Enough, Andrea?" asked.
"Thank you, Mistress," said Andrea, "Thank you for punishing me."
"You're welcome, Andrea. Now let's see just what else we can do together," said Janet.
Janet let Andrea down, but did not remove her clips. She wanted Andrea to wear them until they were together in the bedroom shortly. She locked Andrea's wrists together and attached the leash to her collar. Janet did not bother to either blindfold or gag her, since it was her house that she served it.
Instead, she led Andrea by her collar chain upstairs to the same bedroom where she had been used the previous night. Once there, she brandished a crop that had placed there before and flexed it again and again.
"You're not going to give me any trouble, are you?" asked Janet.
"No, Mistress."
Janet took off all of her PVC garments and neatly folded them on a chair. She loved their feel, and wondered if they were easier to care for than either leather or rubber. That was another question that would have to be answered in the future.
"Come here," ordered Janet.
Andrea had been standing in the bedroom, waiting for Janet's order. Now she walked over to Janet and the naked dominant and slave stood facing one another.
Janet removed her clips, and Andrea moaned when each one was taken off her. Andrea looked visibly relieved that her ordeal was over.
"Well now. I guess that it's time to see if you can please your Mistress in other ways," said Janet. "Now get between my legs. I want to see what you can do!"
With her wrists locked behind her back, Andrea knelt on the floor and placed her mouth between Janet's legs. Having been a slave for many years, she knew how to please her Mistress. In no time, she had Janet moaning with pleasure.
Janet spurred her on with light taps from the riding crop on her shoulders, and Andrea ignored them to concentrate on her sex instead. Once Janet had climaxed, Janet locked her collar chain to the ringbolt set in the wall and turned out the lights.
Janet used her all night until they both were worn out, and she was satisfied when she finally fell asleep. The next morning, Janet sat rock still as her sex was again shaven. She was worried that Andrea might nick or cut her, but nothing happened. Janet knew that if Andrea somehow damaged her, it would be Erica who Andrea would have to face. And Janet knew that Andrea did not want to incur Erica's wrath.
Part Two: Training's End
"Do you know what today is?" Erica demanded.
Janet sat in the library chair directly in front of Mistress Erica, frightened by the tone of Erica's voice, which had taken on a harsh character. She had been looking forward all week to seeing her Mistress again, and now she was scared by Erica's voice.
"No, Mistress," Janet answered.
"It is a year since you first came into my service, Janet. Surely a girl like you would have realized that?" questioned Erica.
"I'm sorry, Mistress," Janet answered.
"Do you remember what I once said to you, a year ago?"
"No, Mistress," Janet answered.
"That at the conclusion of your training, I would use you harshly. Do you remember?"
"No, Mistress," Janet replied, shaken.
"This weekend will be your final test. You can back out now, if you wish. Do you understand that you are now truly my slave?"
"Yes, Mistress," Janet answered.
Suddenly, Janet realized, that no matter how harshly Erica said that she would use her, Janet didn't care. In the year since she had began to serve Erica, her sexual perceptions had changed. She longed to wear a collar, and be striped. To feel her sex used with a dildo, and clamps on her nipples. Janet's sex grew wet just thinking about it, and at work she dreamed of seeing her female co-workers, naked and under the lash. Erica was right, Janet had been transformed into being a slave.
"Will you make your final submission to me?" asked Erica.
"Yes, Mistress," Janet assented, "I'll do whatever you ask."
"Andrea!" Erica called.
"Yes, Mistress," answered Andrea when she opened the library doors.
"Get Janet prepared," ordered Erica, "in the cell, special preparations."
"Yes, Mistress," replied Andrea, "come with me, Janet."
When they were outside the library, Janet turned to Andrea.
"Aren't you going to take me to the bedroom first?" asked Janet.
"No," said Andrea, "and there will be a special punishment for your asking."
Janet was led downstairs to the Dungeon by Andrea, following behind by two steps. On the cell bed, neatly laid out, were the things that would again place her into slavery.
"Strip," ordered Andrea, "quickly."
Janet divested herself of her blouse, skirt, heels, and underwear, and soon stood naked in front of Andrea. She shivered, even though the Dungeon was quite warm. Andrea quickly took a collar, and locked it around Janet's neck. After that, her wrists and ankles soon were braceleted to match. Then Andrea took a wide belt, and locked that around Janet's waist. She then locked another belt to the first, upon which Janet could see a butt plug and dildo. Both of her holes would be filled!
Andrea got a jar of lubricant, opened it, and spread Janet's ass cheeks apart and pushed some of the stuff inside her. She coated the butt plug as well, then drew the belt upwards between Janet's legs. Andrea then pulled Janet's ass cheeks open, and gradually worked the butt plug inside her behind. Finally, after much effort, the wide portion passed inside her anal sphincter, and her muscles closed over the narrower tapered section. The dildo entered her already wet sex much easier, and Andrea then locked the second belt firmly to the front of the first.
Janet had stood in silence, her hands free as her orifices were violated by the rubber invaders. She swallowed, wondering what would happen next.
"Hands behind your back," ordered Andrea.
Janet did as she was told, and she heard a tiny lock click shut at her back. Both of her wrists were now locked to the belt. The slightest motion that she made pulled at the dildo and butt plug.
"Stand still."
A rubber phallus gag, with a breathing hole, was inserted into Janet's mouth and buckled shut. Finally, a leather blindfold completed Janet's helplessness. Then Janet felt her already erect nipples being teased even further, and clamps linked by a thin chain were finally attached.
"Mmmmmph!" cried Janet.
For her muffled protest, Janet was rewarded with several harsh strokes with a riding crop across her exposed thighs. The crop stung, it's effect multiplied by Janet's helpless bound state. Andrea then pulled her over to the wall, every step one of erotic agony with the things inside her, and lock her collar to something. Janet made a step, and found that she was locked by a chain to the wall.
She then heard the cell door close shut with a bang. She was alone!
In all of the times that she had been bound before, it had been impressed upon her that either Erica or Andrea would be close at hand, should anything happen. But here she was, totally bound, and alone! Janet shivered.
It didn't take long before the first orgasm hit, shaking her, reducing her to nothing as wave after wave of sexual climaxes coursed through her. Janet could not count the passage of time, and did not know how many minutes or hours elapsed as she remained bound by Andrea. Her lips and teeth surrounded the phallus gag, and it pushed against the roof of her mouth. She breathed carefully through the gag, making each breath count. Strangely enough, Andrea had not bound her feet into the usual high heels. Janet's feet were bare on the stone floor, nor was she hobbled.
Janet wondered what Erica's intentions were in having her bound this way. If it was meant to embarrass her, Janet felt no shame. Finally, after a year, all of the sexual conflicts within her had ceased. Nor was her change gradual or slow. Rather, Janet had instead looked forward to seeing Erica every weekend. Being naked and bound, feeling Erica's lash on her body. Merely the thought got Janet excited and aroused, making her desire her Mistress.
The door opened and Janet heard footsteps enter the cell. Janet moaned when she felt a hand cup one of her breasts and pull at the thin chain attached to the nipple clamps.
"Mmmmph," Janet moaned.
Her answer was another series of strokes, administered even more firmly than the first few, on the outside of her thighs. The thin riding crop left a vicious stripe, and Janet knew that it had been done hard enough to mark her.
"Silence," ordered Erica.
Janet stood in silence, and was surprised when Erica removed her leather blindfold, followed by the phallus gag. When it left her mouth, Janet took several deep breaths, her chest heaving.
"Thank you, Mistress Erica," gasped Janet.
"You're welcome, Janet."
Next to be removed were the clamps on her nipples, which burned when they were set free. Erica toyed with Janet's right nipple, and her slave stayed silent. Then Erica released the belt holding the dildo and butt plug inside Janet. The dildo slid out easily, coated with Janet's juices, which made the thing glisten in the light. Janet opened her legs, and Erica had to gradually pull out the butt plug in stages so as not to injure Janet's behind. Finally, it was totally removed, and Erica unlocked one belt from another.
Erica then removed the dildo from the belt, and displayed it for Janet.
"Taste yourself," ordered Erica.
Janet replied to Erica's offer by opening her mouth, and Erica held the dildo as Janet tongue and lips began to work on the phallus. Janet tasted her own secretions, just as she had of other's and her own since she had entered Erica's service.
"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet when the dildo had been removed.
"You're welcome, Janet. I'm going to release you now, so that you can use the bathroom to clean yourself up. Then I'm going to use you, harshly. Do you understand?" asked Erica.
"Yes, Mistress."
In the Dungeon there was a small bathroom, composed of a mirror,sink, toilet, medicine cabinet, and towel rack. Janet cleaned out her behind with toilet paper and petroleum jelly, then used a douche and scented towelettes for her sex. She washed her face, and stared at herself in the mirror, naked, her wrists and neck in leather. She replaced the towel on the rack, then walked outside, to where Erica was waiting.
Erica was wearing just a simple white linen blouse, leather skirt, and modest heels. But it had the same effect as if she was wearing a black leather Catsuit, in full Domme regalia.
"Are you ready?" asked Erica.
"Yes, Mistress, I'll do whatever you ask," Janet answered.
"The X-frame," ordered Erica.
Erica soon secured Janet to the X-frame, her wrists and ankles bound to the heavy wood with thick leather straps. The belt around Janet's waist was secured also with metal chains, making her immobile against the device.
The instrument of choice was a riding crop, a thin one that Janet knew would hurt her the most. Erica bent it between her two hands to display it's stiffness.
"Are you ready?" demanded Erica.
"Yes, Mistress."
"Do I have your permission to use you in any way I choose?" Erica softly asked.
"Yes, Mistress."
Erica began to use the crop slowly, almost gently. Each stroke was delivered carefully, never striking the same place twice. But gradually, Erica increased the severity of her strokes, marking Janet with each one. Erica glanced at Janet after every series was completed, and saw tears form at Janet's eyes.
The Mistress continued with only brief pauses, without remorse, as she used Janet. Her slave's skin soon was colored a dun red from the abuse that it took. Erica then used the crop between Janet's thighs, making her moan and pull at her bonds.
"Had enough, Janet?" asked Erica.
"No, Mistress," Janet tearfully answered.
Janet had never been used either so harshly or so long before by Erica. True to her word, her Mistress was now using her just like she said she would. Her skin and sex were on fire, and Erica continued to use her once more!
The word "Mercy" caught in Janet's throat. It was now or never, Janet realized. Erica would continue to crop her until she passed out, or worse, or use her in some other manner. Her flesh could take no more.
"Mistress," Janet cried, "mercy, please," as tears ran down her cheeks.
Erica stopped as quickly as she had started. She looked at her crying slave, and beat the crop against her own thigh.
"Very good, Janet, very good. Andrea!" Erica called.
Andrea must have been waiting outside, because she walked into the Dungeon almost immediately after Erica's summoning her.
"Release Janet, get her cleaned up and tend to her skin, then chain her in my bedroom," ordered Erica, steel in her voice.
"Yes, Mistress."
Janet felt enormously relieved when she was let down, bathed (her skin and hair was covered in sweat) and she was allowed to rest. She didn't ask Andrea anything, nor did Andrea offer her any comfort either. All of Janet exposed flesh had been cropped. From her sensitive underarms to her exposed sex, and the outside of her thighs and legs. Finally, she was chained at the foot of Erica's bed.
Her skin, though heavily used, was not quite as damaged as Janet thought it had been. She hurt, but not as bad as some other times. Why then, had she called mercy? What was different about tonight's use? Was it the fierce look in Erica's eyes, and the feeling that Erica would somehow not stop?
Erica entered her bedroom, wearing a short terry robe and slippers. Her long back hair was brushed back, and she had just bathed. She walked over to Janet. who was kneeling on the floor, and unlocked her collar chair. Janet expected that she would be ordered between Erica's legs.
Instead, her Mistress then selected a hairbrush and ordered Janet over her knees. Janet was then beaten casually on her behind with the brush until her behind was bright red.
"Now you're ready," said Erica.
Erica removed her robe and slippers, and lay back, naked on the thin summer quilt. She was the most attractive and beautiful woman that Janet had ever seen, and she longed with desire for her Mistress.
"Satisfy me, Janet," ordered Erica as she opened her legs, "or else you will be further used."
Janet crawled on the bed, and got between Erica's legs. Dutifully, she proceeded to service Erica, giving her Mistress one orgasm after another. On the night table was a riding crop and the hairbrush, but Erica found no use for either. Janet satisfied her Mistress until they both were exhausted, and Janet was surprised that her collar wasn't chained to wall.
"Do you love me?" asked Erica.
"Yes, Mistress."
"Good. Go to sleep, Janet. You have done well tonight, both in the Dungeon and my bed."
"Thank you, Mistress," answered Janet.
They both soon fell asleep, and Janet noted the smile on Erica's lips. During the night, Janet had awakened and looked at Erica again. Erica's face looked troubled, tormented in her sleep. What, Janet wondered, was bothering her Mistress so? * The next day, Janet was bathed, fed, and worked with Andrea, naked, just as she had done on her first day with Erica, one year before. Except that she was alone in slavery, without her companion, Tiffany.
Janet tried hard to make no mistakes, and even so, Andrea still found a reason to take the crop and use her in the library. After serving Erica dinner, she ate in the kitchen alone, then was chained in the downstairs bedroom to wait for events later that evening.
Finally, Andrea took her without ceremony down to the Dungeon. Her arms were secured to a chain from the ceiling, and her legs were opened by a spreader bar. She was completely vulnerable to the whip. She was then raised so that her feet were just touching the floor.
She wasn't gagged or blindfolded, just left to hang there, alone. The sound of the door slamming shut was like the crack of doom in the Dungeon. Janet had never felt so alone, or so scared, in the time that she had been serving Erica.
After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened to admit both Erica and Andrea. Erica wore a black PVC bodysuit and boots with modest heels, and Andrea was wearing a short leather dress.
"Janet," began Erica as she stood in front of Janet, "do you accept whatever discipline that I am about to administer?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Even if I shall draw blood?"
Janet looked at her beloved Mistress Erica, unable to believe what she was now hearing from her. All of her training, everything that she had learned. From being a slave to holding the whip herself, Janet had acquired the knowledge of what a Domme's conduct should be.
"No!" cried Janet summoning her courage, "no, Mistress! You've never treated me, or any other slave this way before in my presence. Even when I was loaned to Mistress Stephanie she never treated me this way. No!"
Janet was not sure what would happen next. Would Erica now beat her without mercy? There was dead silence in the Dungeon.
"Andrea, release Janet and conduct her to the library in ten minutes. I shall see her there," ordered Erica.
"Mistress? Are you throwing me out?" begged Janet.
"Ten minutes, Andrea. And give her something to wear."
"Yes, Mistress."
Janet watched in silence as Erica departed the Dungeon.
"Did I give the wrong answer?" Janet asked Andrea as she was being released.
"No, Janet. You gave the right one," said Andrea.
Janet was released, given a robe and a pair of slippers, and conducted into the library. Erica was seated behind the desk.
"Come in Janet," welcomed Erica, "and close the door behind you."
"Yes, Mistress," replied Janet as she did as Erica had ordered.
"You've done very well, Janet. You went to the brink, and then you refused me."
"Mistress? I don't understand," said Janet, confused by what Erica had said.
"Janet, it's not my place as a Domme to beat you until you bleed, or maim, or worse. I had to see if you had understood all of your training, if you would finally refuse me. You did not fail, Janet. You passed."
Janet remained speechless, not knowing how to respond.
"I didn't gag you, Janet. Feel free to respond," said Erica, a smile on her face.
"I don't understand, Mistress Erica," repeated Janet.
"As a Domme, I have great power. But with that power comes great responsibility also. You have learned that being on both ends of the whip. You must always remember that Janet, for that is what I have taught you."
"Yes, Mistress," Janet answered * That night, Janet slept in a bedroom, alone. Though she still wore her collar and bracelets, she wasn't chained, leaving her free. After tossing and turning, she finally walked, naked to Erica's bedroom, and knocked on the door.
"Enter," said Erica within.
Janet opened the door, and found Erica sitting up in bed, reading a book.
"Yes, Janet?"
"Mistress, may I spend the night?" Janet asked.
"Yes, Janet," said Erica, "but don't plan on getting any sleep."
Janet jumped into bed, and soon was making love to her Mistress. She buried her face between Erica legs, and her tongue passed between Erica's pussy lips. Janet made certain to excite and pleasure her Mistress, her attentions centering on Erica's clit. She made sure to give her Mistress one orgasm after another. Erica moaned under Janet's attentions. Unlike the previous night, this was enjoyable and satisfying. Erica seemed changed, and happy.
Then Erica ordered Janet onto her back, and unlike the previous night, Janet received pleasure from her Mistress. Janet loved how Erica sucked and tongued her sex, driving her to one climax, then another. But when Erica finally attended to her love bud, Janet moaned and bucked in response.
"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet when they were both finally exhausted.
"You're welcome, Janet."
"I love you, Mistress Erica," said Janet.
"Go to sleep, Janet," Erica ordered, "there will be many more times you will serve me."
Janet dropped off to an exhausted sleep. During the night, she awoke. Looking at her Mistress in the darkness, she saw that Erica was tossing and turning. Erica seemed to be deeply troubled in sleep, the names of Janet and Tiffany escaping her lips.
It wasn't until two nights later, when Janet was alone at home in her bed that she had the sudden premonition that she would never see Mistress Erica again, and she stared at the ceiling until far into the night.
The End of Chapter Six
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