Rokk3r Labs

9 Haiku Decks

10 Awesome Tech & Design Stories

10 Awesome Tech & Design Stories

21 Slides2375 Views

Business, Education, Science and Technology, Events, How To
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10 Awesome Tech & Design Stories

10 Awesome Tech & Design Stories

11 Slides1865 Views1 Haifive

Science and Technology, Business, Education, How To

Sharing 10 must-read stories in the week of May 20th from the worlds of tech, design & human insight! Read about McKinsey & Company's latest report on disruptive technologies, Elmo the engineer (a web series helping to breed a new generation of hackers & makers), and much more. Flip through, and share your comments & story suggestions. We'd love to continue the conversation!

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14 Slides887 Views

Humor, Art and Design, Travel and Lifestyle, Science and Technology, Education, Business

We've curated the best stories from the worlds of startup, design & human insight for the week of May 13th! Learn about 100 thinkers designing for social good, to typographic design patterns and practice, and everything in between! Flip through, and share your comments & story suggestions. We'd love to continue the conversation!

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5 Awesome Startup & Design Stories

5 Awesome Startup & Design Stories

6 Slides1602 Views1 Haifive

Humor, Art and Design, Science and Technology, Business, Education

5 interesting startup, design & human insight stories from the week of May 5th! From DIY space exploration in hacker spaces, to Google's deep learning, and everything in between. Share your thoughts, we'd love to continue the conversation!

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Rewind: Last Weeks Fav's

Rewind: Last Weeks Fav's

8 Slides784 Views

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Map Your Startup New Features!

Map Your Startup New Features!

8 Slides385 Views

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10 Awesome Tech & Design Stories

10 Awesome Tech & Design Stories

11 Slides60 Views

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TED Talk Takeaways

TED Talk Takeaways

8 Slides1470 Views1 Haifive

You have limited time, but there are an unlimited number of TED Talks! We've summarized Daphne Koller's "What we're learning from online education" TED Talk into 5 key points to shed some quick insight. #TEDisAWESOME (Created with Haiku Deck)

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11 Slides204983 Views

Created with Haiku Deck A collection of 10 interesting technology, design & human insight stories from the week of November 26th! From differentiating selling strategies in New York, to Gangnam Style changing Billboard's mentality and everything in between. Share your thoughts, we'd love to continue the conversation!

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