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Camp part three (unfinished)

Camp part three (unfinished)

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Celeste:- "Jonah it isn't your fault, it never was, all the things you did they were never you, he contolled you, turned you into something you're not"

Jonah:- "But.."

Celeste:- "No but's mister, in the end you get to be the hero, you have to finish this, finish of lance for good, protect the camp and protect yourself"

Jonah:- "But you..I..I.."

Celeste:- "I know Jonah and it's too late to do anything, i want you to do one thing for me though, Jonah i want you to be the hero, finish what i started and kill Lance, protect the camp, show Lance that no matter how bad things seem you will never back down and you will keep on fighting till the very end, i want you to promise me you will"

Jonah:- "Celeste.."

Celeste:- "Jonah promise me you will finish this, please, do this for me"

Jonah:- "I..I..promise"

Celeste:- "Thankyou, now i want you to remember something very important, Jonah i love you, you made me the happiest person alive even when we were fighting, the time we spent together was the best moments of my life"

Jonah:- "Celeste.."

Celeste:- "I know Jonah, can i ask one last favour, can you tell me that you love me one last time, it would make this whole thing worthwhile"

Jonah:- "I love you celeste, i promise you that no matter what happens now i will not let your death be in vain, i want you to remember something"

Celeste:- "And what might that be"

Jonah:- "That even in death i will be with you, i will find you and i will save you, i will destroys the earth and the underworld just to get you back"

Celeste:- "No you won't mister, it's my time, you have to let me go"

Jonah:- "I..I can't, i won't"

Celeste:- "Yes you will jonah, if you truly love me you will let me go, it's my time, dying in battle is an honourable death, please remember that"

Jonah:- "But..i love you, i can't lose you like this, not now, not after everything that has happened, i never even got to tell you i am sorry for how i acted back at camp, i never got to apologise for breaking up with you"

Celeste:- "Jonah i forgive you, i always have done and i always will, remember that and remember that none of this was your fault"

Jonah:- "Celeste.."

Celeste:- "Jonah, i want you to listen to me, it wasn't your fault, it was Lance's and to make things right you have to do what is needed, finish what was started, for me"

Jonah:- "I..I..will, for you i will finish this, i will kill lance or die trying"

Celeste:- "Not your time to die mister, kill lance and be the hero"

Jonah:- "I was never the hero though, you was"

Celeste:- "Jonah..come here"

Jonah shuffled closer to celeste, she layed one hand one his face and pulled him to her for a kiss, it was nothing special but to Jonah it seemed like the world had just stopped, the kiss was perfect, he had closed his eye's and let time pass by as he and Celeste shared one last moment of true love, as he opened his eye's he caught a glimpse of a smile from Celeste as she slowly closed her eye's, too late did he realise they would never open again, she had used her last breath to give one last kiss to the guy she truly loved, Jonah just sat there holding Celeste in his arm's, she had thought him and he had killed her just so she could save him, she had forgiven him for everything he had done then she used her last breath to kiss him one last time, he had lost her and it was all his fault, no not his..LANCE's

Jonah:- "LANCE!, i will find you, i will kill you, i will make you suffer for what you did"

Lance:- "You want me then you will have to come and find me"

His voice seemed to be coming from everywhere, Jonah had no clue where he was or how he was going to find him, all's he knew is that when he did then there would be no mercy, Jonah would make sure he suffered, Jonah would give all he had just to make Lance suffer a pain worse than he had just suffered, a broken heart, watching the one person you love more than anything die, knowing the culprit was still alive watching him, knowing Lance had used him and got him to kill Celeste, Jonah would tear the world apart to get the thing he so badly seeked, REVENGE

Jonah:- "I will find you, i will tear this world apart to find you if i have to, when i do you better be ready cause there will be no mercy"

Lance:- "I will be ready Jonah, don't you worry about that, you need to remember one thing though, whatever you do to me will not change the fact that you killed your precious little Celeste"

Before Jonah had the chance to respond Lance appeared infront of him in shadow form, Jonah knew that in his shadow form nothing he did would affect him in the slightest, he had to try though, he picked up his sword and swung at Lance, the sword just passed harmlessely through him as if he wasn't there, which in retrospect he really wasn't, he was just a shadow

Lance:- "Now now, we both know that won't hurt me but this will hurt you"

Before Jonah had a chance to figure out what he meant a wall of shadowy energy lifted him off the ground, flung him up high then seemed to grab him and slam him back down right next to Celeste's body

Lance:- "That was only a taste of what is to come Jonah, i will go for now but i will be back very soon to finish this, i would suggest in the meantime disposing of that perfetic girl's body"

Before Jonah had the chance to respond or even pick himself up off the ground Lance dissapeared leaving Jonah alone with Celeste's body

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