Haiku Deck Superstar

1 Haiku Deck

Bait and Switch Ch. 01

Bait and Switch Ch. 01

1 Slide

It budges slightly more, but still not enough.

I look at my professor, at the way her suit hugs her nice curves, and another thought strikes me. Maybe I can't change an emotion quickly, but can I affect her physically? I decide to throw caution to the wind as she turns back to me, her anger only slightly blunted, due to my efforts, and flip another switch in her, almost sighing when I feel it move easily.

Prof. Frankens's eyes seem to grow larger, as what I had done seems to register to her, but otherwise she shows no reaction. She just continues to stare at me, and I know her crotch is getting wetter, or at least I hope it is, because I felt the switch move. I realize she is still waiting for my answer.

"I promise you, I didn't see anybody turn off the lights, and I am not certain how they turned off." I said, trying to think. It wasn't completely a lie, as I still didn't understand how this new power of mine worked.

She continues to stare at me, but I can still feel the anger switch slowly moving. I decide that emotionless is a poor place to move the switch to, and instead create a switch to horny, wondering just what I might be capable of doing to this mature and beautiful woman. I can immediately feel that the switch in her mind is easier to move, but still not moving fast.

Suddenly I realize that the switch making her pussy wet has turned back off on its own. Can I only use one switch at a time? I wonder, as I turn that one back on, and sense the 'horny' switch start moving again. No, I must be able to do more than one at a time, I figure, but how many?

I easily flip another switch in her, making her nipples hard, and hold back my grin as she starts talking again. "You're a bright student, and I don't want to see you get into any trouble." I can feel her horny switch moving faster now, but I have to keep constant attention on the other two, or they turn themselves back off. "I will ignore what happened today, but I don't want it to happen again." She is fidgeting where she's standing. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

The sudden question distracts me, and I lose my concentration, letting all three switches go. "Me? I..."

"Never mind, I shouldn't have asked" she says to me, giving herself a small shake, and sitting on the edge of her desk.

I immediately recreate all three switches, but the moment is gone. "You may leave now, Mr. Xavier. Have a good night."

Cursing inwardly, I walk out of her office. I had almost had her, I think to myself.

Outside the classroom, I see Gina and Robbie talking across the hallway. Deciding to have my revenge on Robbie for all those years of bullying, I start to switch Gina's anger on, throwing all my frustration behind the effort, and feel it moving slowly as they talk. Pretty soon I see Robbie start to get defensive, as Gina's anger rises. After only a couple minutes, Gina starts yelling, "I'm so sick of the way you act like you're some big tough guy around your friends, but then act all sweet and nice when we're alone!"

Robbie looks around, and sees me watching them. Apparently he decides to take his frustrations out on me, as he stomps over to where I stand.

"You got a problem, nerd?" He demands, and this time I let my smile split my face as I flip a switch in him, and feel it move with ease.

"No, but by your smell," I look down at his crotch, and see a satisfying wet spot growing, "it looks like you really needed to go to the bathroom."

"I--What the!" Turning beet red, Robbie turns away from me, trying to cover the evidence of his loose bladder, and sees Gina staring at him in wonder. "I'll get you for this, nerd!" He screams as he starts running down the hallway, leaving a small puddle behind.

"I'm a geek, dammit!" I yell after him, laughing.

"I can't believe that just happened," A voice says right behind me, and I turn to see Gina's hazel eyes looking into mine. "I've heard you say that before, that you're a geek," she said, and I could feel my mouth go dry. Even a few feet away, her proximity to me is having quite the effect. "What is the difference between a nerd and a geek?"

It takes me a couple of tries to get moisture back into my mouth before I can answer her. "Geeks and nerds are both knowledgeable and fanatical about their interests, but geeks have social skills that nerds and dorks don't."

Gina laughed, and it sounded like music to me. "So what is the difference between dorks and nerds?"

"Dorks aren't as smart as geeks or nerds," I say, a little easier this time.

Gina places her hand on my shoulder, and it feels like lightning erupts from her touch. "Look, I'm sorry about the way he always treats you, he really isn't that bad of a guy, once you get to know him."

I can't help but think of all the years he has bullied me, and just can't see things from her point of view. "I don't think I will need to worry about him much longer," I say, instead of what I am thinking.

"So, if geeks are so smart, I'll bet you can help me out with Prof. Frankens's math class, right?" Gina smiles at me, but I feel a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. I had hoped that she was better than this, but it is the same old game: an attractive woman, appealing to my insecurities, to get me to do their work, promising closeness, but never delivering. It was a game I'd fallen for many times in the past.

The only difference was that in the past, I didn't have my newfound abilities. This time, the game would be different, I decide.

"Sure," I pipe, trying to put on a gullible looking smile. "Why don't you come to my apartment tonight, and we can go over it?"

"Tonight?" Gina says hesitantly. "I have to work tonight, but if you want to come to my place around eight, I should be home." Disappointed that I won't have her in my own domain, I reason that my abilities should work just as well at her place, plus it will give me more time to experiment with my abilities before I go over. She gives me her address, and we part ways.

The walk back to my apartment seems to go by in a blur. Along the way I turn on and off street lights, and even start a car as I walked by it. By the time I arrive home, I know that I can affect anything I can conceive of as a switch, but only within approximately fifty feet of me. Also, if I create a switch, it remains, so that I don't have to recreate it again later.

I continue experimenting, as I plan for this evening. Looking at myself in the mirror, I notice my slightly pale complexion, and thin frame, and wonder... I imagine a switch inside me, to bulk me up and darken my skin a little, but when I go to flip it, nothing happens. I don't feel a switch move, and no changes occur to my body. Why doesn't it work, I ponder, and then I realize that I am trying to switch my reflection. Closing my eyes, I try again, forming the switch in my mind, but again, I'm met with failure. Did my abilities fail me? The lights in my room turning off and back on again disprove that. My only conclusion then is that I am unable to make switches within me.

My door opens, and Dennis walks through uninvited. "Hey dork, I have a girl coming over tonight, so I need you to make yourself scarce."

Frustration fills me, at the way he constantly calls me dork and my inability to affect myself, and I act before thinking. I switch on his intimidation, noting that it requires some effort to do so, and raise my voice as I talk to him. "I've told you, I'm a geek, not a dork. Get it right for once!"

"O-Okay. Sorry," Dennis says, his voice slightly quavering, and I feel guilty for manipulating him like this, but if he would only listen... "You're a geek, I-I get it." He looks at me a little queerly, and then seems to get his confidence back, as I feel the switch I created move back. "Anyway, think you can do something else tonight?"

For a moment I am tempted to stay and screw things up for him, but the thought of Gina recalls me to my other plans. "Yeah, I've got plans with Gina tonight anyway." I try to reply off-handedly.

"Wait, Gina? Robbie Mortensen's Gina? So the rumor about you making him wet himself is true?" Dennis's intimidation switch moves a little on its own, and I can't help but smile. Despite that, I try to act innocent.

"I dunno about that," I hedge. "Gina said she needed help with Prof. Frankens's class, and I said I would."

"Does Robbie know?"

"Do I care?" I retort, surprised by my own confidence.

Dennis lets out a loud guffaw, before slapping me on the back. "You really are a geek, and not a dork," he says as he leaves my room.

The drive to Gina's house is a short one, and I note that I am still a couple minutes early. Doubt about whether she is really playing on my insecurities or not start to assail me, and I wonder if I am doing the right thing. I resolve to not use my ability, unless I find out otherwise. Walking up to her door, I go ahead and knock.

An older woman, probably in her early forties answers the door, and I immediately think I have the wrong place.

"Yes?" She asks, and the voice sounds slightly familiar.

"Um," I say uncertainly, "I'm here to see Gina?"

"Oh, you must be the tutor Gina told me about. Come in." I am able to see the similarities in this older woman and Gina, now that I look at her. They both have blond hair, and slim waists, as well as a few similar facial features. "I'm Gina's mom, Nancy. She just got back from work, and is changing. Why don't you wait in here, and I'll let her know you're here."

Despite myself, I can't help but admire Nancy's small rear as she ascends the stairs. For a moment I consider using my abilities on her, but decide I can always do that later. Tonight I am focused on Gina.

"She'll be ready in a few more minutes; can I get you anything to drink?" Suddenly it dawns on me that if Nancy is home, it will make it difficult to do what I want with Gina. I create a few switches in her mind, and hope she doesn't travel outside of fifty feet from me. I'm not sure if the switch has to be within eyesight or not, but I guess I'll find out. I hadn't planned on Gina still living at home. This only confirms that Gina is only using me. Why else make sure to have this tutoring session where her mother is around?

I realize that Nancy is still waiting for me to answer. "Whatever you have will be fine," I state, moving a switch in her that makes her accept me. It is only a small switch, and barely moves, as it is already mostly flipped on its own. She returns a moment later with some Sprite and a smile. I notice she has the same Hazel eyes as Gina. She really is attractive for her age, I decide.

"Sorry to make you wait," I hear Gina's soft voice at the stairs, and turn to look at her. Her hair is still wet from getting out of the shower, but she seems to have redone her makeup, and her clothes are tight fitting, without being too revealing. She has a sweet innocent looking smile that I have seen many times before. My doubts about her intentions lessen even more, and I start making switches in her immediately.

"You two behave yourselves, now," Nancy sings as I walk up the stairs, and can feel my face turn red.

"Mom!" Gina protests, before turning to me and whispering, "Sorry about that. She thinks I invited you over for more than just tutoring."

"It's okay," I tell her, flipping a switch as I speak, and turning it back off when I stop. "I know how parents can be." Inwardly I smile, knowing that her crotch gets wetter every time I speak.

"She's been kinda funny since dad left," Gina tells me as she opens her bedroom door, and waves me in. "But you don't want to hear about that."

Oh, but I do, I think. If Nancy is single, I could possibly have some fun with her, but I shake the thought off. Tonight is about working with Gina. I notice that she leaves her door open, before she sits at her desk, and brings up her computer screen.

"So what did you want to go over tonight?" I ask, flipping, and un-flipping the switch as I speak. I notice that physical reactions to my switches are a lot easier than emotional ones.

"The chapter we went over last week still has me confused, and I still haven't turned in our assignment from then either." She pauses to look at me for a moment before continuing, "I have a favor to ask."

Here it comes, I think. She's going to ask me to do the work for her. I'm actually a little surprised. Usually they take a little longer before asking, preferring to flirt a little more first. I just nod, expecting the inevitable.

"Do you mind not telling Robbie about this? He tends to get a little jealous, and I'd rather he not know you were over here."

For a second I am stunned, but I recover quickly. That wasn't what I'd expected her to ask. "Sure. Odd about what happened to him today," I say, wanting to speak as much as possible. I notice her cheeks flush slightly every time I talk, and checking her 'horny' switch, I notice that it has moved a little on its own.

"Yeah, I wonder if he is feeling alright." Her 'horny' switch drops a little, and I kick myself mentally for bringing him up. "I tried calling him, but he won't return my calls."

"I'm sure a big guy like Robbie can take care of himself," I reassure her, and then immediately go into the lesson, wanting to change the subject. The more I talk, the wetter I know she is getting, and eventually I notice that her 'hard nipple' switch is stuck to on, and her 'horny' switch steadily moves as well. I lean over her shoulder, as I point out a small correction to her work, and notice her fidgeting in her seat.

"Oh, I'll never get this!" She moans in frustration after about twenty minutes. "It's just too hard." She looks at me for a second, and I don't have to read her mind to know what is coming next. "I just can't seem to concentrate tonight, and this was due last week." She acts like she is hesitating, and then continues, "I hate to ask this, but do you think you could do it for me? I promise to make it up to you..." She trails off as she gives me a shy smile.

She is good! For a moment I had almost forgotten, but her words bring it all back to me. I decide to play along though, just to see how far she is willing to go. "Make it up to me?" I press hard on her 'horny' switch, feeling it move gradually under my pressure. "How?"

Sitting in her chair, she puts her hands on her knees, arms stiff, and somehow manages to shrug and squeeze her ample bosom together at the same time, giving me a great shot of her cleavage. Despite myself, I feel my dick harden even more than it already was from all my previous thoughts about tonight. "I dunno... Did you know my mom actually said you were cute?"

Did she now...? I wonder. Appealing to my ego, and flaunting her body; Gina really was good at this game. "If I do your work for you, how will you learn?" I ask, trying to act innocent, but glancing at her cleavage at the same time. I know it is expected of me.

Gina brings her right hand up to her chest, and lightly runs her fingers across her own cleavage as she speaks. I can easily make out her hardened nipples though her shirt and bra. "You'll continue to tutor me, of course." And you'll continue to want me to do the work for you, of course, I think but don't say. I notice her left hand is now lightly rubbing her thighs. "I wouldn't ask, but with work, and everything else, I just don't think I will be able to get it done, and it is already late. I can't afford to fail any classes, and you're so smart..." I'm still leaning over her, and our faces are pretty close. I lick my lips, and mash hard on her 'horny' switch. The switch violently moves, and for a moment I think I broke the switch, wondering if that was even possible, until Gina moans softly, and mashes her lips to mine.

For a second I am caught off guard, as her tongue frantically beats against my lips, and in a daze I open up to it. Our tongues swirl around each other, and I realize she is shaking. I must have made her orgasm! The comprehension strikes me, and now I am rock hard in my own pants: pants that I feel hands at, fumbling with my belt. I help her, undoing my zipper without breaking the kiss.

Her slender fingers reach in, and draw out my stiff member, and suddenly her face pulls away, leaving my lips feeling barren and naked.

"What the..." Gina gasps, as she looks at me. Her eyes dart from my penis, up to my face and back again. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to--" I quickly find her 'guilt' switch, and start to fight it back to the off position. "I have a boyfriend... I shouldn't..." I continue to manipulate her switches, holding her 'horny' switch on, working 'guilt' down, and pretty soon her eyes are locked solely on my crotch. "I've never seen one so big," she murmurs, licking her lips. I feel her 'guilt' switch try to move, but I hold it firm. "Robbie's is so much smaller, I... I... It's wrong, but oh so big..." 'Guilt' is nearly completely off, and I watch as her hands start to rise to my crotch again. "So big..." she repeats, as her fingers grip my manhood. Her hands aren't able to make it all the way around the base, and I moan as her fingers grip me tighter.

Her eyes dart up to mine for only a moment, before she leans forward, and barely stretches her lips around the bulbous head. Using her grasp on me, she pulls me to her, and I am more than willing to do so, taking a couple of half steps, till I am standing between her legs as she sits in her chair. She starts to make sucking noises, as she tries to get more and more of me into her warm wet mouth. She looks so cute, with her eyes closed, and her lips locked around me, I moan earnestly. I can already feel myself getting close.

"Gina? Is everything okay up there? I thought I heard a noise." Nancy's voice comes calling through the open doorway, and for a second I panic, as my hands grip the back of Gina's head, holding her still. I'm not sure if she heard though, lost in her own lusts as she is and she only continues to suck and slurp on my cock.

I immediately start flipping some of the switches I created in Nancy earlier, noting that her 'concern' switch takes a little effort, but grudgingly moves nonetheless. I also make a quick 'concern' switch for Gina, and make sure it is set to off. "Everything is fine, Nancy," I call out the door, thankful that I don't have to see the switch, to move it, and tweaking her 'acceptance' switch at the same time. Imagining the door as a sideways switch, I gently move it closed.

"Okay. Just lemme know if you kids need anything." I sense Nancy's switches moving away, and sigh in relief.

The panic seems to have reset me, and I look back down at Gina, hungrily gobbling my schlong. I can make out her cleavage, and gently slip my right hand from the back of her head, down her neck, to her chest, between her firm breasts, and then around to her left nipple, under her bra. Gina moans as I start to play with the hard nub, making her blowjob that much greater. She is only able to get a couple inches between her lips, but the way she moves her tongue, around the rim of the head feels fantastic.

I pull my hand out from her shirt, and bend over, grabbing the sides of the garment, and start to tug it up. The sexy blonde pulls off me long enough to pull her shirt off, and then lunges back to my cock. Her lust and hunger drive me wild with my own, and I can't stop the impending orgasm.

"I'm getting close," I whisper, and she only nods, before going wild. Sucking harder, slurping noises rebound around the room, as my climax strikes me. I have to lock my knees, as string after string of jism shoots into Gina's mouth. She suddenly stops sucking, but her moans increase, and it occurs to me that she is having another orgasm. I realize I am mentally mashing down hard on her horny switch, and let up, noting that she starts to recover from her climax as I do so.

She pulls her head away from my crotch, sucking every last drop out of me as she does so, and my slightly shrinking head makes a 'popping' noise as it exits her mouth. She grins up at me, while her hands glide up and down my saliva soaked prick, and I see her suck up a bit of my cum that somehow escaped her soft lips.

"I have never cum from giving head before," she says in awe. "Imagine what else this thing can do..." she tenderly squeezes my cock, and winks at me.

I'm not sure if it is my lessened libido after having just blown one helluva load down her throat or what, but somehow the words were out of my mouth before I could think better of them. "What about Robbie?"

Without missing a beat, or a stroke, she answers me with that beautiful smile still on her face. "Who cares? I'll deal with him later, but right now, I have something better than his tiny prick to deal with."

Before I know it, Gina stands up, and shoves me back to the bed. She then undoes her pants, dropping them to the floor, and I quickly do the same, feeling my own libido start to rise again, as I spy the heart-shaped fuzz that tops her vagina. Reaching behind her back, she unsnaps her bra, finally freeing her two large mons to my hungry gaze. I have to admit that breasts are my biggest fetish; big, small, firm, or flabby, I love them all. Gina's are anything but flabby, and I already know just how firm they are. They stand out proudly from her chest as she walks over to me, crawling on the bed, and slipping my re-hardening penis back into her mouth.

Gina starts to move her body around, till she straddles my face. Her pussy is nearly dripping as I lightly bring the tip of my tongue to it, tasting her for the first time. As my tongue comes into contact with her crotch, she grunts, slamming her wet slit down against my mouth, and I feel her own mouth go down further on my rock hard rod. Shoving my tongue in as far as it can go, I am nearly drinking the juices that are flowing from her.

"My Gawd, I have never been this horny before in my life!" Gina exclaims, and it sounds like she is trying to catch her breath. "I can't wait to get this beast in me." Catching me unawares with her speed, Gina spins around, and soon has my cock at the entrance to her slippery hole. "Take it slow," she tells me, then ignores her own advice as she starts pressing back with her pelvis. After a couple seconds, I feel my head pop past her inner lips, and we both sigh with the connection. She is tight, and I doubt if she is going to be able to take my whole length into her.

I continue to hold still, while Gina firmly grinds her twat down the length of my pole. Every little centimeter seems like a small triumph, as her massaging muscles take me in deeper and deeper. Her delightful breasts are dangling above me, and I lift my head to taste them for the first time. Her right nipple is already hard, as I suck it between my lips, and nibble lightly on it. I must have surprised her with this action, as she suddenly gasps, and I feel myself slide into her a little further. She freezes on top of me, and I can feel her pussy gripping my cock, lubricating it in even more of her juices as she has another small orgasm.

When she finally stops shuddering, she looks between us, and gasps. "Holy shit! How big are you? I've never had one this deep before and there is still half of you out of me! I almost feel like you are splitting me in two."

In answer, I grip an ass cheek in each hand, suck hard on her nipple, and lift my hips slightly, going a bit deeper. Gina grunts with my motion, gripping the back of my head, and pulling me tighter to her breast. She pulls up a little bit, and then slams back down, barely taking any more of me inside her.

I hear the door open, and check to see that I can feel Nancy's switches just outside it. I throw all my weight against Nancy's and Gina's 'concern' switch, making sure they are both fully set to off, and Nancy's 'acceptance' switch is fully on, as she enters the room.

"I thought I would make you two some snacks, while you were up here," the older woman says, standing next to us. Her voice almost seems flat, as she talks.

"Ung," Gina grunts, as she tries and fails again to take more of me into her grasping vagina, "Okay, thanks mom. We'll eat them in a minute."

"You two enjoy, now, and I'll leave you alone." I sense Nancy moving to the door.

"Oh, I am enjoying!" Gina nearly screams, slamming down hard. Her pussy is so tight, it feels like it is trying to strangle my cock, but no matter how hard she tries, she can't seem to get the last few inches inside her. "Damnit! What does it take to get all of you inside me?" She demands.

"Practice," I tell her simply, though the truth is, none of my few girlfriends have ever been able to take my full length. Hungrily, I reattach my mouth to her nipple.

Taking a tighter grip on her ass, I start to move under her with my own rhythm. Pulling out till only my tip is still within her, I dive back in, till my head hits her bottom.

Gina's fingers dig into the back of my scalp, as she starts yelling in the throes of her passion. "Oh, fuck me, you're HUGE! Harder, fuck me harder with that massive cock of yours! Oh, damn, I'm gonna cum aga--" Her hand pulls me away from her teat, as she presses her mouth to mine. The passion and fury of the kiss are enough to set me off again, and I barely pull her off me in time to shoot my second load between our bodies.

We continue to kiss for a few moments, wrapped up in the pleasure of our shared bliss, until Gina pulls away, breathing heavily.

"I've never cum that hard, before!" she exclaims, her cheeks flushed, and her chest still heaving. "But next time, cum inside me; I'm on the pill." She shakes her head, looking at me. "I can't believe a geek could DO that to me."

I can only nod my head and smile, exhaustion nearly overwhelming me.

Gina is the first to get up, and we start to clean up our mutual mess, thankful for the small sandwiches Nancy made, and left for us on Gina's desk.

Gina's mom greets me with a warm smile, but a slightly puzzled look on her face as I leave. I wonder what she is thinking after walking in on her daughter and me screwing?

It isn't until I am driving back to my apartment that I start to wonder what Gina is going to tell Robbie. A small part of me feels bad for taking the jock's girlfriend, but the memories of all the times he has bullied me washes any lingering feelings of guilt away. I'm not worried about retribution from him either. Not any more, at least.

There is no sock on the door as I get to my apartment, and I sigh in relief. I'm completely worn out after today, and am looking forward to getting some sleep.

Ten minutes later, I am crawling into bed, the light off, and my alarm set to 'exterminate' my sleep in the morning.

A bright blue light causes me to sit up in bed in alarm. My heart is pounding as I look around my room, and I can feel the beginnings of terror take hold of me as I see a figure standing by my window. It isn't human, I know. Not with its too long arms, willowy frame, over-large eyes set in a delicate seeming pink face.

"Are you the one?" The simple question from this creature fills me with more dread, than anything else in my life.

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