Haiku Deck Superstar

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Across Eternity: Book 5 - Chapter 7

Across Eternity: Book 5 - Chapter 7

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Valia rushed over and held her, trying to offer comfort.

Carthace watched her crumble and crackled gleefully as Noah approached. Despite seeing the sword in his hand, she grinned wickedly. "Hello, lover," she said, her final words before Noah separated her head from her shoulders. Throughout the room, all the spiders curled up and died. The battle was over, but could it be called a victory?

"Valia, get Shannon out of here. She needs fresh air, and the freed prisoners outside need guidance and organization.

"What about you?"

"I still have a few things to take care of down here. It may take some time, but don’t worry about me." Valia led Shannon away, leaving Noah to his own devices. Once they were gone, he crouched down beside Carthace’s severed head. "Ah, you really were beautiful," he said, brushing aside a lock of her hair.

He then conjured a syringe from his ring and stabbed her through the eye, driving the needle into the center of her brain. He pulled back the plunger, filling it with black liquid. Pure Profane venom, as fresh as it gets. It was such a powerful substance, he was sure he could find a use for it. He then pulled out a rolled cloth and opened it up to reveal several surgical tools, including scalpels, forceps, a bone saw, and other devices for dismantling bodies. He went to work on Carthace’s corpse, harvesting valuable materials. This was a better haul than the wyverns he butchered on Kisara Island.

After he had collected everything of use from her, he set off to scour the palace for any intel on the Profane, anything that might offer insight on their path towards world domination. He also helped himself to various tools and pieces of magical tech that he could use for his own creations.

He finally stepped outside and took a moment to enjoy the sunlight before turning to the next problem. The barren lands surrounding the destroyed prison were filled with liberated captives, all wounded, hungry, and searching desperately for their friends and loved ones. They were free, but the fight for survival had only just begun. They had nothing but the dirty, shredded clothes on their backs, and they were in the heart of autumn.

Looking around, Noah found Shannon sitting on a boulder. She was no longer crying, as her red eyes and puffy face told him she had run out of tears. "Your wounds look pretty bad. Drink this," he said, giving her a potion. She received the bottle with stiff fingers, but didn’t open it. Noah conjured his green cloak and wrapped it around her, then sat down.

"Right now, I’m supposed to be telling you that everything is going to be all right, that you’ll survive this and you aren’t alone, but I’m not going to do that. You don’t have to be strong or hopeful. Go ahead and give in to despair, be as miserable as you want. Unclench your jaw, relax your shoulders, and just let it all wash over you. If you want me to comfort or cheer you up, I will. If you want to wallow and feel sorry for yourself, you go right on ahead. Right now, the only thing that matters in the world is how you feel and how much it hurts."

Shannon collapsed like a felled tree, resting her head on Noah’s lap while staring off into the distance. Noah sat with her and stroked her hair, listening to her intermittent sniffles and weeping.

The trio spent two days trying to help the freed prisoners. Keeping enough fires burning through the night was a herculean task. They scavenged what they could from the prison—weapons, armor, clothes, provisions, but most would rather sit in the wind rather than take shelter in that stony hell. On the third day, the various tribes and clans, each decimated by the Profane’s experiments, went their separate ways.

The nomad groups had cultivated food highways across the countryside, and once they found their ancestral paths, they could begin to rebuild. The other groups, farmers and hunters, set off to rebuild their destroyed villages or find new ones to call home. The Pack had left plenty of ghost towns scattered across the land. Noah gave each group alchemically crafted gems to barter for resources.

Though he didn’t say it, Noah half-expected Shannon to join one of the nomad tribes. They weren’t her kin, but they lived the same lifestyle she was used to. Instead, she remained by his side, but without her usual bright eyes and smile. She was silent and despondent, clinging to him like his shadow. Often, he would feel her tugging on his shirt, afraid of letting him go.

After the freed prisoners departed, Noah returned to the generator room in the prison and made some alterations to the machinery. He typed in the final calculations, then pulled the activation lever and stepped back. Runes lit up throughout the room, and energy bolts filled the air, but an alarm was ringing, unlike before. The generator was compiling a massive reservoir of power, but it wasn’t going anywhere. It was just building, reaching ever closer toward critical mass.

With his job done, Noah turned and fled the palace as fast as he could, hearing the alarms ringing behind him. He got outside and kept sprinting, wanting to get as far away from the facility as possible. Finally, the generator exploded, sending a wave of power surging through the palace and shooting out into the sky like an erupting volcano. The force of the explosion shattered the underground architecture and fractured the bedrock, causing a complete collapse of the entire structure.

Boulders fell from the ceiling in the parasite nursery, rupturing the tanks and killing the beasts as gravity sought to fill the open space. On the surface, buildings were crumbling as the ground fell out from under them, and Noah narrowly escaped through the front gate before the entire facility collapsed in on itself. Never again would the Profane be able to use this place. All the technology and resources vital to their operation were destroyed and buried, forever out of reach, yet that couldn’t undo the damage that had been done.

The trio now began their journey back to Welindar, but without the hurried pace they had used before. Noah still rode on Shannon’s back, but she no longer had it in her heart to gallop. Days passed, and she barely spoke a word.

They made camp on a brisk evening, wanting to build their shelter before the storm clouds overhead released their payload. They combined their tents to keep the rain out and huddled together as the cool drops pelted the mylar. They had bedrolls and blankets to keep warm, but Shannon, lying unresponsive, seemed to suck up all the heat. Valia lay beside her, holding her close.

"I know what it feels like to lose everything. A long time ago, I lived on the island of the dark elves. Our tribe was peaceful, ignored by the outside world and blessed with the bounty of the sea. I remember my mother used to make this delicious bowl of shrimp, rice, and coconut milk, the perfect meal after a day of swimming. I learned how to swim before I learned how to walk." Valia chuckled from the nostalgia, then paused before she continued.

"Then, one day, we noticed a dark cloud on the horizon, growing ever larger, coming from the mountain on a neighboring island. My brother and I sailed out to investigate. I still remember the sight of that great pillar of smoke rising from its peak, painting the sky black. Rivers of molten rock were pouring down its sides like a weeping cyst and putting out clouds of steam as they reached the sea. We kept a safe distance, or we thought we had."

Noah sat beside them, listening to the story.

"The eruption had just about peaked when a deafening explosion went off. I swear, I felt my bones rattle from the intensity and thought the world was ending. The shockwave was so intense that it tossed our boat into the air and shattered it into pieces. My brother and I fell into the water, disoriented and racked with pain, seeing lightning crackling in the black clouds overhead. We surfaced and clung to whatever debris we could find. We looked back to the mountain just in time to see it split in two, fractured by the eruption. Half of the mountain slid into the sea, creating a wave like no other, threatening to pulverize us.

By combining our powers, my brother and I narrowly managed to survive its passing, but the wave didn’t simply fade away into nothing. It crossed the open sea and washed over our home. My brother and I swam back to our island, hoping against hope for survivors, but when we got there… everything was gone. The wave had swept the island clean like a giant broom, leaving barely a single tree standing. We couldn’t even bury anyone. My parents, my friends, my home, it was all erased. All I had left was my brother, and the two of us cried harder than ever in our lives.

I didn’t think I could endure the pain of losing everyone. My heart felt so broken; I couldn’t believe it was somehow still beating. But all that happened a long time ago, and I’m still here after a lifetime of adventures because I wasn’t alone, and neither are you. I know how much it hurts to lose everything, and I know how hard it is to come back from it, but I also know you are strong. Noah?"

Noah paused. "A lot time ago, I was living in a small village with my wife and our three kids. I was a farmer. It was peaceful, a lovely place, until a gang of marauders rode into town and attacked us. The other men and I fought as best as we could, but I got shot in the hip, gut, and shoulder, left barely able to move. The marauders tied up all the children, then built a bonfire in the center of town and tossed them into the flames. You cannot imagine the sound babies make when thrown onto a fire, the way they scream.

We men were strung up, left the suffocate, while the marauders took turns with the women. I spent my final moments kicking at the end of a rope, watching my wife getting gang-raped beside the bonfire where our children were burned alive. Yeah, I know what it’s like to have your heart gouged out and everything taken from you."

It was silent in the tent for several moments, with neither Valia nor Shannon knowing how to respond. Valia had expected him to say something encouraging, or at least tell a less horrific story.

"Your brother, he’s the one you’re trying to find, right?" Shannon whispered, sounding like she was dying of thirst.

"Yes, that’s right. A magic experiment broke his spirit and drove him mad, and for a while, I thought I was going to face the endless ages of time with no one at my side. But then Noah came along and is helping me track him down and return him to the man he once was. I’m not alone, because Noah was there for me, and you aren’t alone, because we are here for you."

"But you’re just going to leave me and go back to Sylphtoria. You said it yourself, eventually we’ll all have to go our separate ways, and when that happens, who will be there for me?"

Noah lay down beside her and caressed her cheek. "We don’t know what the future will bring or where our paths might lead us. The day may come when you find your purpose in life and decide that where we’re going isn’t where you’re supposed to go. You’ll turn to us and say, "I’m staying," "these people need me," "there is good I can do here," or "I think I’ve found where I belong." Going our separate ways doesn’t mean being abandoned; it means finding the place we’re supposed to be and having the strength to walk our own paths. But until such a time comes, you’re with us, and we’re with you, and that’s all that matters."

"We’re taking you with us to see the world, what lies on the other side of the horizon," Valia murmured. "Your old life may be over, but you have a new life with us. You’ll see and experience things you never dreamed of, and learn who you are and what you’re capable of, and we’ll be beside you every step of the way."

Finally, Shannon smiled, and a lone tear of joy fell from her eye. "My Lord, My Lady, thank you. I want to serve you always."

Noah moved closer, sandwiching Shannon between him and Valia, and the three fell asleep, with the storm outside unable to interrupt their serenity. Shannon was in much better spirits in the following days. Though she still mourned her lost tribe, the tragedy was somewhat liberating. Now, she could devote herself entirely to Noah and Valia. The only future that mattered was her future with them, and her loyalty did not go unnoticed.

"I think it’s time to let Shannon into the fold," said Valia, and she and Noah prepared breakfast. Usually, Shannon would insist on doing such things as a proper servant, but Noah’s cooking trounced her pride. She was busy fetching water, giving them a chance to talk.

"How do you mean?" he asked.

"You know how I mean."

"I do, but I want to hear you say it."

Valia sighed but with a smile. "It doesn’t seem right to tell her she’s with us, but to keep her at arm’s length, especially when we know how she feels. I think she deserves… intimate comfort."

"Sounds like you’re whoring me out," Noah teased.

"I’ve decided I don’t mind sharing you with Shannon, she certainly is eager for it."

"And how do you think Elisandra will feel when we return to Sylphtoria with Shannon?"

"When we explain it to Elisandra, I’ll take all responsibility. If she doesn’t accept her as your concubine, well, like I said before, Valon will most certainly be banned from ever returning to Sylphtoria, and I’ll have to remain with him in exile, in which case, I’ll take Shannon with me. Besides, after watching you give it to that spider woman, I’m going to stop pretending that ours is a normal relationship. If history has shown us anything, it’s that women are going to keep falling into your lap. I’m not going to waste energy fighting it, but I do want to implement some rules."

"I’m listening."

Valia got to her feet and stood over him, leaning forward. "First rule: I’m at the top, and Elisandra is a very close second. Any conniving witch that tries to usurp us is getting put in the ground. Shannon knows her place, I like that."

"It’s strangely arousing hearing you talk like that."

"Second rule: You’re not allowed to actively seduce or pursue anyone. If nature takes its course, so be it, but I don’t want to see you giving it a nudge."

"Stay on the receiving end, got it."

"Third rule: for Elisandra and your child’s sake, you can’t get anyone pregnant. You can’t leave an army of unwed mothers scattered across the country, each one waiting for you to come home and take responsibility, and I’ll take drastic measures to make sure that doesn’t happen. Are we clear?"

"You make me sound like a cheating deadbeat, but yes, we’re clear."

"Wonderful! I predict the three of us are going to have a lot of fun together."

After eating breakfast, they resumed their journey. The weather was superb, one last flash of warmth making the trio sweat. Around midday, they slowed to cross a babbling brook. "Oh, the water is nice," said Shannon, splashing through the creek. It was shallow and slow-flowing, letting the sun heat it to a decent temperature.

"Really? Let’s stop then," said Valia. "I think we could all use a chance to bathe. Noah, you still have that spider woman’s scent on you."

"Agreed. I’m pretty ripe."

He and Valia dismounted, and Shannon’s eyes widened as they removed their clothes.

"Shannon, come on, join us," said Valia, standing nude before her.

"Are you sure?" she asked nervously, switching from her centaur form to her humanoid form.

"It’s nothing you haven’t seen before. Besides, you said you want to serve Noah with your body. Let him enjoy the view."

Valia’s words left Shannon shaking from head to toe. Was this really happening? Was Valia giving her the all-clear to act on her burning desires? She had resigned herself to the role of the platonic servant, but it seemed her loyalty was to be rewarded. Still, the idea of undressing left her nervous. She couldn’t hope to compare to an elvish beauty like Valia. However, their smiles encouraged her. She slowly removed her dress and undergarments, standing nude before them. She had modest breasts and a slender figure, but was a feast for the eyes.

"See, you’re beautiful. Noah, don’t you agree?" Valia asked, standing behind her, with her ample endowment pressed against Shannon’s back.

Noah approached confidently, with Shannon blushing like a hot ember and her tail swishing excitedly. "Yeah, very nice," he said as he cupped a warm breast, causing a nervous squeal to slip free.

Noah and Valia returned to the creek to allow Shannon to process everything. If they moved too far too fast, she seemed like she’d faint. Noah pulled out some soap, and the three went to work cleansing themselves of the filth of battle and travel. Though far from a hot bath, the water was pleasant, and they enjoyed the peace. Shannon found it difficult to focus her gaze anywhere but Noah and Valia’s naked bodies. She kneeled in the stream, trying to control her thoughts and emotions, and at that moment, Valia snuck up on her.

"My Lady!" she exclaimed in shock, with Valia holding her arms.

"I recall you saying that you wanted to try serving Noah with your mouth. How about we give that a try? Noah?" He appeared and stood over Shannon, letting his erect cock cast its shadow across her awed face. "Well? Go ahead and show your devotion," Valia purred.

It took Shannon a moment to gather her courage, and then she obediently opened her mouth and swallowed Noah’s member. Despite cleaning himself in the stream, all the soap and creek water in the world couldn’t remove the manly flavor filling Shannon’s senses. The feeling of her virgin mouth being dirtied by her lord’s member was like a sweet drug, instigating her further. She began bobbing her head back and forth, sucking greedily on Noah’s cock the way she always saw Valia do it.

"That’s it, good girl," Noah hummed, resting his hand on her head.

His praise made her ears twitch, and she doubled her efforts to please him. Receiving head from a skilled companion like Valia was always wonderful, but there was something to be said about a first-timer. Shannon’s inexperienced movements, adorable attempts to prove herself, and innocence fading with every drop of saliva falling from her lip tickled Noah’s sense of conquest. He wanted to further dominate her soft mouth, to dirty it forever and mark it as his property.

Beside them, Valia observed Shannon’s sophomoric efforts while biting her lip. She never paid much attention to it when they were with Elisandra, but watching Noah with other women aroused her in a way she couldn’t describe. The idea of sitting on the sidelines and playing spectator used to offend her, but she found she loved a good show once it started. She wasn’t without jealousy, but that jealousy fueled the fire of her lust. If she was going to watch these women fool around with her man, she wanted to see them get thoroughly dominated, and the sweet, innocent Shannon was no exception.

"Don’t you dare go easy on her. She needs this," she growled.

Noah obliged, grabbing Shannon by the sides of her head and shoving his cock deep into her throat. The sudden force made her jerk in response, and her instincts told her to escape, but Valia held her still. Noah skull-fucked her without mercy, hollowing out her throat to become his private toy. Shannon let him have his way with her, regardless of how rough he was. If anything, the power of his thrusts encouraged her. If she could not endure his lust, she was a failure as a servant. Tears streamed from her rolled-back eyes, and saliva dribbled onto her breasts as Noah had his way with her, and she loved every moment of it.

He eventually stopped so they could both catch their breath, pulling out of her and leaving her gasping for air, with several threads of saliva stretching from his pulsing cock to her mouth. "My Lord," she panted, "am I still a good girl?"

"You’re perfect, Shannon." Then he shoved his cock back in her mouth and continued brutalizing her for their shared pleasure. After a couple minutes, he spoke again. "I’m about to cum. You know what that means, right? I want you to catch it all in your mouth. Don’t spill a drop, and don’t swallow until I tell you to, understand?"

There was no way to answer him; she simply let his member rampage in her throat until he finally stopped, and she felt semen fill her mouth. He pulled out of her and lifted her chin. "Show me." She opened her mouth, letting him see the white pool. "Good, now swallow it." After what he had just inflicted on her, the muscles in her throat were exhausted, and the sticky, viscous fluid didn’t go down easy, but she managed to consume it all and then opened her mouth, showing she had obeyed him.

"Thank you for the gift, My Lord."

"From now on, every time I finish in your mouth, we do that routine. Remember, you can’t spill a single drop, and you aren’t allowed to swallow without my permission. Got it?"

"Yes, My Lord. I’ll do whatever you want me to. Use me however you see fit."

"Good. For now, we’ll just focus on training your oral skills. I’ll teach you everything else later. Until then, Valia, I think you’re overdo for some attention."

Valia stood up with a smile. "I worried you had forgotten about me."

"Never. Shannon, would you mind helping me get ready?"

She eyed his member, now flaccid after his release, and nodded happily. "Of course, My Lord." She once more began servicing him, trying to build him back up to full mast. She loved the sensation of it slowly growing in her mouth, for it was proof of her efforts bearing fruit. As she worked, Noah and Valia shared a long, sloppy kiss while Noah stirred his fingers between her legs, finding her already soaked in anticipation.

Once Noah had regained his erection, Valia led him over to a boulder, where she laid back and spread her legs. Noah took her with all the strength and passion she was used to, fucking Valia vigorously and leaving her incapable of controlling her voice. Shannon kneeled beside them, awaiting the chance to serve her lord while enjoying the view. Valia’s magnificent breasts heaving with each thrust was an alluring sight, and Noah’s deep grunts and focused breathing sounded like a ferocious animal smashing its way out of a cage, making Shannon feel so small compared to him, so vulnerable.

Soon, she would be on the receiving end, having her body rocked its core as Noah dominated and subjected her to his explosive libido. Watching the way ripples moved through Valia’s flesh from his thrusts, hearing how she moaned, smelling her arousal mark Noah like perfume, the envy and anticipation drove her wild, but she had to be patient.

In time, Noah stopped and pulled out of Valia, leaving his seed dripping out of her. Shannon quickly closed in, returning Noah’s deflated member to her mouth. The taste of his manly seed and Valia’s elf nectar filled her senses, both salty and sweet. She thoroughly cleaned him, leaving not a bead of cum behind. She eventually released him, again gasping for air.

"Hold on, your job isn’t done yet," Noah said. He spread Valia’s legs, flashing the creampie he had left behind. "I told you, you can’t waste a single drop, right? Valia?"

"Go ahead."

Shannon didn’t say anything; she simply buried her face between Valia’s legs and went to town on her. Valia rolled her head back and panted as Shannon ate her out like she was starving. Her cunnilingus skills paled compared to Noah’s, but an inexperienced girl was special in her own way. After a couple minutes, Shannon pulled back, her face sticky with her lord and lady’s sinful essence.

"Did I do a good job?" she panted.

With warm smiles, Noah and Valia rested their hands on her shoulders. "You were wonderful. I’m glad to have you with us," said Noah, making Shannon smile.

Once again, the leaders of the Profane gathered, and this time, Curcio was on time. If anything, he and Tysinger were early.

"Is it true? Has Carthace been slain?" he asked, standing among the smoke effigies of his compatriots.

"We have been unable to collect her remains, but her prison has been left in ruins. Not a single thread of webbing has been found," said Scyler. "From our reports, a dark elf was witnessed slaying her troops and freeing the prisoners."

"Valia Zodiac, which means the Wandering Spirit was there as well," said Tysinger.

"They’re well beyond being a mere thorn in our side. They’ve completely upended our invasion plan," said the white-haired female ghoul.

"They’ve only postponed it. I was promised an army that would level Uther, and I will not be detoured by excuses." The icy words came from a man at the end of the room, conjured from smoke from the others. He was the only non-Profane among them, a man with long hair and a scar over his eye.

"You would do well to remember who you are talking to, Liege. Your money can’t buy power. It can’t make you any less of a fragile sack of meat," the split-jawed ghoul warned.

"Is that not what I’ve been doing all this time? Funding your operation? Supplying your labs? The venom in your pawns’ veins might as well be melted gold from my coffers. But if you can’t protect your assets or deliver on your promises, perhaps I should look elsewhere."

"Let us not say anything we may regret," said the succubus.

"Calm yourself, Liege," said Curcio. "You’ll get your army, we’ll just have to "look elsewhere," as you say. I’m on the verge of creating a new breed of parasites, one that will make recruiting in large numbers much easier. It will simply take a little preparation. One thing that will be required is control over Welindar."

"Finally," a deep voice growled.

In stepped a towering beastman, wielding a vast arsenal of honed muscles. His absent shirt showed the numerous scars that adorned him from past battles, and how he carried himself spoke of a long trail of victories. He was partially-transformed, with rounded feline ears high on his head and a striped tail swishing behind him. He had white hair and an ambitious gleam in his eyes.

"The Wandering Spirit and the prince have made a mess of Welindar in my absence, no thanks to those defective parasites. It seems I must show the people the natural order of things and remind them that only the mighty are fit to rule."

"You would do well not to mock my work, Kaisen," Curcio grumbled.

"Tch, I agreed to help you under the condition that I would receive a perfected parasite, free of flaws, to help me reach the pinnacle of strength. So far, all I’ve seen are ugly beasts that can do little more than squash small fry. One of your upper-rank is dead, her fortress reduced to dust, killed by the man who escaped your clutches before. Perhaps the Liege is correct, and he and I should look for new partners. Even the Wandering Spirit turned you down because he knew a bad deal when he saw one."

Moving with inhuman speed, Tysinger drew his sword and swung at Kaisen, only for the beastman to catch the blade. His hand was wrapped in mana like a thick glove, protecting his palm and forming scythe-like apparitions extending from his talons.

"Ha! Trying to cut my head off? The Profane truly are a disappointment if that’s the best you could do."

"What makes you think I want to cut your head off? Then you can’t suffer." Tysinger then leaned forward, pushing with seemingly little effort, and Kaisen’s smirk withered as his own strength failed to hold him back. The serrations on Tysinger’s sword cut his palm, and as his blood touched the metal, the blade came alight with crimson mana, burning like flames. "You are little more than arrogant child pretending to be an adult, a foolish beast who thinks that because he stands at the top of a small hill, he rules the world."

"That’s enough, Tysinger. You’ve made your point," said Scyler.

"As you wish," Tysinger replied, sheathing his sword. Kaisen looked at his palm and the blood streaming from the wound.

The tall, lanky ghoul laughed mockingly with his raspy voice. "If you believe yourself to be so powerful, prove it. Conquer Welindar before the Wandering Spirit returns. Try providing results instead of just demanding them."

"Very well, I will devour the prince like a deer and the people will bow to their rightful king. I’ll make the entire city into my throne."

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:






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