Pax Gillilan

4 Haiku Decks

Clean Slate

Clean Slate

16 Slides600 Views

Science and Technology, Business

Warner Bros. recently won a trademark infringement claim on the term "clean slate" used in The Dark Knight Rises. This presentation gives a brief overview of the decision. It was created to accompany a blog post on

Social Media Passwords

Social Media Passwords

14 Slides361 Views

Science and Technology

Washington recently became the seventh state to pass legislation protecting social media logins from employers. This presentation describes the legislation. It was created to accompany a blog post on my website,

Copyright Trolls

Copyright Trolls

10 Slides618 Views1 Haifive


Copyright trolls have taken two fatal blows recently. This presentation quickly describes the rise and fall of two of the most famous copyright trolls, Prenda and Righthaven. The presentation accompanies a blog post on my website,